Feb 2019 - Feb 2020 | UN Trust Fund

In Chile, Corporación Humanas implemented a UN Trust Fund-funded project that brought together groups of migrant women; lesbian, bisexual and transgender women; women living with disabilities; and women living with HIV/AIDS to advocate for a comprehensive law that ends violence against women and girls and under which such violence is recognized not only in the private sphere, but also outside the family context. The bill, which was presented to Congress at the end of the project, reflects the many manifestations of gender-based violence, incorporates provisions of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women a and is aimed at encouraging institutions and regulations to take an intersectional approach to ending violence against women. More than 600 underrepresented women and girls participated in active discussions about what should be in the bill.

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/UN-Inventory/Home/Measures/Support for Legislative Development/Feb 2019 - Feb 2020/UNTF
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UN Inventory Period
In Chile, Corporación Humanas implemented a UN Trust Fund-funded project that brought together groups of migrant women; lesbian, bisexual and transgender women; women living with disabilities; and women living with HIV/AIDS to advocate for a comprehensive law that ends violence against women and girls and under which such violence is recognized not only in the private sphere, but also outside the family context. The bill, which was presented to Congress at the end of the project, reflects the many manifestations of gender-based violence, incorporates provisions of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women a and is aimed at encouraging institutions and regulations to take an intersectional approach to ending violence against women. More than 600 underrepresented women and girls participated in active discussions about what should be in the bill.