Mar 2009 - Sept 2009
UNFPA Madagascar supported centers and legal advice for victims of violence. UNFPA country programmes supported the strengthening of the health sector response to gender-based violence, and reported a higher percentage rate of inclusion of gender-based violence issues in pre- and in-service training of health service providers as compared to 64 per cent in 2007. Working with a number of partners, initiatives included the development of medical kits to treat survivors of gender-based violence in...
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UNFPA Madagascar supported centers and legal advice for victims of violence. UNFPA country programmes supported the strengthening of the health sector response to gender-based violence, and reported a higher percentage rate of inclusion of gender-based violence issues in pre- and in-service training of health service providers as compared to 64 per cent in 2007. Working with a number of partners, initiatives included the development of medical kits to treat survivors of gender-based violence in Guatemala. In Honduras, a model of integrated care for gender-based violence victims was developed and implemented in 26 centers.
Mar 2009 - Sept 2009
UNFPA participated in the March 2009 Rio Global Symposium on Engaging Men and Boys in Achieving Gender Equality; developed a toolkit on Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality and sexual and reproductive health (with Instituto Promundo); developed case studies of Engaging Men and Boys in Gender, Sexuality and reproductive health in Asia and Africa (with ICOMP); and, documented good practices on Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality and HIV and AIDS. UNFPA represented the UN Team in the...
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UNFPA participated in the March 2009 Rio Global Symposium on Engaging Men and Boys in Achieving Gender Equality; developed a toolkit on Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality and sexual and reproductive health (with Instituto Promundo); developed case studies of Engaging Men and Boys in Gender, Sexuality and reproductive health in Asia and Africa (with ICOMP); and, documented good practices on Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality and HIV and AIDS. UNFPA represented the UN Team in the drafting committee of the Rio Call to Action and continues the collaboration with the “Men Engage Alliance” as well as respective partners.UNFPA continued its advocacy work on elimination of violence, abuse and discrimination against women and girls, with a special focus on vulnerable and marginalized groups of women and girls. It collaborated with Help Age International, the Global Action on Aging and the NGO Committee on Ageing in advocating for the implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, and contributed to UNAIDS’s guidance note on HIV and sex work. Other instances of work with such groups includes the new UNFPA-AECID Latin America initiative - “Strengthening Indigenous Women’s Organizations and Health Systems to Promote Maternal Health, with an Intercultural and Human Rights-Based Approach”. In Jamaica, in partnership with the government, UNFPA support the launching of the campaign “Sister to Sister”, using popular icons and messages.During the Commission on the Status of Women, UNFPA hosted various events on the inter-sectionality of HIV/AIDS and violence against women.
Mar 2009 - Sept 2009
In Romania, UNFPA and the National Agency for Family Protection (NAFP) assisted the East European Institute for Reproductive Health (EEIRH) to develop centralized data collection – the Integrated Information System (IIS) - which allows confidential access to gender-based violence services for survivors.
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In Romania, UNFPA and the National Agency for Family Protection (NAFP) assisted the East European Institute for Reproductive Health (EEIRH) to develop centralized data collection – the Integrated Information System (IIS) - which allows confidential access to gender-based violence services for survivors.
UNFPA and WHO jointly hosted a meeting on “Prenatal Sex Selection for Non-Health Reasons” in June 2009 in order to build a common understanding that will lead to the issuance of a joint UN inter-agency statement on the subject.
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UNFPA and WHO jointly hosted a meeting on “Prenatal Sex Selection for Non-Health Reasons” in June 2009 in order to build a common understanding that will lead to the issuance of a joint UN inter-agency statement on the subject.
Mar 2009 - Sept 2009
UN Action continued to finance the Programme Manager for the Joint Government-UN Programme on Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Liberia. The Programme Manager worked to develop management and coordination systems as well as to establish benchmarks to monitor the implementation and impact of the Joint Programme.The recruitment specialist continued to develop a roster of senior and mid-level professionals specialized on gender-based violence and who are available for rapid deployment to...
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UN Action continued to finance the Programme Manager for the Joint Government-UN Programme on Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Liberia. The Programme Manager worked to develop management and coordination systems as well as to establish benchmarks to monitor the implementation and impact of the Joint Programme.The recruitment specialist continued to develop a roster of senior and mid-level professionals specialized on gender-based violence and who are available for rapid deployment to conflict-affected countries.The Comprehensive Strategy to Combat Sexual Violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) developed by UN Action’s Senior Adviser on Sexual Violence in MONUC, DRC, was launched by the UN and the Government of DRC in March 2009 and formally presented to the UN Security Council on 9 April 2009. The Comprehensive Strategy provides a clear framework for addressing sexual violence in the DRC. The Strategy is based on four interlocking pillars: 1) combating impunity for cases of sexual violence; 2) prevention of sexual violence; 3) security sector reform; and 4) multi-sectoral response to improve access of survivors of sexual violence to a wide range of services.In April 2009, UN Action undertook an assessment of the effectiveness of its strategic support to addressing sexual violence in the DRC. The assessment concluded that the UN Action network should continue to provide strategic support to MONUC and the UNCT to help operationalize the Comprehensive Strategy.UN Action continued to develop the Stop Rape Now website ( New web features were developed, including an Updates from the Field page, which showcases UN Action efforts to combat sexual violence in Liberia and the DRC. Significant support was garnered following the posting of a photo of UNIFEM Goodwill Ambassador Nicole Kidman at the StopRapeNow site. UN Action is encouraging all UN member entities to contribute photos of their respective Goodwill Ambassadors. UN Action also created a “Fans of SCR1820” page on Facebook, and a UN Action Twitter page, with links from both sites to the News hub on the StopRapeNow website. As at September 2009, there were over 1,380 fans of SCR 1820 on Facebook.As part of the StopRapeNow campaign, and in conjunction with the NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security, UN Action developed tools on Security Council Resolution 1820, including a poster, notebooks, pins and banner-pens. In order to improve collaboration with NGO partners, UN Action chaired a session on sexual violence during the Consultation with Civil Society on the Secretary-General’s UNiTE Campaign in March 2009.UN Action undertook a number of advocacy events throughout September 2009 to coincide with the presentation of Security Council resolution 1888 on sexual violence in armed conflict, which was adopted unanimously by the Security Council on 30 September 2009.Under the aegis of UN Action, WHO was spearheading efforts to develop a standardized instrument and methodology to collect data on conflict-related sexual violence. UNICEF and WHO were leading a process to develop programmatic benchmarks for measuring progress in preventing and responding to sexual violence.
Mar 2009 - Sept 2009
OHCHR’s country offices in Bolivia, Colombia, Russia and Uganda were part of UN Inter-Agency Groups, working on gender issues in support of national and local authorities, the judiciary and civil society to develop projects proposals, policies and strategies, on combating sexual and gender-based violence.OHCHR’s country office in Guatemala assisted State institutions and, in coordination with the Interagency Group on Women’s Rights, provided technical advice to State officials for the...
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OHCHR’s country offices in Bolivia, Colombia, Russia and Uganda were part of UN Inter-Agency Groups, working on gender issues in support of national and local authorities, the judiciary and civil society to develop projects proposals, policies and strategies, on combating sexual and gender-based violence.OHCHR’s country office in Guatemala assisted State institutions and, in coordination with the Interagency Group on Women’s Rights, provided technical advice to State officials for the elaboration of policies based on international and national human rights standards in order to accelerate and strengthen the implementation of the Law against femicide and other forms of violence.
Mar 2009 - Sept 2009
In 2009, OHCHR in Colombia, in coordination with the OHCHR’s Women ‘s Rights and Gender Unit, undertook several training sessions to strengthen the capacity of the Attorney General’s Office, as well as specialized NGOs, to prosecute crimes of sexual violence in the context of the armed conflict. The project foresees the elaboration of recommendations for a prosecution strategy.
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In 2009, OHCHR in Colombia, in coordination with the OHCHR’s Women ‘s Rights and Gender Unit, undertook several training sessions to strengthen the capacity of the Attorney General’s Office, as well as specialized NGOs, to prosecute crimes of sexual violence in the context of the armed conflict. The project foresees the elaboration of recommendations for a prosecution strategy.
Mar 2009 - Sept 2009
In Sudan, OHCHR’s technical cooperation programme focused on sexual and gender-based violence, including awareness-raising workshops; the implementation of a workplan to combat violence against women through the Unit for Combating Violence against Women of the UNMIS; supporting activities of three Darfur state committees on this issue; and trainings for female police officers, as well as investigative officers of the Family and Child unit. OHCHR, through the Human Rights section of UNAMID,...
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In Sudan, OHCHR’s technical cooperation programme focused on sexual and gender-based violence, including awareness-raising workshops; the implementation of a workplan to combat violence against women through the Unit for Combating Violence against Women of the UNMIS; supporting activities of three Darfur state committees on this issue; and trainings for female police officers, as well as investigative officers of the Family and Child unit. OHCHR, through the Human Rights section of UNAMID, conducted a series of workshops on skill-building for medical doctors, prosecutors, lawyers and midwives, dealing with victims of rape, in El fasher and Nyala. A workshop on human rights and rape counselling was organized for male and female police officers in North Darfur, and for male police investigators in South Darfur. UNAMID Human Rights staff also organized a workshop for the Central Reserve Police in West Darfur on international human rights law and the importance of laws and regulations regarding sexual and gender-based violence in their daily work.
Mar 2009 - Sept 2009
OHCHR arranged trainings of media professionals with regard to gender-based violence. Within the framework of the “Defending and Protecting Women’s Human Rights in Mexico” project, OHCHR organised in Mexico a training programme for journalists on “Human Rights and the Violence against Women in the Media” from 18 to 20 February 2009. In Uganda, OHCHR Teso Region (Soroti) organized a training of media professionals on how to conduct respectful interviews of victims/survivors of gender-based...
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OHCHR arranged trainings of media professionals with regard to gender-based violence. Within the framework of the “Defending and Protecting Women’s Human Rights in Mexico” project, OHCHR organised in Mexico a training programme for journalists on “Human Rights and the Violence against Women in the Media” from 18 to 20 February 2009. In Uganda, OHCHR Teso Region (Soroti) organized a training of media professionals on how to conduct respectful interviews of victims/survivors of gender-based violence and their role to educate communities on gender-based violence as a serious human rights issue.
Mar 2009 - Sept 2009
An OHCHR consultant is implementing the pilot country gender strategy aimed at mainstreaming a gender approach in all of the Office’s programming and activities, including ways to identify and analyze cases of gender-based violence and women’s rights violations.
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An OHCHR consultant is implementing the pilot country gender strategy aimed at mainstreaming a gender approach in all of the Office’s programming and activities, including ways to identify and analyze cases of gender-based violence and women’s rights violations.