United Nations Development Programme
In December 2010, UNDP and UN Women organized a workshop in Kampala, attended by several experts on transitional justice issues and reparation, focusing also on gender, with the objective to initiate a more integrated UN approach to reparations.
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In December 2010, UNDP and UN Women organized a workshop in Kampala, attended by several experts on transitional justice issues and reparation, focusing also on gender, with the objective to initiate a more integrated UN approach to reparations.
In Asia-Pacific, the work of the inter-agency initiative “Partners for Prevention” (P4P) was ongoing. Engagingmen.net (www.engagingmen.net) is a website where practitioners can share resources and learn about training opportunities. “Partners for Prevention” (P4P) organized several training sessions to support national social media campaigns in China, India, and Indonesia. Demand Media, a leading online media company and expert in developing social media platforms, provides pro bono support for...
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In Asia-Pacific, the work of the inter-agency initiative “Partners for Prevention” (P4P) was ongoing. Engagingmen.net (www.engagingmen.net) is a website where practitioners can share resources and learn about training opportunities. “Partners for Prevention” (P4P) organized several training sessions to support national social media campaigns in China, India, and Indonesia. Demand Media, a leading online media company and expert in developing social media platforms, provides pro bono support for the national campaigns. In December 2010, P4P organized a meeting with various stakeholders from Cambodia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Fiji, the Philippines and Vietnam, who work to engage boys and men for ending violence against women. The participants agreed to work together to develop regional curricula and a collective approach for knowledge creation and sharing across the region.In December 2010, the Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD) “Standing Committee of Male Parliamentarians for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Children” met in Port Macquarie, Australia, where male parliamentarians from 13 countries signed a pledge to take action in their own countries and to stand together as a collective group to advocate for more actions for violence prevention among their peers. “Partners for Prevention” is supporting the Standing Committee of Male Parliamentarians as a collaborative partner with AFPPD and UNFPA. “Partners for Prevention” and AFPPD are conducting research on the challenges that parliamentarians face in moving prevention policy forward, and on ways to support them in their role in preventing violence.
UNDP and UNESCO supported the Gender Studies Institute (GSI) based at the Kabul University in Afghanistan to conduct a multi-province research on the nature and forms of gender-based violence within educational institutions in Afghanistan. The research was conducted in 2009 in three Afghan Universities (Kabul, Mazar, and Herat): (http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0018/001899/189969e.pdf).The findings and recommendations of the research were presented in October 2010 during an advocacy workshop...
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UNDP and UNESCO supported the Gender Studies Institute (GSI) based at the Kabul University in Afghanistan to conduct a multi-province research on the nature and forms of gender-based violence within educational institutions in Afghanistan. The research was conducted in 2009 in three Afghan Universities (Kabul, Mazar, and Herat): (http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0018/001899/189969e.pdf).The findings and recommendations of the research were presented in October 2010 during an advocacy workshop with the Gender Studies Institute, the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health. The objective of the workshop was to raise awareness on gender-based violence among stakeholders and to adopt a Declaration with concrete recommendations to address gender-based violence.
Oct 2010 - Feb 2011
In Argentina, UNDP collaborates with national women’s organizations to help the effective implementation of the new law on the prevention and elimination of violence against women, the launching of a VAW Observatory, the development of local centres, and the training of local women on issues related to violence against women.In Papua New Guinea, UNDP was engaged with three national women’s organizations to conduct capacity assessments of the organizations themselves, using the Capacity...
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In Argentina, UNDP collaborates with national women’s organizations to help the effective implementation of the new law on the prevention and elimination of violence against women, the launching of a VAW Observatory, the development of local centres, and the training of local women on issues related to violence against women.In Papua New Guinea, UNDP was engaged with three national women’s organizations to conduct capacity assessments of the organizations themselves, using the Capacity Assessment Framework for Gender Mainstreaming. For the “Office for the Development of Women”, the engagement looked at its capacity in developing and monitoring the implementation of national policies to protect women from domestic violence. The engagement also included capacity development to support the development and implementation of strategies and action plans on violence against women of the three women’s organizations.Via the UN Gender Theme Group, UNDP Myanmar provided inputs into the National Action Plan on the Advancement of Women being prepared by the Ministry of Social Welfare, which may be submitted for cabinet approval in the beginning of 2011.
Oct 2010 - Feb 2011
In Guinea Conakry, UNDP partnered with several stakeholders and coordinated the development of “Standard Operational Procedures” on assistance for survivors of sexual violence and of a referral system. UNDP supports a women’s network to provide legal aid, and information to survivors of gender-based violence.
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In Guinea Conakry, UNDP partnered with several stakeholders and coordinated the development of “Standard Operational Procedures” on assistance for survivors of sexual violence and of a referral system. UNDP supports a women’s network to provide legal aid, and information to survivors of gender-based violence.
Oct 2010 - Feb 2011
In FYR Macedonia, survivors of domestic violence were supported by UNDP to start their own businesses or to be employed in the private sector through subsidized employment.
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In FYR Macedonia, survivors of domestic violence were supported by UNDP to start their own businesses or to be employed in the private sector through subsidized employment.
Oct 2010 - Feb 2011
UNDP, through Capacity Assessement Framework for Gender Mainstreaming, has engaged gender focal points in Indonesia to strengthen their knowledge and skills to raise awareness on violence against women. In Papua New Guinea, UNDP has worked with the National Council of Women, an umbrella non-governmental organisation, to strengthen their awareness-raising and advocacy capacities on violence against women at the provincial and local levels.
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UNDP, through Capacity Assessement Framework for Gender Mainstreaming, has engaged gender focal points in Indonesia to strengthen their knowledge and skills to raise awareness on violence against women. In Papua New Guinea, UNDP has worked with the National Council of Women, an umbrella non-governmental organisation, to strengthen their awareness-raising and advocacy capacities on violence against women at the provincial and local levels.
Oct 2010 - Feb 2011
In Sri Lanka, UNDP’s “Equal Access to Justice” project has undertaken a series of workshops targeting community-based organizations in plantation areas, in order to strengthen the support networks for survivors of gender-based violence at the local level. In these workshops several issues related sexual gender-based and domestic violence were discussed.
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In Sri Lanka, UNDP’s “Equal Access to Justice” project has undertaken a series of workshops targeting community-based organizations in plantation areas, in order to strengthen the support networks for survivors of gender-based violence at the local level. In these workshops several issues related sexual gender-based and domestic violence were discussed.
Oct 2010 - Feb 2011
In Sri Lanka, UNDP’s “Equal Access to Justice” project launched its “Community Legal Empowerment for Women” project in November 2010. The project targets also men and includes initiatives, such as legal awareness workshops, which address prevention and response mechanisms related to sexual gender-based violence; benefits of formally registering marriages. The workshops also seek to build effective referral pathways for those who are interested in accessing the projects. Two programs of training...
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In Sri Lanka, UNDP’s “Equal Access to Justice” project launched its “Community Legal Empowerment for Women” project in November 2010. The project targets also men and includes initiatives, such as legal awareness workshops, which address prevention and response mechanisms related to sexual gender-based violence; benefits of formally registering marriages. The workshops also seek to build effective referral pathways for those who are interested in accessing the projects. Two programs of training of trainers have already been conducted.
Oct 2010 - Feb 2011
UNDP Argentina coordinated inter-agency efforts to organise a workshop for journalists, aimed at raising awareness about violence against women and enhance gender-sensitive media coverage on the topic.
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UNDP Argentina coordinated inter-agency efforts to organise a workshop for journalists, aimed at raising awareness about violence against women and enhance gender-sensitive media coverage on the topic.