International Organization for Migration
IOM has significantly scaled up advocacy efforts around addressing Gender based violence, the safety of migrant women and girls, alongside enhanced risk mitigation of women and girls affected by conflict and displacement across the contexts we operate. As one example, in 2024 IOM co-authored a joint advocacy report with UNHCR and UNFPA on the risks facing women and girls at risk of being repatriated which outlined clear and actionable policy recommendations for the respective Governments involved and other stakeholders.
Internally, IOM continues to advance the integration of Gender, GBV Risk mitigation, PSEA and safe and ethical handling of disclosures within all relevant institutional Policies, inclusive of Data Protection and Protection Mainstreaming policies.
View MoreIOM has significantly scaled up advocacy efforts around addressing Gender based violence, the safety of migrant women and girls, alongside enhanced risk mitigation of women and girls affected by conflict and displacement across the contexts we operate. As one example, in 2024 IOM co-authored a joint advocacy report with UNHCR and UNFPA on the risks facing women and girls at risk of being repatriated which outlined clear and actionable policy recommendations for the respective Governments involved and other stakeholders.
Internally, IOM continues to advance the integration of Gender, GBV Risk mitigation, PSEA and safe and ethical handling of disclosures within all relevant institutional Policies, inclusive of Data Protection and Protection Mainstreaming policies.
IOM has provided support to national governments in developing legislative frameworks for reparation programs aimed at redressing victims of CRSV in Iraq, Ukraine and Ethiopia. In Iraq, IOM’s support in partnership with the UN Special Representative for Sexual Violence in Conflict Team of Experts was instrumental for adoption of the Yazidi Survivors Law, and corresponding bylaws, framework which provides reparations to women survivors of CRSV perpetrated by ISIS.
View MoreIOM has provided support to national governments in developing legislative frameworks for reparation programs aimed at redressing victims of CRSV in Iraq, Ukraine and Ethiopia. In Iraq, IOM’s support in partnership with the UN Special Representative for Sexual Violence in Conflict Team of Experts was instrumental for adoption of the Yazidi Survivors Law, and corresponding bylaws, framework which provides reparations to women survivors of CRSV perpetrated by ISIS.
IOM continued to be committed and proactive partner of the UN Action Network on Sexual Violence in Conflict, demonstrating its engagement through work on survivor reparations, the intersection of trafficking and CRSV, and, more recently, its intellectual and practical contributions to the nexus between terrorism, CVE, and CRSV. As the key lead within the Network on Reparations for CRSV, IOM played a central role in both civil society and government engagement, particularly in supporting the reintegration of female ex-associate survivors of sexual violence linked to violent extremism. In 2024, IOM contributed to the CRSV Prevention Framework launched by the SRSG, which seeks to enhance structural and operational prevention, including tackling gender inequality as a root cause of sexual violence. Through its Land, Property, and Reparations (LPR) technical unit, IOM also provided governments with specialized training for professionals and promoted non-stigmatizing services to aid survivor rehabilitation. Additionally, IOM reviewed the SG Annual Reports on CRSV, providing critical input on its positioning and contributions to addressing CRSV globally.
View MoreIOM continued to be committed and proactive partner of the UN Action Network on Sexual Violence in Conflict, demonstrating its engagement through work on survivor reparations, the intersection of trafficking and CRSV, and, more recently, its intellectual and practical contributions to the nexus between terrorism, CVE, and CRSV. As the key lead within the Network on Reparations for CRSV, IOM played a central role in both civil society and government engagement, particularly in supporting the reintegration of female ex-associate survivors of sexual violence linked to violent extremism. In 2024, IOM contributed to the CRSV Prevention Framework launched by the SRSG, which seeks to enhance structural and operational prevention, including tackling gender inequality as a root cause of sexual violence. Through its Land, Property, and Reparations (LPR) technical unit, IOM also provided governments with specialized training for professionals and promoted non-stigmatizing services to aid survivor rehabilitation. Additionally, IOM reviewed the SG Annual Reports on CRSV, providing critical input on its positioning and contributions to addressing CRSV globally.
In 2024, IOM continued to pursue key milestones set against commitments made under the Global Call to Action on Protection against GBV in Emergencies 2021-2025 Roadmap. The following milestones were met in 2024:
- A substantial increase of 45% in the number of countries worldwide implementing measures to mitigate gender-based violence (GBV), totaling 58 countries across various regions. These interventions included activities such as structural adaptations, consultations with women and girls, safety audits, and handling GBV disclosure trainings.
- More than eight country missions affected by crisis reported engagement in GBV specialized activities aimed at providing GBV survivors, including survivors of conflicted affected Sexual violence, with timely and vital GBV services that supported their well-being, recovery, and resilience.
IOM provides opportunities for access to financing for organizations and associations that address GBV, including through IOM’s managed Rapid Response Fund (RRF) in humanitarian contexts. Through the RRF, IOM has provided grants to women-led organizations (WLOs) during the onset of newly emerging crises, enabling the delivery of GBV response services in some of the most remote locations. IOM's Director General has committed to scaling up such mechanisms to break down barriers and ensure that WLOs have timely access to funding. IOM has institutionalized many interagency recommendations, including systems to ensure funding can be allocated directly to women-led organizations and local actors. By lifting preexisting administrative barriers, funding provided to one women-led entity in an emergency setting enabled them to co-chair the national GBV coordination mechanism, lead the national strategy, and move beyond consultation to steering priority setting.
View MoreIn 2024, IOM continued to pursue key milestones set against commitments made under the Global Call to Action on Protection against GBV in Emergencies 2021-2025 Roadmap. The following milestones were met in 2024:
- A substantial increase of 45% in the number of countries worldwide implementing measures to mitigate gender-based violence (GBV), totaling 58 countries across various regions. These interventions included activities such as structural adaptations, consultations with women and girls, safety audits, and handling GBV disclosure trainings.
- More than eight country missions affected by crisis reported engagement in GBV specialized activities aimed at providing GBV survivors, including survivors of conflicted affected Sexual violence, with timely and vital GBV services that supported their well-being, recovery, and resilience.
IOM provides opportunities for access to financing for organizations and associations that address GBV, including through IOM’s managed Rapid Response Fund (RRF) in humanitarian contexts. Through the RRF, IOM has provided grants to women-led organizations (WLOs) during the onset of newly emerging crises, enabling the delivery of GBV response services in some of the most remote locations. IOM's Director General has committed to scaling up such mechanisms to break down barriers and ensure that WLOs have timely access to funding. IOM has institutionalized many interagency recommendations, including systems to ensure funding can be allocated directly to women-led organizations and local actors. By lifting preexisting administrative barriers, funding provided to one women-led entity in an emergency setting enabled them to co-chair the national GBV coordination mechanism, lead the national strategy, and move beyond consultation to steering priority setting.
IOM has continued to strengthen GBV programming across diverse operational contexts. IOM conducted 930 capacity-building intiatives for IOM staff, national authorities, and partners to ensure all stakeholders understand how to safely and ethically respond to a disclosure of GBV.
Through coordination calls, capacity-building initiatives, and deployments, IOM has provided technical support to over 40 country missions in 2024. The support included developing and disseminating materials, offering guidance on GBV-specialized programming, supporting protection scale-ups, and resolving complex GBV challenges.
As part of these efforts, IOM also launched an e-course “Introduction to gender-based violence (GBV) in crisis” in 2023 and an upcoming e-course on “Introduction to IOM Intersectional Gender Analysis” is planned in 2025.
Furthermore, IOM reviewed 405 proposals, concept notes, reports, Regional Migrant Response Plans, and Crisis Response Plans from over 70 countries. These reviews ensure alignment with IOM’s institutional standards for addressing GBV, adherence to the Do No Harm principle, and the promotion of gender equality.
View MoreIOM has continued to strengthen GBV programming across diverse operational contexts. IOM conducted 930 capacity-building intiatives for IOM staff, national authorities, and partners to ensure all stakeholders understand how to safely and ethically respond to a disclosure of GBV.
Through coordination calls, capacity-building initiatives, and deployments, IOM has provided technical support to over 40 country missions in 2024. The support included developing and disseminating materials, offering guidance on GBV-specialized programming, supporting protection scale-ups, and resolving complex GBV challenges.
As part of these efforts, IOM also launched an e-course “Introduction to gender-based violence (GBV) in crisis” in 2023 and an upcoming e-course on “Introduction to IOM Intersectional Gender Analysis” is planned in 2025.
Furthermore, IOM reviewed 405 proposals, concept notes, reports, Regional Migrant Response Plans, and Crisis Response Plans from over 70 countries. These reviews ensure alignment with IOM’s institutional standards for addressing GBV, adherence to the Do No Harm principle, and the promotion of gender equality.
IOM participates in the IASC Gender Reference Group (GRG), including providing contributions for the development of the new IASC policy on gender equality and empowerment of women, and associated accountability framework during 2023 and 2024.
IOM is a key and active Core member of the GBV AoR and an active member of the GBV Guidelines Reference Group, contributing to tool development, capacity building, and resource provision to strengthen collective efforts on GBV risk mitigation, prevention and response.
As the co-chair of the Call-to-Action International Organization Working Group (IOWG) alongside UNHCR, IOM continued to advocate for GBV financing and contributed to initiatives engaging over 100 entities committed to strengthening accountability for GBV in emergencies. As a key commitment under the networks workplan, IOM co led the development of a mapping of existing GBV coordination mechanisms across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace nexus. IOM also represents the network in the UN Trust Fund mechanism to ensure alinement between the complimentary work on mapping funding barriers for Women led organizations.
As a member of the UN Transitional Justice Task Force, chaired by the OHCHR, IOM is contributing to promotion and strengthening of tools for redressing victims of grave human rights violations, including survivors of CRSV.
As one of the 2023-2024 ICAT co-chairs, IOM has committed to leading the development of an Issue Brief on Trafficking in Persons and Gender-Based Violence. This effort will be carried out through 2025.
View MoreIOM participates in the IASC Gender Reference Group (GRG), including providing contributions for the development of the new IASC policy on gender equality and empowerment of women, and associated accountability framework during 2023 and 2024.
IOM is a key and active Core member of the GBV AoR and an active member of the GBV Guidelines Reference Group, contributing to tool development, capacity building, and resource provision to strengthen collective efforts on GBV risk mitigation, prevention and response.
As the co-chair of the Call-to-Action International Organization Working Group (IOWG) alongside UNHCR, IOM continued to advocate for GBV financing and contributed to initiatives engaging over 100 entities committed to strengthening accountability for GBV in emergencies. As a key commitment under the networks workplan, IOM co led the development of a mapping of existing GBV coordination mechanisms across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace nexus. IOM also represents the network in the UN Trust Fund mechanism to ensure alinement between the complimentary work on mapping funding barriers for Women led organizations.
As a member of the UN Transitional Justice Task Force, chaired by the OHCHR, IOM is contributing to promotion and strengthening of tools for redressing victims of grave human rights violations, including survivors of CRSV.
As one of the 2023-2024 ICAT co-chairs, IOM has committed to leading the development of an Issue Brief on Trafficking in Persons and Gender-Based Violence. This effort will be carried out through 2025.
IOM developed the Intersectional Gender Analysis (IGA) toolkit in 2024, which aims to provide practical guidance to apply intersectional gender analysis in their work across different contexts and thematic areas. The toolkit includes guidance on safely collecting and utilizing data on violence, exploitation and abuse. IOM is currently piloting the toolkit in Afghanistan, Costa Rica, South Sudan and Ukraine. The piloting involves GBV technical leads in each country office to ensure protection mainstreaming and clear safe referrals of GBV. Moreover, GBV specialists' involvement adds value to reduce risks of overlooking inequalities and of causing harm, as well as to assure upholding human rights for women, girls and vulnerable groups to GBV.
In 2020, IOM global GBV support team and Displacement tracking matrix developed tools, guidance and training to strengthen standards for safe and ethical GBV data collection in emergencies. Since 2021 IOM have been rolling this training out across DTM teams.
In 2023, through the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, IOM developed the study on Gendered Reintegration Experiences and Gender-Sensitive/Responsive/Transformative Approached to Reintegration Assistance. The study examines GBV as it affects women's reintegration and offers recommendations for specialized services for GBV survivors.
In 2023, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, IOM published the Global Report - Mapping and Research to Strengthen Protection and Assistance Measures for Migrants with diverse SOGIESC, highlighting protection risks and vulnerabilities, including GBV, as well as key assistance measures for migrants with diverse SOGIESC.
View MoreIOM developed the Intersectional Gender Analysis (IGA) toolkit in 2024, which aims to provide practical guidance to apply intersectional gender analysis in their work across different contexts and thematic areas. The toolkit includes guidance on safely collecting and utilizing data on violence, exploitation and abuse. IOM is currently piloting the toolkit in Afghanistan, Costa Rica, South Sudan and Ukraine. The piloting involves GBV technical leads in each country office to ensure protection mainstreaming and clear safe referrals of GBV. Moreover, GBV specialists' involvement adds value to reduce risks of overlooking inequalities and of causing harm, as well as to assure upholding human rights for women, girls and vulnerable groups to GBV.
In 2020, IOM global GBV support team and Displacement tracking matrix developed tools, guidance and training to strengthen standards for safe and ethical GBV data collection in emergencies. Since 2021 IOM have been rolling this training out across DTM teams.
In 2023, through the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, IOM developed the study on Gendered Reintegration Experiences and Gender-Sensitive/Responsive/Transformative Approached to Reintegration Assistance. The study examines GBV as it affects women's reintegration and offers recommendations for specialized services for GBV survivors.
In 2023, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, IOM published the Global Report - Mapping and Research to Strengthen Protection and Assistance Measures for Migrants with diverse SOGIESC, highlighting protection risks and vulnerabilities, including GBV, as well as key assistance measures for migrants with diverse SOGIESC.
Amid the increasing reports of violence against women and girls and the critical need for services that support survivors' recovery, IOM has developed the Survivor’s Support Package to strengthen the second pillar of its institutional framework for addressing GBV in crises (GBViC framework), which aims at addressing the consequences of gender-based violence. This resource provides tools and guidance for a holistic and integrated approach to GBV response services, incorporating and aligning key components such as health, mental health, psychosocial support (MHPSS), and other essential services provided by IOM to support survivors’ recovery and well-being. The approach is set to be piloted in 2025 in an IOM mission that has a GBV response ongoing.
View MoreAmid the increasing reports of violence against women and girls and the critical need for services that support survivors' recovery, IOM has developed the Survivor’s Support Package to strengthen the second pillar of its institutional framework for addressing GBV in crises (GBViC framework), which aims at addressing the consequences of gender-based violence. This resource provides tools and guidance for a holistic and integrated approach to GBV response services, incorporating and aligning key components such as health, mental health, psychosocial support (MHPSS), and other essential services provided by IOM to support survivors’ recovery and well-being. The approach is set to be piloted in 2025 in an IOM mission that has a GBV response ongoing.
In 2024, IOM in alignment with institutional commitments made against the 2021-2025 roadmap of the Call to Action to protect against GBV in emergencies, advanced gender equality and the prevention of gender-based violence through our programmatic interventions aimed at protective outcomes. Recognizing that gender inequality and power imbalances lie at the root causes of GBV, IOM has further reinforced the third pillar of the Institutional Framework for Addressing GBV in Crises, which focuses on GBV prevention. This effort has been achieved through a key partnership with Raising Voices enabling IOM to implement the SASA! Together approach, an evidence-based community mobilization methodology that supports communities in creating positive and sustainable changes in social norms that perpetuate violence against women.
The approach has been piloted at both community level and using an institutional strengthening modality by four IOM Country Offices including Bangladesh, South Sudan, Iraq, and Pakistan. In 2024, IOM conducted its second training on SASA! Together, focusing on the critical fundamentals of the “Set Up” and “Start” phases of the methodology. This training equipped IOM staff and partners across 17 countries with the tools and knowledge to implement the structured approach in their respective contexts.
View MoreIn 2024, IOM in alignment with institutional commitments made against the 2021-2025 roadmap of the Call to Action to protect against GBV in emergencies, advanced gender equality and the prevention of gender-based violence through our programmatic interventions aimed at protective outcomes. Recognizing that gender inequality and power imbalances lie at the root causes of GBV, IOM has further reinforced the third pillar of the Institutional Framework for Addressing GBV in Crises, which focuses on GBV prevention. This effort has been achieved through a key partnership with Raising Voices enabling IOM to implement the SASA! Together approach, an evidence-based community mobilization methodology that supports communities in creating positive and sustainable changes in social norms that perpetuate violence against women.
The approach has been piloted at both community level and using an institutional strengthening modality by four IOM Country Offices including Bangladesh, South Sudan, Iraq, and Pakistan. In 2024, IOM conducted its second training on SASA! Together, focusing on the critical fundamentals of the “Set Up” and “Start” phases of the methodology. This training equipped IOM staff and partners across 17 countries with the tools and knowledge to implement the structured approach in their respective contexts