In 2015, as a follow-up to OCHA’s “Keep Her Safe” commitments, the CERF secretariat incorporated a dedicated self-assessment indicator on whether sexual and gender-based violence has been considered and/or mainstreamed in project design. This data is recorded in the CERF’s Grant Management System Database for tracking and analysis purpose. This marker helps CERF determine the amount of money that goes to GBV-related issues.
Item ID
Item Path
/UN-Inventory/Home/Measures/Measures to Address Sexual Violence in Conflict Situations/Feb 2017 - Apr 2018/OCHA
UN Agency
UN Measure
UN Inventory Period
In 2015, as a follow-up to OCHA’s “Keep Her Safe” commitments, the CERF secretariat incorporated a dedicated self-assessment indicator on whether sexual and gender-based violence has been considered and/or mainstreamed in project design. This data is recorded in the CERF’s Grant Management System Database for tracking and analysis purpose. This marker helps CERF determine the amount of money that goes to GBV-related issues.