In the Asia-Pacific region, UNODC conducted a training of trainers on effective prosecution responses to violence against women and girls, attended by prosecutors from 10 countries.
UN Women is working with UNDP in the finalization of a policy and programming guidance for prevention of violence against women in elections (VAWE). The guidance aims to fill gaps in current knowledge by providing an overview of the specific forms of VAWE, including scope, types, victims and perpetrators, and the range of actions that can be taken at each phase of the electoral cycle to prevent and mitigate it. The Guide is targeted at the key stakeholders and actors who are positioned to act to prevent and mitigate VAWE, and to international organizations and those providing programming support on electoral assistance, women’s political participation and ending violence against women. It is also targeted at members of political parties, particularly the leadership of those parties, civil society organizations (CSOs), women’s groups and gender equality activists.
UNHCR deploys Senior Protection Officers (SPOs) with expertise in SGBV to UNHCR operations around the world. These UNHCR staff work for an average of six months per deployment to prioritize SGBV prevention and response at the onset of emergencies. To evaluate the deployment scheme, UNHCR developed a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework around a set of 47 essential actions across sectors that – when fully implemented – are deemed most effective at preventing and responding to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) during humanitarian emergencies.
UN Women organized an international seminar on Gender Based Violence (GBV) in the Gaza Strip in September 2016 with 350 participants representing local and international actors working on GBV including governmental actors, INGOs, UN agencies, humanitarian sectors and clusters, NGOs (from the West bank and Gaza), donors and academics. During two days, participants shared current challenges and opportunities with regards to integrated response to GBV in Gaza, and exchanged national and international experiences around GBV prevention and response in humanitarian settings with the aim of developing concrete, context-specific recommendations for GBV programming in Palestine. The seminar generated very important recommendations including the need to have better inclusion of GBV prevention and response in all stages of humanitarian action in Palestine and the importance of increasing the accountability of different actors to prioritize GBV prevention and response during and after emergencies.
UN Women, in collaboration with the governments of El Salvador and Sweden, launched the global study "Preventing conflicts, transforming justice, ensuring peace" in the Americas at a high level event in El Salvador in April of 2016. This is a report on the implementation of the Resolution 1325, which highlights the participation of women in security issues. The results of the research strengthen and recognize the power of women's peace-building interventions, and show that women's inclusion improves effectiveness in humanitarian assistance, strengthens efforts to build peace and the economic recovery of countries. As part of the activity, two forum panels took place and provided the space to share experiences on the application of 1325 in various countries of the world.
Under the Women, Peace and Security Program, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between UN Women and the Iraqi Ministry of Interior, through the Directorate General for CVAW in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq which has notably influenced Yezidi Religious Leaders to declare acceptance of the women and girls who were assaulted and raped by ISIL elements back to their communities. UN Women, NGO partners, Baghdad Women Association, and Women Empowerment Organization were able to document cases of violence for advocacy purposes with media, government and foreign dignitaries, established Alliance 1325 and pressed for the Emergency Operation Room to elevate support and protection for women and girls in the face of ISIL. These NGOs, the Alliance, UN Women CSAG along with other CSOs were able to lobby for the emergence of a women machinery heralded in 2017 as Women Empowerment Department in Baghdad replacing the dismantled Ministry of Women.
In Kosovo, OHCHR conducted research on potential conflict related SGBV (Sexual and Gender Based Violence) survivors among non-majority communities in Kosovo. The research included desk review of all relevant documents, meetings and interviews with all stakeholders that might possess information including governmental entities, victim associations, international organizations and religious communities. It enabled access to information about 51 potential non-majority survivors. The follow-up consist in contacting survivors and facilitating verification of status and subsequent access to reparation programs.
ESCWA is currently developing a study entitled "Women, Peace and Security: The role of institutions at times of peace and war". This study builds on previous work on the implementation of the UNSCR 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security, which has protection as one of its main pillars. Within this framework, ESCWA organised in partnership with the Lebanese American University a conference on "Prioritizing Women, Peace and Security on the Arab Agenda" (8-10 August 2016), where the "Beirut Call for Action" was endorsed by experts from academia, UN agencies and Civil Societies Organizations.
As part of UN Women’s collaboration with Phase II of the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on FGM/C, to strengthen the inter-linkages between VAWG and harmful practices such as FGM/C, and address the root causes of such form of violence, UN Women has finalized and published the policy paper titled “Female genital mutilation/cutting and violence against women and girls: Strengthening the policy linkages between different forms of violence”, with the support of a technical advisory group in February 2017. The paper – which is accompanied by an also published background paper - explores policy and programming interlinkages and considers entry points in the areas of (i) national legislation, (ii) prevention strategies, (iii) response for survivors, and (iv) data and evidence, for increased coordination and collaboration to advance the objectives of ending FGM/C and other forms of VAWG, in particular intimate partner violence and non-partner sexual violence. It is intended for multiple audiences, including those directly involved in policy development, planning and implementing initiatives, those providing technical support, and advocates for ending all forms of VAWG, including FGM/C. A training module on gender and FGM/C, to accompany the UNFPA-UNICEF Manual on Social Norms and Change will be finished in March 2017.
UN Women supported the office of the UN Secretary General in drafting three Secretary General’s reports on " Intensifying global efforts for the elimination of female genital mutilations", "Intensification of efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls" and "Trafficking in women and girls”. These reports were presented to the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly and have served as a basis for the negotiations of new resolutions on these subjects, which were approved at its 71st Session.