Ending Child Marriage and Rescue and Second Chance Education for Girls in Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Tanzania: UN Women through engagement of traditional leaders, CSOs and government departments advocated for ending child marriage, FGM and other harmful practices. Thousands of potential efforts for child marriage were prevented and many marriages that took place were annulled in these countries. For example, in Malawi 41% of the 2871 girls engaged under child marriage interventions in Salima, Dedza and Karonga are now able to claim their right to make vital decisions about their sexual health and well-being, re-enroll into primary and secondary education and reignite prospects of living a life without increased risk of violence, abuse, child marriages, ill health or early death. This was achieved through interventions in school clubs, awareness campaigns, capacity building sessions on GBV/SRHR and business management/entrepreneurship skills. This follows an extensive HeForShe campaign implemented by the Malawi Country Office in collaborations with UNFPA, Ministry of Gender, District Councils, Traditional leaders and HeForShe champions. A total of 4249 early child marriages have been annulled and 2871 number of girls re-enrolled into primary and secondary schools between 2017-2019. In Mozambique, Rapariga Biz is a joint program, implemented in Nampula and Zambezia provinces by UNFPA, UN Women, UNICEF and UNESCO. It aims to improve the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of 1,085,447 girls and young women in Mozambique who live in the provinces of Nampula or Zambezia. These provinces are amongst the ones in the country with highest poverty levels in Mozambique, where women and young girls are burdened with a high level of discrimination and are at high risk of child marriage, early pregnancy, maternal mortality, obstetric fistula, violence and HIV. After training, the girls individually or organized in groups benefited from support (startup kits, tips on their business, etc.) to start their business. Silvia Daniel (22)[2], Albertina Martinho (20), Argentina Arnaldo (21), Telma Mauricio (18) and Neusa Joaquim (18) are some of the beneficiaries which who besides different trainings, that benefitted, they were also selected for poultry farming.In Uganda, The establishment of Nakapiripiriti Satellite Legal Aid Clinic in Karamoja by ULS, supported by UN Women brought happiness to number of widows in accessing legal aid and protection services.The value of intersectionality in understanding violence against women and girlsThis policy brief explores the concept of intersectionality as a tool to analyze and understand the intersection of gender with other inequalities/oppressions (e.g., sexuality, gender identity, ethnicity, indigeneity, immigration status, disability) in the context of violence against women and girls (VAWG). The report examines the impact of intersecting oppressions on the ability of survivors of VAWG to access services and obtain justice, as well as the importance of ‘by and for’ organizations in addressing the needs of marginalized women who face violence. of Sexual Violence Services in the Western Balkans and TurkeyThe Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence - also known as the Istanbul Convention - calls for adequate and accessible specialized support services for victims of sexual violence. However, in the Western Balkans and Turkey, despite the ratification of the Istanbul Convention, these standards have yet to be met. Services for victims of sexual violence are often missing, and where they do exist, they tend to be poorly implemented due to a lack of government funding and support. This mapping report identifies the existing services in the region, examines their implementation, and highlights the gaps in service provision. This publication was produced under the framework of the EU-UN Women regional programme on ending violence against women in the Western Balkans and Turkey, "Implementing Norms, Changing Minds," funded by the European Union.
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In 2019, UNRWA identified and provided protection services to 9858 persons among the Palestine refugees communities in Jordan, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and the West Bank. Among the 9.857, 5.240 were GBV survivors that included 25% girls, 6% boys and 2% persons with disabilities.
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The 2015 DPA Gender Sensitive Political Analysis Framework and a guidance note on drafting gender-relevant provisions in peace agreements addresses conflict-related sexual violence as part of security arrangements. Building on this, in 2019, DPPA conducted a Lessons Learned Study on DPPA Liaison Presences, which integrates gender, youth and human rights considerations. DPPA also prepared a “Standard Operating Procedure Guidance Development” (effective 1 January 2020), which includes gender as a cross-cutting issue to be mainstreamed into draft guidance, in consultation with relevant UN entities/offices.
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Protection and assistance for victims of trafficking and victims of aggravated smuggling are issues addressed in all training and capacity building work concerning trafficking in persons that UNODC undertakes. All UNODC responses, activities and publications on trafficking in persons are gender- and age-responsive, human-rights-based and victim-centred.UNODC manages the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking, which financially supports grass-roots NGOs who provide direct and immediate assistance to victims of trafficking. 90% of projects support victims who are women or girls. Donations are collected from 31 States and 32 private companies. So far, USD 3.5 million have been distributed to 60 NGOs world-wide. Currently, a fourth round of applications is being evaluated by the Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Section (HTMSS) with over 330 NGOs applying for grants between USD 5,000-60,000 each. In Guatemala, as part of the Office’s support to National Civil Police under the Joint UN Global Programme on Essential Services for Women and Girls subject to Violence, UNODC supported the attribution of additional functions to citizen service offices to help better support victims of gender-based violence.
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Protection, Support and Services for Victims/Survivors Under the Spotlight Initiative, UNICEF worked on Outcome 4 (Services) in 8 African countries and 3 Latin American countries. The capacity development of service providers such as multisectoral service organisations, police, judiciary, social workers, schools and health was the major feature of UNICEF’s engagement.
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The UNHCR Global Strategic Priorities report from 2019 for 2018 shows how UNHCR improved support to known survivors of SGBV in 44 situations and maintained the level of support in 39 operations. UNHCR improved data management and analysis of SGBV, which strengthened programming and enhanced services for survivors and those at risk. UNHCR deployed senior-level protection staff to ten emergency operations, covering all L3 emergencies, where they strengthened coordination among partners, ensured access to quality of SGBV services, trained staff, and worked with diverse communities to address SGBV. UNHCR and partners launched mass sensitization and awareness campaigns and conducted targeted trainings for community leaders and influential groups, including youth and men. UNHCR contributed to the finalized UN Assistance Victim Protocol and piloted a one-week training for UNHCR’s security personnel on Gender Inclusion in Security Management which included psychological first aid, sensitive responses to incidents of sexual misconduct. UNHCR also led training for over 800 female colleagues from UNHCR, UN agencies and partner organizations across 17 countries on Woman’s Security Awareness and continued promoting the role of UNHCR’s psychosocial case manager who offers guidance to victims/survivors and witnesses of SH. The organization increased investment in more than 30 countries to strengthen field mechanisms that are available to beneficiaries in order to be able to safely report misconduct including SEA and reinforce the safety and security of survivors of SGBV which also supported referral to services such as health, psychosocial and legal support.
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In Myanmar, WFP engages closely with the Protection Cluster and the Humanitarian Country Team to understand and respond to emerging protection concerns. Considering the protection context and to support a principled and coordinated approach to assistance and do-no-harm, WFP has developed a scenario-based intervention whereby indicators relating to the protection of the affected population and humanitarian access determine the scale and scope of WFP assistance.
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In Venezuela UNAIDS promoted clinical management of rape and together with UNFPA supported trauma sections in clinics to ensure that services are available for victims of rape. In Jamaica UNAIDS is associated Agency of the Spotlight initiative and supports community-led organisations in the response to cases of sexual violence against most marginalised populations.In South Sudan UNAIDS supported the Integration of GBV and HIV services in the 5 one stop GBV centers in the country. Survivors of GBV and the PLHIV benefited from HTS, ART, dignity kits, legal support and counselling services.
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Stars of Hope Society, the only association in Palestine that is managed by women with disabilities for women with disabilities, is using a grant from the UN Trust Fund to improve access to essential, safe and adequate multisectoral services. In the first six months of 2019, the grantee built out its infrastructure of the project and, in particular, on carrying out a context analysis and building capacity. As part of that effort it produced a disability mainstreaming manual and trained 22 representatives of organizations for women with disabilities on ending violence against women and girls. As part of efforts to mainstream disability in data collection on violence, the grantee persuaded the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics to include in its data collection team four female sign language interpreters, one of whom is living with disabilities.
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