United Nations Volunteers
Feb 2017 - Apr 2018
In 2017, UN Volunteers hosted by UN Women supported communications and public advocacy of gender equality among communities.In Togo, the UNV-implemented project Voices Against Violence provided interactive, youth-centred ways for people to talk and learn about relationships and gender equity in a safe and inclusive environment. A total of 500 national volunteer teachers were trained in the principles of respectful and non-violent behaviour. They then delivered the programme in their classes and their communities – multiplying the power of the project by spreading the curriculum to thousands of young Togolese.Partners for Prevention (P4P) was a UNDP, UNFP, UNV and UN Women regional joint programme for the prevention of violence against women and girls in Asia and the Pacific. It focused on the prevention interventions, capacity development and policy advocacy by working on the ground with local volunteers. Volunteers acted as a bridge between the UN, governments and national and regional partners. In 2017, UN Volunteers served as project coordinators with P4P in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Viet Nam.In Afghanistan, UNV supports the Youth-Mullah Gender Volunteer Caravans, through which young Afghan men and women are crafting campaigns and visiting communities in Herat and Balkh provinces to spread their messages of gender equality.
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Applying Social Media Tools for the Prevention of Gender-based Violence: Lessons learned from social media communication campaigns to prevent gender-based violence in India, China and Viet Nam’; was launched and disseminated by P4P in 2013. This resource consolidates learning from the P4P initiative ‘Engaging Young Men through Social Media for the Prevention of Violence against Women’. “Let’s Talk Men 2.0” film series7 launched in India, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka with accompanying tools for...
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Mar 2011 - Feb 2012
The UNV-run Takalm project in Jordan supported women’s empowerment and tackled gender based violence through a community radio shows in the Zarqa region advocating for women’s legal rights. Specific concerns were identified by a women’s community development committee aiming to foster civic engagement in local development while drawing the attention of decision makers to the challenges faced by marginalized groups including women.
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Mar 2011 - Feb 2012
During the 16 Days of Activism Campaign, UN Volunteers carried out a series of initiatives in Bangladesh refugee camps, a reproductive health assistance was set up and worked with medical teams from partner organizations; in Cambodia, more than 28 UN Volunteers have been trained to be able to carry out activities during the campaign; in Sudan, UNV collaborated with UNFPA, civil society organizations, universities, governments and volunteers and joined efforts to fight gender-based violence (GBV)...
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Mar 2011 - Feb 2012
Through support for local organisations in India and Pakistan, UNV engaged boys and men to prevent gender-based violence (GBV) through a network of local and UN Volunteers. The project “Hamqadam – male involvement initiative to address GBV” initiated and sustained behavioural and attitudinal change in boys and men and sensitized them to violence against children and women.
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Mar 2011 - Feb 2012
The Interagency Gender Group (IGG) organized and facilitated a workshop on “masculinities and men responsibilities towards ending violence against women” for 70 participants who were UN volunteers from universities and civil society currently collaborating with the UNV office.
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In Asia-Pacific, the work of the inter-agency initiative “Partners for Prevention” (P4P) was ongoing. Engagingmen.net (www.engagingmen.net) is a website where practitioners can share resources and learn about training opportunities. “Partners for Prevention” (P4P) organized several training sessions to support national social media campaigns in China, India, and Indonesia. Demand Media, a leading online media company and expert in developing social media platforms, provides pro bono support for...
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In Asia Pacific, the Partners for Prevention (P4P) - an inter-agency initiative of UNDP, UNFPA, UNIFEM, now part of UN Women, and UNVs- which works with men and boys to prevent gender-based violence– has developed a comprehensive set of research tools on gender-based violence, including questionnaires, research protocols, and training manuals for the “Gender-based Violence Prevention and Masculinities” Collaborative Research Project for Asia and the Pacific. These tools have been shared with...
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Mar 2009 - Sept 2009
In Egypt, UNV is working with the UN system and the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood (NCCM) to delineate the role of volunteerism in the FGM-Free Village initiative. National UNV volunteers are involved as youth leaders at the village level to raise awareness about the health related consequences of female genital mutilation (FGM), and to advocate against the social pressure on young girls and women. Several villages have made public declarations renouncing FGM.In Sudan, UNV works...
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Jul 2007
The Liberia National Youth Volunteer Service has 67 national volunteers working in health centres, hospitals and schools to promote reconciliation, peace education, gender equity in schools and awareness-raising of it in the health sectors. In one district, the local women’s organization has found major supporters in male national UNV Volunteers (NUNVs); in another, the NUNVs have supported a local programme (“men and women as partners to end violence against women”), and community members...
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