National Legislation

Support for Legislative Development
Item ID

Feb 2020 - Sep 2021 | UNDP

UNDP is working closely with national partners to support their legislative development to address gender-based violence, and to support national capacities on access to justice and protection through multi-sectoral support and services.

In Myanmar, UNDP and UN Women have made headways in linking legal aid services to women in villages and IDP camps. UNDP supported with technical inputs for the Prevention of violence against women Bill (PoVAW).

Feb 2020 - Sep 2021 | UN Trust Fund

A project implemented by the Center of Women’s Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina funded by the UN Trust Fund is working to improve protection mechanisms for survivors of intimate partner violence. The grantee worked to create alliances with relevant professionals; adapting during COVID-19 to conduct communication and preparations by telephone and email.

Feb 2020 - Sep 2021 | UNODC

In Mexico, UNODC provided legislative support to promote the harmonization of criminal laws against femicide at the state level.

In Kyrgyzstan, UNODC facilitated amendments to the Criminal Procedural Code to strengthen protection mechanisms for survivors of SGBV.

In South Africa, UNODC provided input for the official review of draft legislation concerning sexual and domestic violence (i.e. the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act Amendment Bill, the Domestic Violence Amendment Bill, and the Criminal Matters Amendment Bill).

Feb 2020 - Sep 2021 | UNFPA

UNFPA works in partnerships with governments to develop legislation that is responsive to the needs of survivors and that is aligned with international laws and human rights standards. UNFPA provides technical, human and financial resources to support the development of national laws and largely engages with governments. By the end of 2020, as much as 96% of UNFPA Country Offices were involved in strengthening national legislation and policy.

Feb 2020 - Sep 2021 | UN Women

UN Women ROAP is supporting several offices that are engaged in legislative review, by contracting and making available experts on VAW legislation. This expert support has provided analysis and suggestions for legislation in the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam in this time period. The legislative review process is ongoing in all three countries.

Feb 2019 - Feb 2020 | UNICEF

Support for Legislative Development Under the Spotlight Initiative, UNICEF worked on Outcome 1 (law and policy) in 5 African countries and 1 Latin American country. For instance, UNICEF Zimbabwe provided technical support for the review of key legislations such as penal code and domestication of protocols. 

Feb 2019 - Feb 2020 | UN Trust Fund

In Chile, Corporación Humanas implemented a UN Trust Fund-funded project that brought together groups of migrant women; lesbian, bisexual and transgender women; women living with disabilities; and women living with HIV/AIDS to advocate for a comprehensive law that ends violence against women and girls and under which such violence is recognized not only in the private sphere, but also outside the family context.

Feb 2019 - Feb 2020 | UNODC

In 2019, UNODC provided technical legislative support/ services to six countries (Algeria, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, India, State of Palestine, Zambia) for drafting legislation on trafficking in persons. This included assessing legislative needs, providing substantive input on draft legislation, providing substantive and technical input and support during legislative drafting workshops and assessing compliance with existing domestic legislation.