United Nations Population Fund
Mar 2011 - Jan 2012
In October 2011, UNFPA held the global meeting in Viet Nam on “Skewed sex ratios and why we care the way forward” in collaboration with the Viet Nam UNCT and the Government of Viet Nam with the objectives of: 1) taking stock of emerging trends/state of the art relating to new geographical pockets of skewed sex ratios and subsequently determining strategies for south-south cooperation, especially since some countries, like in the Caucasus, are demonstrating an emerging trend in terms of an...
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In October 2011, UNFPA held the global meeting in Viet Nam on “Skewed sex ratios and why we care the way forward” in collaboration with the Viet Nam UNCT and the Government of Viet Nam with the objectives of: 1) taking stock of emerging trends/state of the art relating to new geographical pockets of skewed sex ratios and subsequently determining strategies for south-south cooperation, especially since some countries, like in the Caucasus, are demonstrating an emerging trend in terms of an imbalanced sex ratio at birth and since other countries like Viet Nam and India have demonstrated some good practices in working with national counterparts to address the issue; and 2) sharing UNFPA and other stakeholders’ experiences on policy development and programming on this issue.
UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) supported passage of laws criminalizing FGM/C in Kenya and Guinea-Bissau.
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UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) supported passage of laws criminalizing FGM/C in Kenya and Guinea-Bissau.
Mar 2011 - Jan 2012
UNFPA continued to provide support to the Kofi Annan Peace Institute in Ghana to develop capacities of grassroots women to implement Security Council resolution 1325 components in select African countries. The training curriculum on women, peace and security for the African region was developed over 2011 and will be rolled out over 2012.
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UNFPA continued to provide support to the Kofi Annan Peace Institute in Ghana to develop capacities of grassroots women to implement Security Council resolution 1325 components in select African countries. The training curriculum on women, peace and security for the African region was developed over 2011 and will be rolled out over 2012.
Mar 2011 - Jan 2012
Three films on gender-based violence and the impacts of war on women were made in Afghanistan, Guatemala and Iraq and the films were broadcasted globally via various TV channels. UNFPA interventions in these countries on addressing the issue were focused on in each film.
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Three films on gender-based violence and the impacts of war on women were made in Afghanistan, Guatemala and Iraq and the films were broadcasted globally via various TV channels. UNFPA interventions in these countries on addressing the issue were focused on in each film.
Mar 2011 - Jan 2012
In November 2011, based on the recommendations of “The UNAIDS Action for Results: Outcomes Framework 2009-2011”, a multi-stakeholder meeting was held in Istanbul. UNFPA, in collaboration with UNDP, UNWOMEN, WHO, UNICEF, UNHCR and the MenEngage Alliance (Sonke Gender Justice and the Athena Network) and in close collaboration with the Interagency Working Group on Women, Girls, Gender Equality and HIV, will support select pilot countries for roll-out of policy development work in 2012 as identified...
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In November 2011, based on the recommendations of “The UNAIDS Action for Results: Outcomes Framework 2009-2011”, a multi-stakeholder meeting was held in Istanbul. UNFPA, in collaboration with UNDP, UNWOMEN, WHO, UNICEF, UNHCR and the MenEngage Alliance (Sonke Gender Justice and the Athena Network) and in close collaboration with the Interagency Working Group on Women, Girls, Gender Equality and HIV, will support select pilot countries for roll-out of policy development work in 2012 as identified in the Istanbul meeting.
Mar 2011 - Jan 2012
UNFPA developed and rolled out the compendium of case studies on engaging men and boys in gender equality and gender-based violence programmes in Africa and Asia.
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UNFPA developed and rolled out the compendium of case studies on engaging men and boys in gender equality and gender-based violence programmes in Africa and Asia.
Mar 2011 - Jan 2012
The development of an e-learning course to address gender-based violence issues in humanitarian settings was developed and rolled out; the course covers a broad swath of other issues under the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) agenda. To access the e-learning course, visit: https://extranet.unfpa.org/Apps/GBVinEmergencies/index.html
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The development of an e-learning course to address gender-based violence issues in humanitarian settings was developed and rolled out; the course covers a broad swath of other issues under the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) agenda. To access the e-learning course, visit: https://extranet.unfpa.org/Apps/GBVinEmergencies/index.html
Mar 2011 - Jan 2012
Following UNFPA’s technical and funding support to the Nepalese government, the National Action Plan on SCR 1325 was publicly released during the 2011 CSW in New York.
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Following UNFPA’s technical and funding support to the Nepalese government, the National Action Plan on SCR 1325 was publicly released during the 2011 CSW in New York.
A dedicated website for the Gender-Based Violence Information Management Sytem (GBVIMS) was launched (www.gbvims.org) and a Training of Trainers curriculum was developed to expand the roll-out process. Lessons learned on ethical data collection through the GBVIMS are particularly relevant to inform the implementation of the Monitoring Analyses and Reporting Arrangements (MARA, SCR 1960).
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A dedicated website for the Gender-Based Violence Information Management Sytem (GBVIMS) was launched (www.gbvims.org) and a Training of Trainers curriculum was developed to expand the roll-out process. Lessons learned on ethical data collection through the GBVIMS are particularly relevant to inform the implementation of the Monitoring Analyses and Reporting Arrangements (MARA, SCR 1960).
Mar 2011 - Jan 2012
In its fifth year, the Ghent Gender-based Violence Course in humanitarian settings conducted by UNFPA in collaboration with Ghent University attracted 120 participants. The course was designed to improve knowledge, understanding, and communication skills to effectively prevent and respond to gender-based violence (GBV) in humanitarian settings, and to build capacity to coordinate multi-sectoral responses to GBV in humanitarian settings. A course curriculum has been drafted, tested, and revised...
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In its fifth year, the Ghent Gender-based Violence Course in humanitarian settings conducted by UNFPA in collaboration with Ghent University attracted 120 participants. The course was designed to improve knowledge, understanding, and communication skills to effectively prevent and respond to gender-based violence (GBV) in humanitarian settings, and to build capacity to coordinate multi-sectoral responses to GBV in humanitarian settings. A course curriculum has been drafted, tested, and revised over time, based on the evaluations and opinions of course team members, guest faculty, experts and the participants themselves.