United Nations Population Fund
In Asia-Pacific, the work of the inter-agency initiative “Partners for Prevention” (P4P) was ongoing. Engagingmen.net (www.engagingmen.net) is a website where practitioners can share resources and learn about training opportunities. “Partners for Prevention” (P4P) organized several training sessions to support national social media campaigns in China, India, and Indonesia. Demand Media, a leading online media company and expert in developing social media platforms, provides pro bono support for...
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In Asia-Pacific, the work of the inter-agency initiative “Partners for Prevention” (P4P) was ongoing. Engagingmen.net (www.engagingmen.net) is a website where practitioners can share resources and learn about training opportunities. “Partners for Prevention” (P4P) organized several training sessions to support national social media campaigns in China, India, and Indonesia. Demand Media, a leading online media company and expert in developing social media platforms, provides pro bono support for the national campaigns. In December 2010, P4P organized a meeting with various stakeholders from Cambodia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Fiji, the Philippines and Vietnam, who work to engage boys and men for ending violence against women. The participants agreed to work together to develop regional curricula and a collective approach for knowledge creation and sharing across the region.In December 2010, the Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD) “Standing Committee of Male Parliamentarians for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Children” met in Port Macquarie, Australia, where male parliamentarians from 13 countries signed a pledge to take action in their own countries and to stand together as a collective group to advocate for more actions for violence prevention among their peers. “Partners for Prevention” is supporting the Standing Committee of Male Parliamentarians as a collaborative partner with AFPPD and UNFPA. “Partners for Prevention” and AFPPD are conducting research on the challenges that parliamentarians face in moving prevention policy forward, and on ways to support them in their role in preventing violence.
Oct 2010 - Feb 2011
UNFPA in collaboration with UNIFEM and UNESCAP organised a capacity development workshop in Thailand in October 2010 aimed at helping 11 country offices in the Asia-Pacific region understand SCR 1325. This workshop also launched the Asia-Pacific technical platform on SCR 1325, the purpose of which is to provide technical assistance to countries in the region on the development of National Action Plans on SCR 1325.
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UNFPA in collaboration with UNIFEM and UNESCAP organised a capacity development workshop in Thailand in October 2010 aimed at helping 11 country offices in the Asia-Pacific region understand SCR 1325. This workshop also launched the Asia-Pacific technical platform on SCR 1325, the purpose of which is to provide technical assistance to countries in the region on the development of National Action Plans on SCR 1325.
Oct 2010 - Feb 2011
A short film that showcases the Inter-agency joint programming initiative on Violence Against Women in the 10 pilot countries was developed and released during the global consultation on “Delivering as One on Addressing Violence Against Women: From Intent to Action”, organised by UNFPA. The movie “Senegal: Beyond Tradition” that focuses on FGM/C prevention has been developed by UNFPA for broadcast on television networks around the world (including CNN, BBC Arabic, France 24, Denmark 4 and 55...
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A short film that showcases the Inter-agency joint programming initiative on Violence Against Women in the 10 pilot countries was developed and released during the global consultation on “Delivering as One on Addressing Violence Against Women: From Intent to Action”, organised by UNFPA. The movie “Senegal: Beyond Tradition” that focuses on FGM/C prevention has been developed by UNFPA for broadcast on television networks around the world (including CNN, BBC Arabic, France 24, Denmark 4 and 55 other international networks). Moreover, almost all of the 142 country offices of UNFPA that has a country programme on addressing gender-based violence or on violence against girls have an awareness and advocacy component in-built in the programmatic interventions.
Oct 2010 - Feb 2011
UNFPA provided technical and funding support to the Nepal government to develop the National Action Plan on SCR 1325. UNRWA is participating in UNHCR’s (Jordan and Syria) Sexual Gender-Based Violence coordination meeting.
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UNFPA provided technical and funding support to the Nepal government to develop the National Action Plan on SCR 1325. UNRWA is participating in UNHCR’s (Jordan and Syria) Sexual Gender-Based Violence coordination meeting.
Oct 2010 - Feb 2011
Almost all of the 142 country offices of UNFPA have a country programme on addressing gender-based violence or on violence against girls. UNFPA is leading the efforts of the Gender-based Violence cluster to address gender-based violence in Haiti.
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Almost all of the 142 country offices of UNFPA have a country programme on addressing gender-based violence or on violence against girls. UNFPA is leading the efforts of the Gender-based Violence cluster to address gender-based violence in Haiti.
Oct 2010 - Feb 2011
UNFPA has developed a draft strategy on gender-based Violence for the Latin America and Caribbean region via a workshop held in Guatemala in September 2010. The sub-regional strategy – with a focus on sexual violence – will aim to provide guidance to UNFPA country offices and partners in the region to develop a comprehensive response to addressing sexual violence.
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UNFPA has developed a draft strategy on gender-based Violence for the Latin America and Caribbean region via a workshop held in Guatemala in September 2010. The sub-regional strategy – with a focus on sexual violence – will aim to provide guidance to UNFPA country offices and partners in the region to develop a comprehensive response to addressing sexual violence.
Oct 2010 - Feb 2011
In the context of the emergence of UN Women, UNFPA worked to clarify for its staff comparative advantage and value-added areas, where UNFPA mandates will support UN efforts to transform gender relations, end gender-based violence and harmful practices and ensure that legislative frameworks are strengthened and implemented. The UNFPA Gender and Gender-based Violence Advisers participated in capacity building and strategic planning meetings. Capacity development strategies were aimed at policy and...
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In the context of the emergence of UN Women, UNFPA worked to clarify for its staff comparative advantage and value-added areas, where UNFPA mandates will support UN efforts to transform gender relations, end gender-based violence and harmful practices and ensure that legislative frameworks are strengthened and implemented. The UNFPA Gender and Gender-based Violence Advisers participated in capacity building and strategic planning meetings. Capacity development strategies were aimed at policy and institutional levels and at improving technical assistance. Building on the outcomes of the 2008 Gender Capacity Assessment report, work was initiated to: i) harmonize and create more gender responsive indicators in the thematic funds; ii) to strengthen networks of regional Gender and Gender-based Violence advisers; and, iii) to support regions to develop in-country capacities with Country Office-level gender and gender-based violence focal points.
Oct 2010 - Feb 2011
In partnership with NGOs, UNFPA community-based work on the abandonment of FGM/C (under the joint programme with UNICEF) has produced capacity-building trainings and guidance documents that are vital to the programme. Under programme support by UNFPA to the Institute for Development Studies (IDS), the Institute developed capacities of stakeholders in India, Kenya and Uganda to engage men and boys to combat violence against women in institutional settings.
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In partnership with NGOs, UNFPA community-based work on the abandonment of FGM/C (under the joint programme with UNICEF) has produced capacity-building trainings and guidance documents that are vital to the programme. Under programme support by UNFPA to the Institute for Development Studies (IDS), the Institute developed capacities of stakeholders in India, Kenya and Uganda to engage men and boys to combat violence against women in institutional settings.
Oct 2010 - Feb 2011
The launch of the UNFPA’s 2010 State of the World Population Report (SWOP) was held in October 2010 and it links Peace, Security and Development to Women’s Rights and Empowerment and its release coincided with the 10th anniversary of the SCR 1325 landmark resolution.
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The launch of the UNFPA’s 2010 State of the World Population Report (SWOP) was held in October 2010 and it links Peace, Security and Development to Women’s Rights and Empowerment and its release coincided with the 10th anniversary of the SCR 1325 landmark resolution.
Oct 2010 - Feb 2011
UNFPA is a key member of the Inter-agency Task Force on Women, Peace and Security and worked with Task Force Members to develop the global indicators under UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (and which was presented by the UN Secretary General to Security Council Member States in end-October 2010).
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UNFPA is a key member of the Inter-agency Task Force on Women, Peace and Security and worked with Task Force Members to develop the global indicators under UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (and which was presented by the UN Secretary General to Security Council Member States in end-October 2010).