Training and Capacity Building
Mar 2011 - Jan 2012
UN Women manages a programme for capacity development for elimination of violence against women (EVAW) practitioners, institutional strengthening for EVAW organisations, knowledge- building and sharing of effective strategies and promising practices.
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UN Women manages a programme for capacity development for elimination of violence against women (EVAW) practitioners, institutional strengthening for EVAW organisations, knowledge- building and sharing of effective strategies and promising practices.
Mar 2011 - Jan 2012
UN Women Virtual Knowledge Centre (VKC) to End Violence against Women conducted its first global technical webinar on Costing the Implementation of Violence against Women Laws and Policies for United Nations and government colleagues undertaking or embarking on similar work.
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UN Women Virtual Knowledge Centre (VKC) to End Violence against Women conducted its first global technical webinar on Costing the Implementation of Violence against Women Laws and Policies for United Nations and government colleagues undertaking or embarking on similar work.
Mar 2011 - Jan 2012
UN Women supported the National Judicial Academy to conduct trainings on gender-based violence, gender equality issues and gender justice to 122 law enforcers/implementers and 99 civil society actors in five districts of Nepal.
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UN Women supported the National Judicial Academy to conduct trainings on gender-based violence, gender equality issues and gender justice to 122 law enforcers/implementers and 99 civil society actors in five districts of Nepal.
Mar 2011 - Jan 2012
In the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), UN Women has trained Police Family Protection Units (FPUs) officers (level I and II) on violence against women (VAW) cases and has supported them in the development of their first strategy, standard operating procedures and minimum guidelines for the establishment of the Units. An initial group of six Palestinian judges have also been targeted in order to support the development of their capacity to deal with VAW cases during trial. Technical support...
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In the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), UN Women has trained Police Family Protection Units (FPUs) officers (level I and II) on violence against women (VAW) cases and has supported them in the development of their first strategy, standard operating procedures and minimum guidelines for the establishment of the Units. An initial group of six Palestinian judges have also been targeted in order to support the development of their capacity to deal with VAW cases during trial. Technical support to the Palestinian Bar Association has also been initiated in order to develop a specialized group of lawyers capable to deal with and legally represent cases of VAW in a gender sensitive manner.
Mar 2011 - Jan 2012
UN Women organised a workshop jointly with the Ministry of Women and Child Development in India (Goa) in September 2011 to strengthen capacity of National Women’s Machineries at State and Central levels on gender and planning, which deliberated on integration of trafficking, gender biased sex-selection and violence against women in development planning.
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UN Women organised a workshop jointly with the Ministry of Women and Child Development in India (Goa) in September 2011 to strengthen capacity of National Women’s Machineries at State and Central levels on gender and planning, which deliberated on integration of trafficking, gender biased sex-selection and violence against women in development planning.
Mar 2011 - Jan 2012
UNICEF revised its Child Protection in Emergencies (CPiE) Face to Face training to improve the stand-alone modules on gender based violence (GBV) and sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and included a new stand-alone module on Gender and CPiE. In July 2011, with support from the Danish Refugee Council, UNICEF organized a 5-day course on GBV programing in emergencies for 30 participants to improve GBV technical expertise of its surge capacity mainly through stand-by partners. UNICEF has also...
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UNICEF revised its Child Protection in Emergencies (CPiE) Face to Face training to improve the stand-alone modules on gender based violence (GBV) and sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and included a new stand-alone module on Gender and CPiE. In July 2011, with support from the Danish Refugee Council, UNICEF organized a 5-day course on GBV programing in emergencies for 30 participants to improve GBV technical expertise of its surge capacity mainly through stand-by partners. UNICEF has also developed dedicated learning material on Caring for Child Survivors and organized a five-day course from 23 to 27 January 2012 aimed at equipping UNICEF and implementing partner staff with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement high quality case management and psychosocial care for child survivors of sexual abuse.
Mar 2011 - Jan 2012
Following the programme support provided in 2011 by UNFPA to the Institute for Development Studies (IDS), a curriculum based on the work in the 3 countries (India, Kenya and Uganda) has been developed by UNFPA in collaboration with IDS in 2011 and will be rolled out over 2012.
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Following the programme support provided in 2011 by UNFPA to the Institute for Development Studies (IDS), a curriculum based on the work in the 3 countries (India, Kenya and Uganda) has been developed by UNFPA in collaboration with IDS in 2011 and will be rolled out over 2012.
Mar 2011 - Jan 2012
OHCHR has undertaken a joint initiative with UNFPA and the University “Centro Americana José Simeón Cañas” in El Salvador to create a certificated training course on “Attention and Investigation of Gender-based Violence” for professionals in the justice, security and health sectors.
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OHCHR has undertaken a joint initiative with UNFPA and the University “Centro Americana José Simeón Cañas” in El Salvador to create a certificated training course on “Attention and Investigation of Gender-based Violence” for professionals in the justice, security and health sectors.
Mar 2011 - Jan 2012
OHCHR conducted a training course for law enforcement officials from Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates on the Commentary on the Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights and Human Trafficking with capacity building activities.
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OHCHR conducted a training course for law enforcement officials from Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates on the Commentary on the Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights and Human Trafficking with capacity building activities.
Mar 2011 - Jan 2012
During the period March 2011 to June 2011, the UNODC Regional Office for Southern Africa organized, together with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat and the Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organization (SARPCCO), a 5-day national training workshop, like in November 2010, on the development of effective law enforcement responses to violence against women for law enforcement officials in Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and...
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During the period March 2011 to June 2011, the UNODC Regional Office for Southern Africa organized, together with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat and the Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organization (SARPCCO), a 5-day national training workshop, like in November 2010, on the development of effective law enforcement responses to violence against women for law enforcement officials in Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe during which a total of 138 law enforcement officers were trained. Furthermore, the Office developed and published contextualized national pocket book versions of the “UNODC Handbook for Effective Police Responses to Violence against Women” and its accompanying “Training Curriculum on Effective Police Responses to Violence against Women” for each of the above countries.