In Afghanistan, with support from the WHO, the Ministry of Public Health is training nearly 7000 health providers and upgrading health facilities in all provinces over the next 5 years to deliver Gender Based Violence services to survivors based on implementation of a national treatment protocol and the WHO clinical handbook for responding to intimate partner violence or sexual violence. In Uganda, health providers in 3 districts were trained based on updated national training guidelines to deliver care and services for GBV to survivors. Similar efforts are underway in India and Namibia.
Item ID
Item Path
/UN-Inventory/Home/Measures/Training and Capacity Building/Mar 2014 - Mar 2016/WHO
UN Agency
UN Measure
UN Inventory Period
In Afghanistan, with support from the WHO, the Ministry of Public Health is training nearly 7000 health providers and upgrading health facilities in all provinces over the next 5 years to deliver Gender Based Violence services to survivors based on implementation of a national treatment protocol and the WHO clinical handbook for responding to intimate partner violence or sexual violence. In Uganda, health providers in 3 districts were trained based on updated national training guidelines...