United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
UN Women has a universal mandate to provide, through its normative support functions, operational activities and coordination role, guidance and technical support on gender equality, women’s empowerment and women’s rights, across all levels of development and in all regions. Under this mandate UN Women leads the work on elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls (VAWG) within the United Nations system.
VAWG continues to be the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in our world today, and remains largely unreported due to the impunity, silence, and construed stigma and shame surrounding it. Despite a growing momentum by States to eliminate and prevent all forms of VAWG, challenges persist in achieving transformative change in this area –mainly due to the tenacity of discriminatory social norms that tolerate and condone violence and inequality between men and women; the lack of coherent approaches in preventing VAWG in the first place; and the lack of access to long-term, quality, multi-sectoral services that are coordinated for survivors.
Violence against women and girls is a violation of human rights and it impedes equality, development and peace across the world. The promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including to leave no one behind, cannot be fulfilled without putting an end to VAWG. UN Women employs a comprehensive approach to addressing violence against women and girls, in private and public space, including investments in:
* Improving research and statistical data;
* Strengthening international norms and standards and national legislative and policy frameworks;
* Expanding coordinated, quality multi-sectoral services;
* Facilitating understanding and supporting evidence-based prevention approaches; and
* Supporting women’s rights and civil society groups.
Policy framework
UN Women’s work is guided by its 4-year Strategic Plan (2018-2021) which includes ending violence against women as one of its outcomes. UN Women’s work is embedded within the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, especially its General Recommendations 19 and 35; the 1993 UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women; the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome documents of its reviews, as well as other human rights treaties, General Assembly, Security Council and Human Rights Council Resolutions; and the agreed conclusions of the Commission on the Status of Women; and critical regional instruments, such as Belem do Para, the Maputo Protocol and the Istanbul Convention.
Areas of Focus
UN Women at global, regional and country level works with governments, civil society and academia to conduct quantitative and qualitative research to improve the understanding of the magnitude, nature, risk and protective factors and consequences of different forms of VAWG, and to generate evidence of what works and what does not work to address it. At the global level, UN Women in collaboration with WHO is responding to the need of strengthening the collection and use of VAW data through the Global Programme on Strengthening Methodologies and Measurement and Building National Capacities for VAW Data. The goal of this 5-year Joint Programme (2018-2022) is to ensure that quality data on different forms of VAW are available and collected over time to address national data gaps and meet policy and reporting commitments under the SDGs, CEDAW, and the Beijing Platform for Action. The programme aims to contribute to the strengthening and dissemination of measurement and methodologies for VAW data collection and use (including for national, regional and global monitoring and reporting requirements for SDG target 5.2 indicators); the increase of capacities of national institutions to collect VAW data according to globally agreed methodological and ethical standards; and the collection and accessibility of national VAW data for advocacy, policy and programming to end violence against women and girls.
UN Women leads the drafting of Secretary General’s Reports, including: Intensification of Efforts to Eliminate All Forms of Violence Against Women and Girls, Intensifying Global Efforts for the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilations and Report of the Secretary General on Trafficking in Persons, which provide an analysis of trends, good practices, gaps and challenges, as well as recommendations to Member States and other stakeholders. UN Women further supports negotiations of Member States based on these reports to inform GA Resolutions on the same. UN Women also convenes the Commission on the Status of Women, providing similar support to Member States in their negotiations of Agreed Conclusions related to violence against women. At the 25 year anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA), UN Women together with the Regional Commissions facilitated comprehensive national level reviews on progress made and challenges encountered in the implementation of the BPfA, and the achievement of gender equality and women’s empowerment, including in the critical area of eliminating violence against women. At country-level, UN Women’s support has led to strengthened national legislation to prevent and respond to VAW, and to the adoption of national action plans for the elimination of VAW. A more detailed synopsis on UN Women’s work in this area can be obtained through the Annual Report(s).
To improve the quality of and access to comprehensive essential multi-sectoral services that respond to the immediate and long-term needs and well-being of women and girls who have experienced violence, such as intimate partner violence or sexual violence, UN Women in partnership with UNFPA initiated the ‘Essential Services Programme’ in 2013. This initiative is now a full-fledged United Nations Global Joint Programme: Essential Services for Women and Girls Subject to Violence, with WHO, UNODC and UNDP as participating UN agencies. through this joint programme, UN Women, in collaboration with all participating agencies, developed the ‘Essential Services Package for Women and Girls Subject to Violence: Core Elements and Quality Guidelines’ for the Health, Justice and Policing and Social Services Sectors, along with Implementation Guides to assist the rollout and implementation of the Essential Services Package at country level. The Programme began with 10 pilot countries and has expanded with self-starters to over 50 in 2019.
Prevention is the only way to stop violence before it occurs. The evidence-base on what works to prevent violence has evolved considerably over the past decade, including through initiatives supported by UN Women, such as the Partners for Prevention Programme in Asia Pacific. UN Women has played a key role in developing evidence-based policy and programming guidance in this area. In 2015, UN Women led the development of the first inter-agency framework on prevention, in partnership with ILO, OHCHR, UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA and WHO. A Framework to Underpin Action to Prevent Violence Against Women (2015), promotes a common understanding of preventing violence against women for the UN System, policymakers and other stakeholders and provides a theory of change to support action. To further operationalize this framework, UN Women, partnered with various UN agencies, to develop handbooks guiding implementation of specific entry points. Those include: Global Guidance on Addressing School-related Gender Based Violence (with UNESCO); Addressing Violence and Harassment Against Women in the World of Work (with ILO); The Big Conversation: Handbook to Address Violence against Women in and through the Media (with UNESCO); A Handbook to Address Violence against Women in and through Sports (with UNESCO); Preventing violence against women in elections: A programming guide (with UNDP) and a Guidance Note on Campus Violence Prevention and Response. In 2019, with WHO, UN Women launched the RESPECT Women; Preventing Violence against Women Framework to update the 2015 Prevention Framework. A package of implementation materials for the RESPECT Framework are in process of development and will be available in 2021. In addition to policy guidance, UN Women undertakes programming in various countries across regions with various stakeholders in public spaces, in schools, in communities, workplaces, sports organizations and other institutions to address structural and systemic inequalities and change attitudes, beliefs and social norms.
Knowledge Hub on Violence against Women:
UN Women hosts one of the most extensive repositories of resources on preventing and eliminating VAWG at the Global Knowledge Platform to End Violence against Women. This hub, contains three unique portals, including: 1) The Global Database on Violence against Women, a filterable database containing information on the measures undertaken by Member States; 2) Inventory of United Nations Activities, a filterable database on the work of UN entities; and 3) The Virtual Knowledge Centre to End Violence against Women and Girls, a one-stop site providing programming guidance promising practice case studies and tools in English, French and Spanish.
UN Women also maintains a dedicated Training Site with numerous learning opportunities (online courses, face-to-face sessions, manuals and self-paced lessons) on violence against women, including introductory material on the topic, as well as dedicated materials on men and masculinities, FGM and Essential Services, among others.
Harmful cultural practices are discriminatory practices towards women and girls that are ritualized because they are performed/exercised persistently and as a result have been culturally normalized. UN Women recognizes that harmful practices take many forms and impinge upon the dignity and integrity of the individual, constituting a grave human rights violation. UN Women’s strategy on Harmful Practices focuses primarily on addressing two of the most prevalent forms, Child, Early and Forced Marriage (CEFM) and Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C). The work on harmful practices includes support to strengthen legislation, public policies and mechanisms to address impunity; capacity building of service providers and law enforcement; increasing women’s and girls’ knowledge about their rights; advocacy and awareness campaigns; work with women’s organizations and CSOs; and transforming norms. UN Women works closely with renowned activist Jaha Dukureh, CEO and Founder of the NGO “Safe Hands for Girls”, who serves as Goodwill Ambassador for the issue worldwide.
UN Women’s Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces Global Initiative commits to creating safe and empowering public spaces for women and girls free from sexual harassment (SH) and other forms of sexual violence against women and girls (SVAWG). Through a comprehensive human rights and evidence-based approach, cities develop practical solutions in four main action areas, including: ensuring that locally relevant and owned solutions are identified through detailed scoping studies; strengthening laws and policies on sexual harassment in public space; investing in the safety and economic viability of public spaces; and fostering transformative social norms that promote women and girls’ rights to use public spaces free from SH and other forms of sexual violence (SV). Under the Flagship Initiative, each city adapts a Global Framework and accompanying package of tools to their local context. The Safe Cities Initiative was originally launched in 5 pilot cities (Cairo, Kigali, New Delhi, Port Moresby and Quito). It has since expanded to over 50 cities, including those in the Global North.
As a champion of women’s rights and gender equality, preventing and addressing sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and sexual harassment (SH) within UN Women and the UN system as forms of violence against women and girls is a critical area of UN Women’s work. The organization is committed to a zero-tolerance approach for SEA, SH and all other forms of VAWG.
UN Women recognizes that addressing SEA and SH requires a culture of change that looks at the intersectionality of their root causes, including those due to race, age, disability, sexual orientation and of course, gender. Within UN-Women, the organization is thus dedicated to fostering an environment that respects the inherent dignity of all persons, which affords its personnel the opportunity to reach their fullest potential and therefore empowers them to deliver the best possible results for the women and girls it serves.
Furthermore, UN Women has ben actively engaged in the system-wide efforts led by the secretary General in pursuit of a common system-wide approach to combating SEA and SH and is collaborating with various stakeholders within the UN and beyond, using its experience and expertise on eliminating VAWG. A victim-centered approach forms the basis of all its efforts which aimed at bringing about an organizational and cultural change that end SEA and SH, which UN Women will continue to fight for until it is achieved for all.
Trafficking disproportionately affects women and girls, who account for 71% of identified trafficking victims globally. UN Women works to ensure that anti-trafficking policies and initiatives comprehensively address the continuum of violence against women, and girls and the related gender dimensions of human trafficking. The work is undertaken across four key pillars: ensuring that legislative and policy frameworks are in line with international human rights standards; supporting institutions to collect relevant data, exchange information and develop comprehensive, multisectoral and gender-sensitive approaches; promoting gender equitable social norms, attitudes and behaviors; as well as increasing knowledge about the rights of women and reducing their vulnerability to trafficking and exploitation. UN Women works at country, regional and global level in different dimensions to combat trafficking in women and girls, and also provides support and inputs to other UN agencies, to ensure their programmes and interventions include a gendered and survivor-centered approach. UN Women is a member of the Inter-Agency Coordination Group Against Trafficking in Persons (ICAT) and has served as co-chair in 2019 and 2020.
UN Women is the technical lead of the Spotlight Initiative–the global, multi-year partnership between European Union and United Nations to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls by 2030—at the country, regional and global level. The work encompasses responding to all forms of violence against women and girls, with a focus on domestic and family violence, sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices, femicide, trafficking in human beings and sexual and economic (labour) exploitation. The initiative is being rolled-out in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Pacific.
RESPECT women: Preventing violence against women (2019)
Training Manual on Gender and Female Genital Mutilation and Cutting (2017)
Handbook for National Action Plans on Violence Against Women (2011)
*See also the resource links to numerous tools referred to in the narrative above and under specific measures.
UN Women continued to actively participate in the UN system-wide SEA Working Group PSEA WG, which is being coordinated by the Office of the Special Coordinator on improving the UN response to SEA. Using its technical expertise and experience, UN Women provided input to all WG deliverables, which inter-alia include the Fact sheet on the Secretary-General's initiatives to prevent and respond to SEA, the Secretary-General's Report on Special measures for PSEA, the annual PSEA action plan, and the annual PSEA survey.
Together with UNFPA, IOM, and UNICEF, UN Women co-lead the inter-agency PSEA focal point training, held in March 2021 for the Senegal inter-agency PSEA network.
UN Women actively engaged in the development of the key performance indicators for the prevention of sexual harassment and sexual exploitation and abuse for the monitoring framework of the 2020 QCPR.
With UN partners including OHCHR, DPPA, UNDP and DCO, UN Women advocated for UN key messages about Violence against Women in politics for the UN system, endorsed by the Executive Committee in 2020 and available to inform UN Leaders' advocacy efforts on this issue.
Almost all the countries in the ESA region have functional GBV Working Groups led by UNFPA and the PSEA Task Forces led by UN Women and the UNRCO.
To bring the global commitments to the field and to create an enabling safe, secure and equitable environment in line with the UN Secretary-Generals guidance, a Training of Trainers program on "Gender Parity" and "Prevention of Sexual Harassment, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)" was organized in partnership with UN Women HQ with participation by 42 participants from 12 countries in the region representing UN Women, UNPFA, UNHCR, IOM, ICAO and UNDSS in Mombasa, Kenya. Following the training at least 5 countries have replicated the training in their countries and also took initiatives to establish and strengthen the PSEA task forces.
In Burundi, UN Women supported the development of UNCT gender strategy which serves as a frame of reference for in planning process within UNS in Burundi.
To support Secretary-General's Campaign UNiTE to End Violence against Women, UN Women (ROAP) organised and supported multiple regional events including Regional Curated Dialogue (link) organised in the form a TV style talk show, multi country study on Online Violence against Women in Asia (link), study on the linkages between violence against women and violence against children jointly produced with UNICEF and UNFPA (link) , Guidelines on Responsible Representation and Reporting of Violence Against Women and Children also jointly produced with UNICEF and UNFPA (link), 16 stories from frontline service providers, and social media campaigns (link) and a virtual event with the World Design Organization showcasing innovation and youth-focused approaches to prevent VAWG. The estimated reach of the 16 days of campaign events and messaging was around 94,250 with 65,273 direct engagement through likes, comments, and shares.
Generation Equality and 2020 Information Note
The year 2020 is a pivotal year for advancing gender equality worldwide, as the global community takes stock of progress made for women's rights since the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action. This information note explores UN Women's upcoming actions throughout 2020 including its multigenerational campaign: “Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights for an Equal Future”, Generation Equality Forums and Action Coalitions.
Trough GTG (Gender Thematic Group), UN Women Moldova CO a) lead the joint UN effort in supporting the government to implement the existing normative commitments (implementation of CEDAW CO, UPR, Beijing +25 national report); b) strengthen joint advocacy for improved normative framework and ratification of the Istanbul Convention on VAW as per CEDAW Committee Recommendations and of ILO Convention no. 190 on Violence and sexual harassment at the workplace; d) use corporate tools such as SWAP Gender Scorecard recommendations and CCA updates to strengthen GEWE as well as UN Women Moldova is co-chairing the PSEA (Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) Task Force.
In 2020, UN Women Kosovo collaborated with UNFPA and UNDP to conduct two Rapid Socio-Economic Impact Assessments (SEIAs) of the impact of the pandemic on health, financial and emotional well-being of people, including the impact on women. Findings showed that 59% of the respondents felt that domestic violence had increased since the begin of the pandemic and that gender progress may be stalling. The Security and Gender Group chaired by UN Women Kosovo allowed quick mobilization of UN family and International Community to respond to COVID's differentiated as impact on women and this was well recognized by international community in Kosovo Several joint statements and activities including more than 100 activities during 16 days were coordinated and organized aiming to call on government to adopt measures to address the economics effect of the COVID19 pandemic on women and girls and on ending violence against women. Efforts continued also in 2021, through regular meetings of the SGG and GTG.In Tajikistan, UN Women chairs GTG and coordinates work of UNCT, partners (government, national and international) in implementation of the UNiTE campaign since its launch. UN Women oversights implementation of UN TF projects and serves as the technical advisor to the PSEA interagency team. UN Women is a member of REACT Humanitarian Response team and internal UNCT Humanitarian Team. UN Women is the technical coherence lead at the Spotlight Programme Tajikistan. In Albania UN Women CO:
1- Conducted a Gender Responsive mapping of the linkages between social inclusion and vulnerabilities at local level, in the framework of the Global SDG Fund-supported UNJP on Improving Municipal Social Protection, implemented jointly with UNDP, UNICEF, and WHO. This sets the foundation for identifying and piloting social services for vulnerable women in existing municipalities through existing social care plants and in coordination with the Social Fund administered by the MoHSP.
2- Within the framework of Leave No One Behind UNJP with UNDP, UNICEF, and UNFPA, gender responsive budgeting processes were strengthened at the local level, prioritising interventions that combat violence against women and girls, in conjunction with the EVAW JP. As a result, main municipalities in Albania are increasing their capacities in: (i) applying gender responsive budgeting (GRB) within Medium Term Budget Programme (MTBP 2021-2023) ensuring that needs of vulnerable women and girls, including survivors of violence are incorporated in policies and related budgets associated with municipal social care services; and (ii) developing socio-economic schemes/plans for reintegration of women survivors of violence.
3- Led and coordinated with other UN agencies in Albania towards a successful 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign, which saw engagement and direct contribution of the private sector towards women survivors, as well as increased visibility through awareness raising efforts.
4- On International Day of the Girl (11 October) UN Women partnered with UNFPA and UNICEF under the global theme "My voice, our equal future" and invited everyone to write a short inspirational letter to a GIRL under 18 years old. 13 letters were received, and later snapshots of main message and quotes were shared through infographics on social media. An activity around the initiative was organized in 'Mersin Duqi' high school in Ibe village. Students shared the letters they had prepared and discussed gender equality and girl's rights.
5- Advocated for a standalone gender outcome in the new UNSDCF. UN Women's leadership on the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) System-Wide Action Plan (SWAP) Gender Equality Scorecard conducted in 2019 and the Country Gender Equality Brief supported solid gender analysis in the new Common Country Analysis (CCA) and resulted in positioning a stand-alone gender equality outcome level result in the development of the new UNSDCF. UN Women ensured knowledge sharing among Gender Theme Results Group (GTRG) members about best approaches to strengthen gender mainstreaming in the programming cycle and actively engaged in UNCT discussions on strategic priorities and comparative advantages.
UN Women initiated the implementation of the United Nations Protocol on the Provision of Assistance to Victims of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse through its regional and country prevention of SEA focal points, while ensuring maximum coordination with UN Country Teams efforts in country locations.
In Brazil UN Women provided technical assistance to government institutions to set up VAWP monitoring and case referral mechanisms. With UN-Women’s technical support, the national call center for women in a situation of violence (Ligue 180) managed by the National Secretary of Policies for Women of the Ministry of Women (Secretaria Nacional de Políticas para as Mulheres - SNPM) added a dedicated channel to receive reports on VAWP and assist with a referral mechanism to the Public Electoral Ministry (Ministério Público Eleitoral – MPE). UN-Women ensured country wide dissemination of this new resource for women candidates, through the national campaign on VAWP.
In Central African Republic (CAR), UN-Women, UNDP and MINUSCA supported women's organizations through the African Women Leadership Network (AWLN) CAR Chapter, to set up situation rooms to promote a more inclusive and peaceful election. Through this mechanism, 210 monitors were trained and deployed in all 16 prefectures in the country to conduct violence prevention initiatives and collect data. In addition, UN Women, in partnership with UN Police and the Ministry of Internal Security, UN-Women established a “hotline 1325” which served as an early warning and early response mechanism used primarily by women candidates. This initiative was well received by key national stakeholders including CSOs, government partners and donors who highlighted its significant contribution to preventing and reporting VAWE.
Ending Child Marriage and Rescue and Second Chance Education for Girls in Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Tanzania: UN Women through engagement of traditional leaders, CSOs and government departments advocated for ending child marriage, FGM and other harmful practices. Thousands of potential efforts for child marriage were prevented and many marriages that took place were annulled in these countries. For example, in Malawi 41% of the 2871 girls engaged under child marriage interventions in Salima, Dedza and Karonga are now able to claim their right to make vital decisions about their sexual health and well-being, re-enroll into primary and secondary education and reignite prospects of living a life without increased risk of violence, abuse, child marriages, ill health or early death. This was achieved through interventions in school clubs, awareness campaigns, capacity building sessions on GBV/SRHR and business management/entrepreneurship skills. This follows an extensive HeForShe campaign implemented by the Malawi Country Office in collaborations with UNFPA, Ministry of Gender, District Councils, Traditional leaders and HeForShe champions. A total of 4249 early child marriages have been annulled and 2871 number of girls re-enrolled into primary and secondary schools between 2017-2019.
In Mozambique, Rapariga Biz is a joint program, implemented in Nampula and Zambezia provinces by UNFPA, UN Women, UNICEF and UNESCO. It aims to improve the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of 1,085,447 girls and young women in Mozambique who live in the provinces of Nampula or Zambezia. These provinces are amongst the ones in the country with highest poverty levels in Mozambique, where women and young girls are burdened with a high level of discrimination and are at high risk of child marriage, early pregnancy, maternal mortality, obstetric fistula, violence and HIV. After training, the girls individually or organized in groups benefited from support (startup kits, tips on their business, etc.) to start their business. Silvia Daniel (22)[2], Albertina Martinho (20), Argentina Arnaldo (21), Telma Mauricio (18) and Neusa Joaquim (18) are some of the beneficiaries which who besides different trainings, that benefitted, they were also selected for poultry farming.
In Uganda, The establishment of Nakapiripiriti Satellite Legal Aid Clinic in Karamoja by ULS, supported by UN Women brought happiness to number of widows in accessing legal aid and protection services.
The value of intersectionality in understanding violence against women and girls
This policy brief explores the concept of intersectionality as a tool to analyze and understand the intersection of gender with other inequalities/oppressions (e.g., sexuality, gender identity, ethnicity, indigeneity, immigration status, disability) in the context of violence against women and girls (VAWG). The report examines the impact of intersecting oppressions on the ability of survivors of VAWG to access services and obtain justice, as well as the importance of ‘by and for’ organizations in addressing the needs of marginalized women who face violence.
Mapping of Sexual Violence Services in the Western Balkans and Turkey
The Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence - also known as the Istanbul Convention - calls for adequate and accessible specialized support services for victims of sexual violence. However, in the Western Balkans and Turkey, despite the ratification of the Istanbul Convention, these standards have yet to be met. Services for victims of sexual violence are often missing, and where they do exist, they tend to be poorly implemented due to a lack of government funding and support. This mapping report identifies the existing services in the region, examines their implementation, and highlights the gaps in service provision. This publication was produced under the framework of the EU-UN Women regional programme on ending violence against women in the Western Balkans and Turkey, "Implementing Norms, Changing Minds," funded by the European Union.
Regional Service Directory for Women Migrant Workers Subject to Violence in the ASEAN region
The service directory enables referrals of women, especially women migrant workers who are survivors of violence, by sharing information on available violence against women (VAW) specialized service providers across the region. The list includes the leading organizations providing support to survivors of violence against women migrant workers in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam. Services featured in the directory include the health, police/justice, social, labour sectors and hotlines and shelters, and they are a core set of critical essential services responding to the needs of women migrant workers subject to violence in the ASEAN region.
Training Package for Prosecutors working on cases of VAW
Building on the Trial of Rape study and UN Women's broader work to strengthen Essential Services for survivors of VAW in the Asia Pacific region, UN Women together with Global Rights for Women developed a training manual for persecutors working on cases of VAWG. The purpose of this Training Package is to build the capacity of prosecutors on providing quality and holistic responses to survivors of violence, and to better understand survivor’s perspectives and address their needs. The goal is that gender-transformative, trauma informed and survivor-centered approaches are utilized in prosecution and that gender biases are addressed, to ensure that the legal system supports survivors of violence against women in a respectful and empowering way.
Handbook on Gender-Responsive Police Services
In April 2021, the UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific organized a webinar with countries across the region to introduce this handbook.
In Albania:
- 204 counselling sessions were organized by psychologists and 112 women and girls have been supported through counselling sessions in 6 municipalities of the Region of Elbasan (Gramsh, Peqin, Prrenjas, Belsh, Cerrik, Librazhd). (UN Women)
- 43 legal counselling sessions were organized in the Region of Elbasan (Gramsh, Peqin, Prrenjas, Belsh, Cerrik, Librazhd), with a total of 7 women represented in court, 7 women were issued IPOs and 8 women supported to report to the police. -315 women and girls and 57 men and boys benefited from Empowerment through Self-Defense training from trainers certified previously from ToTs organized by Aikido Albania.
- 71 women and 173 children in the municipalities of Tirana, Elbasan and Vlora are already provided with services based on their needs and as per the tailored plan of reintegration including psychological counselling, legal assistance, medical assistance, basic needs such support with food and hygienic packages, counselling and support for employment, financial support for housing rent, support for economic empowerment.
As a continuation of UN Women Bosnia and Herzegovina’s work on building and standardizing the multisectoral approach to service provision, 13 local protocols on cooperation between service providers (police, justice, social protection, health care, CSOs) have been revised/developed in line with the Istanbul Convention. A total of 11 multisectoral teams have been strengthened/established and 3 cantonal coordination bodies for combating domestic violence. UN Women supported the Safe network (network of shelters) to raise capacities of local service providers in 7 regions for safety risk assessment and survivor-centred informing of rights and duties.
In Canton Tuzla, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, with support from UN Women, police officers have improved their behaviour when it comes to response to cases of domestic violence. In comparison with the rate of proposed protection measures from 2018/2019 - 20%, thanks to the UN Women-supported behaviour impact intervention the rate of proposed measures has increased to 60% in the first three months of 2021. Using the so-called COMBI (Communications for Behavioural Impact) methodology, introduced by UN Women, a targeted campaign coordinated with the Ministry of Interior, included 1600 police officers from 13 municipalities in Tuzla Canton. It was aimed at increasing the rate of proposed protection measures in cases of domestic violence (restraining order, eviction of perpetrator from home, mandatory psychosocial treatment etc.). The campaign was designed to overcome the identified individual, institutional, and procedural behavioural barriers when it comes to responding to DV.
In North Macedonia, UN Women supported CSO Health Education and Research Association (HERA) to strengthen the capacities on the provision of counselling and psycho-social support of 18 providers (CSOs and Centres for Social Work) of general and specialist services to victims of VAW and DV in compliance with CEDAW and the Istanbul Convention. In addition, three local multi-sectorial groups for survivors of violence were established in Strumica, Stip and Veles to ensure regular collaboration and quality of services provided to the survivors of violence.
A series of recommendations on ensuring a uniform application of the international and national standards in the field of gender-based violence have been developed because of the mobilization for coordinated action of 91 (29 women and 62 men) police officers, prosecutors, judges, lawyers, and legal aid providers from Donetsk oblast. This round of workshops was organized by UN Women Ukraine jointly with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and National Police of Ukraine to strengthen the capacity of justice sector actors to implement effectively the gender-based violence legislation and apply a survivor-centred approach.
In Moldova, UN Women CO works with 24 partner communities from Cahul and Ungheni to support capacity building of multidisciplinary teams to respond effectively to cases of violence against women and children; develop and implement gender-responsive budgeting and establish specialist services for women survivors of gender-based violence (including for survivors of sexual violence) in Cahul and Ungheni.
36 professionals (22 females and 14 males) of local public authorities, health sector, forensic service, social protection, justice, and police sectors co-designed a prospective approach/model towards the development of a specialized service for the victims of sexual violence, in line with international standards and local realities from Cahul and Ungheni district.
To boost the capacities of local civil society, nine CSOs from Cahul and Ungheni were selected and currently undertake a six-month institutional capacity-building exercise in the framework of a Small Grants scheme. At least eight committed local CSOs will be involved as of November 2021 in intensive training, mentorship, and guidance for developing and implementing activities promoting zero tolerance to violence at the regional level.11 CSO’s active in preventing and combating violence against women benefited from exchange of experiences on survivor-oriented approach to provision of services through the support of network of survivors of violence, in close cooperation with a partner CSOs from Romania. The latter builds on the ground-breaking work supported by UN Women on women survivors – positive champions in Moldova and aims at establishing such network in the country.
Four women survivors of violence supported by UN Women CO as positive champions and change makers, continue to hold peer-to-peer sessions for women survivors/potential victims of violence, informing on women’s rights and available support services.
Joint statements issued by the UN-Women Kosovo led multi-stakeholder Security and Gender Group, calling upon central and local institutions to allocate funding to domestic violence shelters In the 2020 budget, resulted in the Parliamentary Committee on Budget and Finance recommending an increase of funding to Kosovo’s shelters, which will allow for more sustainable year-round funding of shelters. Three additional joint statements were issued in 2021 condemning femicide and sexual harassment against women and girls.
139 service providers including staff from seven Kosovo shelters for protection of domestic violence survivors and local coordination mechanisms against DV were trained on strategies on recognizing trauma and handling of cases and have also participated in a three days’ workshop in April, organized under the auspices of Shelter “Liria” in the framework of the EVAW Programme. The workshop aim was to discuss networking efforts as well as engage in a strategic planning workshop to identify needs, activities and future steps in order to enhance their effective delivery of services to victims of domestic violence as well as draft an action plan for shelter networking. The proposed strategy and action plan is a five year proposed plan that has been drafted in close consultations with the participants with validated results proposed after the workshop with all relevant actors engaged.
State actors and civil society organizations in Kazakhstan have enhanced capacity to deliver quality services in prevention and response to VAW through developed SOPs for provision of services for GBV survivors with integration of measures to address the special needs of persons with disabilities (PwD) subjected to violence. The special needs of PwD were integrated into the existing SOPs as well as in the clinical protocol on “Gender based Violence” approved by the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan with support from UNFPA as well as on an OSCE-developed Guide for police inspectors endorsed by the Ministry of internal Affairs also in 2020.
As mentioned above, in Tajikistan:
UN Women built new partnership experience with the Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan, mobilizing technical skills and experience with communities of NGOs with a solid presence in 6 target districts and supplied 168,000 information materials on Impact of COVID19 on Women and Girls. How to sustain family Resilience During the Pandemic; Available VAWG Services and Localized SGBV Referral Pathway along with sanitary and hygiene items for staff SLI project and HIV projects; built women leadership skills to combat stigma and discrimination and improving women’s legal literacy. Awareness-raising activities on HIV related rights and laws for women living with HIV conducted through media community mobilization, education, and peer outreach.
3400 women and girls who faced violence and abuse, benefitted from localized national SGBV case management referral mechanism in six rural pilot districts (Isfara, B. Gafurov, Vose, Rudaki, Hissar and Yavan) and the capital Dushanbe.
The practical scheme with the brief extracts from the related laws, pathways of interaction between the engaged members of the case management mechanisms, contact information on the related state bodies, departments, services and CSOs, that were functioning on prevention of violence against women and girls (by mandate/ and/or having run their own shelter/ women’s center). The developed brochures, booklets and visual materials were made in a user-friendly language and style, with a lot of coloured infographics, and were disseminated broadly among communities by 120 volunteers. Noteworthy, the RCS emphasized project’s further sustainability will be supported by further capacity building of active volunteers in EVAWG realm through a digital tutorial and integration of GBV/VAWG response component in the USAID Tuberculosis project implemented by RCS.
State facilitated localization of VAW case management referral mechanism: NGO-run victim support centres, state health, law enforcement, human rights, social services, other key stakeholders in the 6 target districts and Dushanbe formed a new integrated support scheme, where COVID-19 response facilities became an integral part. UN Women experts made the design of the latter referral system, localized it in each pilot district, conducted on-job training to service providers.
UN-Women included two new risk labels in its standardized online risk register that relate to SEA and SH respectively. They have been implemented since Q3 2019. As part of its guidance on the completion of annual risk assessments, since Q4 2019, a questionnaire in the form of a template has been included that is intended to encourage risk focal points/risk owners and relevant staff to consider what risks may apply to their particular office/risk entity. This questionnaire includes the two risk labels related to SEA and SH.
UN-Women designed a multi-phased awareness raising campaign for the updated policy on Prevention of Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, and Abuse of Authority, with personnel rights and obligations at its center, to be implemented throughout the end of 2021.
In Bolivia, ahead of the 2020 elections UN-Women and UNDP provided institutional capacity strengthening to the Center for Attention and Monitoring of Cases of Harassment and Political Violence of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal and the Departmental Electoral Courts and enabled the production and dissemination of relevant information materials targeting women candidates and observers to report identified cases of violence and harassment both offline and online.
In Brazil, ahead of the 2020 local elections, UN-Women played a convening role for multi-stakeholder dialogue spaces on VAWP and supported the design and implementation of a national awareness campaign #ViolênciaNão – Pelos Direitos Políticos das Mulheres which included audio-visual materials, virtual dialogues (example of collaboration with the parliamentary Secretariat for Women: here )and active social media outreach (e.g., Instagram filters and WhatsApp stickers The campaigned enabled national awareness raising on VAWP, with a specific focus on intersectional forms of discrimination faced by Afro descendant, indigenous and young women, women with disabilities, and women from LGBTIQ groups. Representatives of the National Secretary of Policies for Women of the Ministry of Women (Secretaria Nacional de Políticas para as Mulheres - SNPM), Family and Human Rights, and the Ambassadors of the European Union and Sweden, joined UN-Women during the launch of the campaign.
In Cote d’Ivoire, UN-Women supported capacity building of Women Peace Mediators Network and their active role in early warning, conflict prevention, and mediation at community level. Within the early warning platform set up by UNDP, UN-Women and UNESCO over 500 peace mediators were trained and actively participated as early warning monitors in 14 regions. UN-Women equipped 200 of them with smartphones to enable timely information sharing.
UN Women East & Southern Africa Regional Office intensified the advocacy and awareness on the need for intense action against child marriage and other harmful practices across Africa as a result of the first East and Southern Africa regional multi-stakeholder knowledge seminars held in Kenya. During the seminars, the findings and recommendations from studies undertaken by ESARO thematic teams were presented. Studies covered:
- Technology Assisted Violence Against Women;
- Administrative Data for Monitoring and Reporting on SDGs;
- Ending Child Marriage in Africa” was held in Kenya.
Seminar participants called for intensified review of country policies on child marriage and ending violence against women and girls and made commitments for action through their organizations as well as lobbying other stakeholders in localizing the recommendations of the studies.
During the year 70 student leaders from 30 universities in Kenya committed to taking responsibility in remedying and ending tech-assisted violence against women and girls. UN Women developed a research paper and facilitated a knowledge seminar on protection of girls from tech violence with participation of 70 student leaders from 30 Universities across Kenya. The seminar highlighted several manifestations of tech-assisted violence against women and girls including revenge porn, cyber enticement, solicitation, online grooming, cyber harassment, cyber bulling and exposure to harmful online content. The seminar culminated into the signing of a pledge by all with the student leaders from Maseno, Kenyatta, Jomo Kenyatta and Moi Universities initiating diverse related interventions including a HeforShe club to address the issues of technological violence against women and girls. Technology-Assisted Violence Against Women and Girls is emerging as a global problem with serious implications for societies and economies around the world. Reports indicate that an incredible 73 per cent of women have been exposed to some form of violence online[1]. While technology is helping the women specifically youth in a number of ways, it is also becoming a challenge with increased incidents of hate speech (publishing a blasphemous libel), hacking (intercepting private communications), identity theft, online stalking (criminal harassment) and uttering threats.
A number of countries in ESAR such as Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Uganda, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Burundi have strengthened the multi-sectoral response and referral pathway in GBV cases by working closely with the law enforcement, health and social services actors.
Advocacy and Awareness on Ending Child Marriage and FGM in Africa : UN Women East & Southern Africa Regional Office in partnership with the country offices, UNFPA, UNICEF, African Union, CSOs established partnerships with the Traditional and Cultural Leaders in the Region in accelerated advocacy and initiatives on ending child marriage, FGM and Harmful practices. To this end, UN Women adopted an innovative approach in engaging traditional and cultural leaders on ending harmful practices to bring a transformational change in the lives of women and girls. UN Women facilitated sub-regional and regional consultations of Traditional and Cultural Leaders, in Nairobi-Kenya, Blantyre-Malawi, Lagos-Nigeria and Cairo-Egypt wherein high level commitments and resolutions were adopted by the Traditional Leaders calling for immediate end to Child Marriage and FGM. UN Women through leadership of H.E. President of Zambia and the African Union, facilitated a Platform for the Traditional Leaders from Africa Region to convene in the sidelines of the AU Summit and launch of the Council of Traditional Leaders (COTLA) on 11 February 2019 in Addis Ababa. The Traditional Leaders made the Addis Ababa Declaration calling for immediate end to Child Marriage and FGM and their commitment to work towards this goal through establishing regional, national and district level councils of traditional leaders. UN Women will continue the work with traditional leaders for a lasting impact in 2020 and beyond.
UN Women HQ partnered with the Physicians for Human Rights in organizing a regional workshop on “Child Witnesses in SGBV Cases”, which was attended by around 24 experts from 8 countries mostly from the conflict and humanitarian context countries in Africa. ESARO represented UNW HQ in making a presentation on its work in EVAW focusing on harmful practices and protection of child witnesses. The training helped in sharing global practices including use of technology to assist child witnesses in SGBV cases, which have been adopted by some of the participant countries.
In Rwanda, UN Women, IOM, UNHCR, and UNICEF, supported the Government with capacity building and awareness raising activities, and facilitated the establishment of a Technical Committee which brought together representatives from relevant government institutions, increasing coordination and information sharing. Through UN agencies, a baseline study/research on trafficking in Rwanda has been conducted, several tools developed, including the legal framework guide for practitioners. The new law in combination with the increased capacity, awareness and coordination, has increased the attitude and the response towards trafficking in persons. It is envisioned to result in more identified cases, more prosecuted perpetrators and better support to victims.
In Somalia, UN Women worked closely with the Ministry of Women and Human Rights Development and other UN Agencies towards enactment of Human Rights Commission Law and National Disability Act. Both the laws aims at prevention of discrimination and promote gender equality as an instrument to achieve human rights. UN Women in close collaboration with UNFPA, UNDP and UNSOM is actively engaged in passage of the Sexual Offence Bill and FGM Bill. The Sexual Offence Bill has already been approved by the cabinet of ministers and awaits endorsement at the parliament. The FGM bill is in the final stages of drafting and soon will be presented to the cabinet of ministers. The Sexual Offences Bill (SOB) seeks to serve the purpose of combating sexual violence and consolidating laws of sexual offences, providing for punishment of perpetrators of sexual offenses, providing for procedural and evidential requirements during trial of sexual offenses and other related matters
In South Africa, UN Women worked closely with the women’s machinery, law enforcement and CSOs in organizing Trainings on essential services package and also a Pilot of Rapid Results Initiative to accelerate GBV services delivery in EC. UN Women SAMCO successfully implemented a joint programme on GBV in collaboration with other UN agencies buoyed by its role as chair of the Gender Theme Group. This contributed to significantly enhancing coordination of GBV Prevention and Response efforts in South Africa by all stakeholders. As a result there is improved integrated UN system, government and national multi-stakeholder capacity for responding to GBV in South Africa. UN Women SAMCO played a pivotal role in ensuring that there is better coordination of UN agencies work on gender-based violence. Through SAMCO's role as chair of the Gender Theme Group UN agencies managed to deliver as one in providing technical and financial support to the country through the Interim Steering Committee on GBV and Femicide that is chaired by the Presidency. There is better division of labor and sharing of information to avoid duplication but also ensure that gaps are minimized in terms of providing support to the government. A National Coordination Mechanism (National GBV Council) supported by draft legislation to mandate the establishment of this National Gender Based Violence Council are currently under consideration by the Cabinet to institutionalize the coordination mechanism of government, civil society, development partners, business sector, youth and other role players.
In Tanzania, UN Women supported the preparation of the strategic plan and implementation of the women’s land rights campaign, called Stand for Her Land, as well as high-level government participation in its November 21, 2019 launch event. This campaign is advocating for the removal of some provisions in the Customary Law Declaration Order of 1963 and the Land Policy of 1995 that continue to uphold property-right discrimination against women, despite the existence of progressive land laws in Tanzania. (The Local Customary Law (Declaration Order) of 1963 discriminates against women on property ownership, especially inheritance of land. Widows have no right of inheritance, nor rights of residence in the matrimonial home after death of their husbands. Sections in the Probate and Administration of Estates Act, Section 92(1) deny widows the right to inherit from their deceased husband’s estate and give daughters unequal share of the estate compared to sons).
In Uganda, Working with UN Women, Communication for Development Uganda (CDFU) started implementation of dialogue meetings to sensitize the communities against harmful practices and communications for behavioural change. Now that CDFU has a platform, they plan to continue sensitizing and testifying against Female Genital Mutilation because the dangers are known, and we should not keep quiet about them leading young girls into pain and suffering. CDFU condemns the practice of FGM and declare that we do not want young women to undergo this process that almost claimed Margaret’s life. CDFU is engaging media to educate and raise awareness around the ills of the practice of FGM. In collaboration with UN Women, CDFU also works has radio listening and action platforms (LAPS), whereby the organization buys radios for the community with pre-recorded messaging educating on these ills. Along with other UN Women partners who work in this area (such as Justice Centers and CEDOVIP), CDFU continue to sensitize against this harmful practice and amplify the voices of survivors.
In Kenya, Prevention of sexual harassment (SH) in the institutions of higher learning was strengthened through the partnership with Action Aid, University Student leaders, and Vunja Calabash and enhanced the demand for University leadership to address sexual harassment as a priority. An online campaign, petition and visibility in social media brought all actors together to advocate for SH prevention signed up by 11,000 students, which positioned some 5 key issues that the university leadership should address. Male engagement as a strategy for SGBV prevention led to partnership with boda boda and matatu welfare leaders where an agreed code of conduct was adopted, and the members consented to comply and abide by the bylaws. Community outreaches by men and cultural leaders has led to renouncement of harmful practices such as FGM and GBV through community declarations.
Advancing the Istanbul Convention implementation: The role of women's NGOs and networks in the Western Balkans and Turkey
This report provides an overview of the current situation regarding the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (also known as the Istanbul Convention) in the Western Balkans and Turkey. It examines the impact of networking on advocacy efforts to promote the implementation of the Istanbul Convention, including the role of organizations that represent minority or disadvantaged groups of women. The report provides examples of good practice in advocacy and a summary of lessons learnt and benefits and challenges of networking partnerships. This publication was produced under the framework of the EU-UN Women regional programme on ending violence against women in the Western Balkans and Turkey, "Implementing Norms, Changing Minds," funded by the European Union.
Regional Prevention Strategy
UN Women ROAP developed a Regional Strategy on VAW Prevention. The strategy outlines 12 priorities for prevention across the Asia-Pacific region. It is designed to support partners across government and civil society to design and implement evidence based VAW prevention programming, and to develop strategies for VAW prevention that suit each context.
UN Women collaborated with Twitter for the #ThereIsHelp Campaign during COVID to provide life-saving information to survivors of domestic violence. The campaign provided contact numbers for national helplines and shelters, and was launched in eight countries in the region, in local languages: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and Viet Nam.
Lives on the frontline: Reaching women migrant workers amid the COVID-19 pandemic
The series, composed of 16 stories of frontline service providers who are supporting women migrant workers, especially those who have experienced violence, aimed to increase awareness about ensuring the availability of quality services for women migrant workers during the pandemic. Each of frontline worker shared their on-the-ground experience of supporting women migrant workers, covering both countries of destination and origin.
Media-friendly glossary on migration Women migrant workers and ending violence against women (EVAW) edition
This glossary serves as a guide for journalists, researchers, trainers and other stakeholders who conduct trainings or write about women’s labor migration, and who write about violence against women in the context of migration. Language used in different communication materials and trainings puts forward specific positions and impressions, including at times perpetuating stereotypes.
In Albania:
-Through a series of online and offline workshops, 310 young people (86 boys, 228 girls) university and high school students, especially from rural areas, are better equipped to identify and combat harmful social norms, gender stereotypes and different forms of violence, especially in the digital world, to engage them as local actors of change in their local communities to identify and reject harmful norms that justify violence of any form against women and girls.
-A nationwide SMS campaign to encourage reporting of VAWG reached approximately 48,000 people and a further 3,500 were reached through distribution of awareness raising materials.
-13 journalists from visual and printed media participated in a one-day training organized by the three partners, with the aim to bring more attention to violence against women from marginalized communities (Roma women, women with disabilities and women from LGBT community). At the end of the training, participants prepared four articles which were published in different media outlets.
-The Bright Sky application - a new online supporting information programme for women survivors of DV and GBV - developed by Vodafone Albania in collaboration with MoHSP, Ministry Interior and UN Women support under the UNJP on EVAW was launched on 25 June 2021. The application was widely shared in social media through an awareness raising video with the contribution of survivors of violence and key representatives of these institutions.
-UN Women under the UNJP launched three videos with information on key service providers (the police, LCDV and women’s rights organizations) in addressing and managing cases of domestic violence reaching out more than 32,000 people on social media.
-Tirana municipality, with the support of UN Women has been broadcasting messages to raise awareness on violence against women and encourage reporting in the big screens at the Scanderbeg square in TiranaFunZone, during the European 2021 football matches.
-25 door to door meetings were organized with Roma women to share information on reporting violence against women and girls reaching around 200 women and girls.
-354 community members (247 women and girls, 107 men and boys) were informed on the services available for survivors of domestic violence and the mechanisms to report it.
-150 private companies, public institutions, media outlets, civil society organizations, sports associations, youth groups, universities, etc., ‘oranged ’ their virtual spaces during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence
-In TOTAL #botaportokalli #BreziBarazise#16dite, UN Women Albania & violenceagainst women were mentioned 730times (1,2 million impressions)64 thousand impressions on Twitter
-Video ‘A second life’ reached 38 thousand views on UN Women Facebook & was broadcasted for twoweeks, prime time on Albanian Public TV.
- During the 16 Days of 2020 ANABEL media conducted a social media campaign that garnered a TOTAL of over 2,7 million social media interactions (Facebook, Instagram).The campaign included:
- Two surveys, two Q&A about VAW and the campaign, stories & other posts where more than 151,950 people participated
- “Love doesn’t hurt” miniseries on relationship abuse & first signs of VAW garnered 117,717 views (Instagram, YouTube, Facebook)
- Instagram Live event about EVAW in Albania, UN Women in the country and how to prevent and report violence, reaching out 19,3 thousand people.
UN Women Bosnia and Herzegovina has supported various initiatives on changing attitudes towards VAW in local communities and in formal and informal educational settings. More than 1000 young people participated in the advanced trainings on GE and VAW in high schools and in the campaigns conducted as part of the “Be a Man club” activities across BIH. Six local communities across BiH are strengthened to apply a comprehensive approach to prevention of VAWG. More than 100 people and 67 religious leaders have improved knowledge and changed attitudes related to gender equality and VAWG because of local prevention initiatives.
Under UN Women Bosnia and Herzegovina leadership, an innovative global methodology for addressing sexual harassment in public space (Safe Cities, Safe public Spaces) was used to start the first ever programme targeting this specific issue in BiH. Banja Luka is the first city in BiH dedicated to work in partnership with UN Women on making public cities free from SH. Through MoU with the City administration, 28 representatives of entity and city institutions and local CSOs and media worked to develop a 5-year strategy on combating SH in public spaces, the implementation of which is currently ongoing with support from UN Women.
UN Women in North Macedonia supported CSO Macedonian Young Lawyers Association (MYLA) to sensitize and empower 240 students and 18 teachers from six high schools across North Macedonia to work as advocates against harmful gender stereotyping, gender-based violence and gender-based peer violence. One publicly accessible online platform was created where the students post and share all their work (E-Learning MYLA). In addition, UN Women supported CSOs Healthy Options Project Skopje (HOPS) and MYLA to strengthen capacities and increase knowledge for gender-sensitive reporting of VAW of 68 journalists and other media professionals working across North Macedonia. From the trained media professionals, 28 were supported to research and write VAW related stories. As a result, seven TV shows were produced, and 21 written stories published in diverse types of media (online platforms, online magazines, radio).
Contributing to changing the paradigm from perceiving victims/survivors of domestic violence as passive recipients of social protection to legally empowering them to act as active individuals seeking for justice and demanding the realization of their rights, UN Women Ukraine increased the awareness of 6,558 women from Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts on the rights of victims/survivors of gender-based violence, legal procedures, existing protection mechanisms and available services via online and offline trainings, information sharing through 33 safe virtual spaces (Facebook groups) and dissemination of tailored brochures on the rights of victims/survivors of gender-based violence.
To challenge the existing perceptions and believes around women’s and men’s, girls and boys roles in the family and the society UN Women Ukraine engaged 1,490 (1,023 women and 504 men) in open dialogues about the impact of the existing social construct on masculinity and femininity, the prevailing biased social norms and gender stereotypes as root causes of gender-based discrimination and violence, supporting them to act as agents of change and develop a different narrative, based on mutual respect and sharing of duties and responsibilities.
730 (476 women and 254 men) from 13 communities in the conflict-affected Eastern Ukraine tackled the existing gender inequalities in their communities and discussed the ways to promote gender equality and respectful relationships and prevent VAWG; 541 (513 women and 28 men) teachers and students raised their awareness on gender-based violence and promotion of respectful relationships during the interactive dialogues with teachers aimed at understanding the root causes of violence against women and girls, identification of VAWG at the workplace, prevention of gender-based violence in schools and promotion of gender equality and non-violent relations between students and teachers.
In Ukraine, as part of the 2020 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign: 4 Ukrainian Instagram bloggers engaged 199,573 followers in a dialogue on gender equality and the need to debunk gender-based stereotypes, promoting gender equality and respectful relationships among the young generation; 561 (313 young girls and 248 boys) young people from conflict-affected communities raised their awareness on the nature and forms of gender-based violence, dismantled existing gender stereotypes and learned about measures to protect oneself from gender-based violence during the “online marathon”; “New Scars” national campaign featuring five stories of domestic violence survivors reached 1.9 million individuals, while the “Did she provoke?” campaign aimed at dismantling gender stereotypes triggering GBV reached more than 1 million viewers.
In Moldova, as part of 16 Days Campaign, a set of tools and materials, over 250 sets of information cards, about Istanbul Convention were elaborated and distributed through social media and to participants of the events in the frames of “16 Days Against Gender-Based Violence” campaign (2020), including officials from Government and Parliament. In the same context 4 live thematic sessions with psychologists from the partner NGO have been conducted on UN Women Facebook page, to raise awareness about violence against women, domestic violence, healthy relationships, father’s role in ending violence against women and girls etc.The sessions had the reach of 66.920 persons, out of which 1234 have interacted with the speakers, 458 viewed and 430 reacted with comments, shared, etc.
A social media campaign to mark the 10-year anniversary of the Istanbul Convention (2021) was organised and consisted of:
As well, UN Women Moldova continues, under EVA project funded by the EU, to organize numerous activities to raise awareness to prevent and end violence against women and girls at the national and regional levels, such as the production of video materials, public events: to raise awareness among the general population of Cahul and Ungheni districts about family violence phenomenon and to supply helpful information in cases of family violence (2 videos' reportages from Cahul and Ungheni about social workers and other members of the multidisciplinary teams and their role in assisting survivors of domestic violence during the COVID pandemic); to increase public trust in the local authorities ready to offer support and assistance in case of domestic violence (video message from the mayor's from 12 communities); awareness on the need of a community-coordinated response to cases of sexual violence (video material for social media); 527 locals from Cahul and Ungheni, of which 185 girls and 86 boys, 231 women, and 25 men, raised their awareness on gender-based violence, available services for survivors, were educated about the culture of gender equality and empowerment of women in local decision-making processes, gender role stereotypes and positive gender norms within 14 public discussion and debates supported by the responsible partners (2021).&37 new communities were supported by UN Women CO to implement community-based preventive initiatives (mentoring programmes, round tables discussions, flash mobs, awareness raising events etc.) to promote positive social norms, respectful relationship, and gender equality.
In Kosovo, UN Women coordinated around 90 awareness raising events held mostly online due to COVID-19 restrictions.
UN Women Kosovo jointly with the EU Office in Kosovo/EU Special Representative, Tomáš Szunyog, UN Kosovo Team, UN Development Coordinator, UNDP Resident Representative, Maria Suokko and IOM Chief of Mission, called for robust and decisive action in response to this unprecedented crisis during the launch of the global “16 days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence” campaign in Gjakova Municipality.
The lightning of iconic buildings around the world in orange is a key part of the “16 Days of Activism” Campaign. The color orange symbolizes a bright future without violence against women and girls. On November 25th, throughout Kosovo, many buildings and cultural heritage monuments were lit up in orange, including the Assembly Building, Ministry of Justice, Cathedral in Pristina, European Union Office Building, the Bill Clinton Street and more.
UN Women Kosovo, in cooperation with the Embassy of Sweden, launched the global “He For She at Home” campaign. The campaign featured men, including well known figures, showing how they are being #HeForSheAtHome and balancing the burden of unpaid care work, which has only increased as a result of the pandemic. The campaign included photos from the Ambassador of Canada to Croatia and Kosovo, an epidemiologist, well known figures from TV media, Sports, Medicine, the UN Family and others.
In Tajikistan,
- UN Women invited the country's young bloggers to cooperate. Because blogging is now gaining a lot of popularity in the country and videos of bloggers are getting about 500,000 views. In addition to this video, a challenge was also launched online in support of the 16 Days Against Violence campaign #orangetheworldtj on Instagram. Popular Tajik instabloggers @foz1lov (72,000 followers) and @sabrina_nazri_official (625,000 followers) shot a one-minute video against domestic violence and with this launched the #orangetheworldtj challenge on Instagram as part of the 16 Days of Activism campaign. The video is aimed at fighting gender stereotypes and violence against women. In their posts and descriptions under the video, the bloggers urged young people to participate by making their own videos on issues related to gender-based violence, sharing how they understand and fight against gender inequality. The video had been viewed 250000 with 2000 comments made.
- 241 058 people reached by non-stigma, violence and discrimination messages towards women living with HIV through a social campaign designed with the support of 12 women living with HIV. According to the monitoring report from the official campaign website, accounts on Instagram and Facebook, the campaign created a great interest from general population. Messages of the campaign urge peoples to act with kindness, not stigma and discrimination, respect people living with HIV, and emphasize the importance of respecting the right to live life free from stigma and discrimination for all.
- UN Women in consultation with STP RUNOS and Committee of Women and Family Affairs developed the content for the leaflet on COVID19 impact on women and girls. Family resilience during the pandemic (81,400 copies), which has been disseminated among 596,000 people, to promote harmonious and non-violent environment in the families. In addition, UN Women produced COVID-19 related leaflets (COVID-19 and women's vulnerability). These leaflets were aimed to women from vulnerable groups and contained information on help and hotlines as well as statistics. Teenage volunteers shared brochures and DVDs (developed by UNICEF and the Ministry of Health and Human Services) on COVID-19 prevention in their communities.
- The COVID-19 response video was also produced by UN Women in cooperation with and spread among partners and Gender Thematic Group for further dissemination. The video on the social media page of the Gender Thematic Group (Facebook) had been viewed more than 18,000. This video promoted non-violent relationships in the family, reflected the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lives of migrant workers and its impact on women from vulnerable groups in Tajikistan.
- People with HIV were also central in planning the activities. 241 058 people reached by non-stigma, violence and discrimination messages towards women living with HIV through a social media campaign designed with the support of 12 women living with HIV.
- According to the monitoring report from the official campaign website, accounts on Instagram, Facebook and Odnoklassniki the campaign created a great interest from general population. Messages of the campaign urge peoples to commit to helping create and sustain communities that promote awareness, understanding, and acceptance of people with HIV and generated over 100840 people in Instagram, 111789 people on Facebook and 28429 people on Odnoklassniki.
UN Women ROAP is supporting several offices that are engaged in legislative review, by contracting and making available experts on VAW legislation. This expert support has provided analysis and suggestions for legislation in the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam in this time period. The legislative review process is ongoing in all three countries.
In Colombia within the framework of the electoral reform UN Women supported the National Electoral Council and the Congress to define measures to address violence against women in politics. For the first time, a definition of Violence Against Women in Politics and its manifestations was established, in line with the provisions of the CIM-MESECVI Model Law, allocating functions to the National Electoral Council to investigate and monitor cases of Violence Against Women in Politics.
UN Women’s office in Ecuador provided targeted advocacy and technical support to national partners directly contributing to the regulations on VAWP included in the reform to the electoral legal framework (Code of Democracy 2020).
In Mexico, UN Women provided technical assistance to the Federal Legislative bodies during the legal reform process of eight electoral legal frameworks to address and respond to VAWP.
UN Women ESARO in partnership with the country offices, UN partner agencies and the African Union is engaging traditional authorities across Africa by working with AU to launch Council of Traditional Leaders of Africa (COTLA), /Conseil des Autorites Traditionnelles D’Afrique (CONATA), so that it effectively drives a pan-African movement of Traditional Leaders to end child marriage, FGM/C and other harmful practices. Throughout the year the African Union engaged COTLA/CONATA as an advocacy institution following the AU statutory meeting of ministers in charge of Social Development, Labor and Employment who took a decision calling for an extension of the campaign to end child marriage for a five-year period from 2019 to 2023. In the year, COTLA/CONATA convened an annual steering committee meeting in Lusaka through the support of the Republic of the Government of Zambia, and with financial and technical support of UN WOMEN.
UN Women is also supporting the framing of bye-laws to harmonize the national laws with the customary laws in line with the international conventions. At least in 5 countries such initiatives are ongoing, these include, Malawi, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Liberia.
In Burundi, The new law No. 1/11 of 20 May 2019 on electoral code reform, improves the level of positioning women on the electoral roll and offers more opportunities to women to stand as candidates in legislative elections. In addition, the code allows women to be elected in their husbands’ origin regions contrary to the provisions of the reformed law which limited the candidacies of women to their origin regions.
In Ethiopia: During the reporting period, UN Women supported the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) to undertake a gender analysis of Ethiopia’s draft electoral law. When the law was adopted not including all the proposed changes, UN Women ensured that the legislative committee that was working on directives based on the Electoral Law was provided with a technical support about gender sensitive stipulations to make the derivative legislations gender responsive. The gender analysis identified issues that need to be addressed in terms of affirmative action stipulations, media use during elections, security of voters and candidates, voters that may need assistance during registration and voting and representation of women in different election management bodies etc.
Moreover, UN Women conducted a National Comprehensive Mapping and Analysis of National Laws in Ethiopia as a step towards the elimination of discriminatory laws. The assessment is a comprehensive legislative analysis from a gender perspective to provide an in-depth understanding of the current legal framework and the existence of gaps and discriminatory provisions, with the long-term vision of advocating for law reform to enact new laws or repeal or revise discriminatory legislation. The first draft of the assessment first draft was submitted for review. The gender analysis will explore the vast spectrum of laws to assess their gender responsiveness and will highlight discriminatory provisions and gaps that would require to be repeal, amended or enactment through a law reform process.
Another initiative led by UN Women was the different advocacy sessions towards the adoption of the family law in the Somali region. To this end, an assessment on the general socioeconomic status of women and girls in Somali and Afar regions and barriers hindering the adoption of the family law was conducted. The key findings of the study revealed that in almost all measures of socio-economic indicators including access to education, health, water, electricity, and sanitation, women and girls in both regions have significant challenges compared to other regions of Ethiopia. With regards to the prevalence of VAWG in the two regions, findings of the study show a much higher percentage of sexual violence against women with 14.7 percent in Somali and 13 percent in Afar regions when compared with that of the EDHS, 1% in Somali followed by 4% in Afar.
Most importantly, the study identified the factors hindering the adoption of family laws in Afar and Somali regions to be lack of political commitment, structural and institutional factors (competing priorities and inadequate financing) and social and cultural factors which are highly influenced by religion. The controversy on marriageable age, bigamy, period of widowhood, irregular union, child adoption, and Paternity issues were also among the causes for the resistance towards adopting Family law. UN women will continue popularizing the findings and recommendations of the study and undertaking policy advocacy at different level with the aim of harmonizing the regional family laws with that is the international standards.
The legal adjustment in the main electoral law has been finalized with the legislative drafting team taking some of the recommendations provided. However, the legislative process for matters that will be guided by directives from the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia, it is still an ongoing process that will also continue in 2020 which is the election year and beyond.
In regard to the preliminary work on the “Assessment of the discriminatory law” conducted for legal adjustments that will support and recommend the repeal or revision of all formal laws that directly or indirectly discriminate against women and girls, UN Women will continue supporting the Federal Attorney General and other relevant institutions on the legal adjustment based on the recommendations provided.
The draft Somali and Afar assessment on the barriers for adoption of the federal revised family law, which was conducted in 2019, identified key areas that needs better advocacy coupled with continuous dialogues to bring the expected changes. Some of these areas include; enhancing the knowledge and understanding of the grass root community on the benefit of putting in place an alternative family dispute resolution in addition to the customary and religious systems, enhancing capacity of women and men parliamentarians to advocate for the adoption of family law, and facilitate a knowledge exchange with other Muslim dominated countries who have adopted family law that is in line with international standards. Using the existing partnership with the regional government and faith actors, UN Women will work towards the repeal of the existing regional law in 2020.
In Mozambique, the government of Mozambique continued to demonstrate strong commitment on advancing GEWE including fulfilment of regional and international obligations, which are evidenced by the following achievements: approval of the “Lei contra os casamentos Prematuros[1]” (Law against early marriage) (The Law was approved by the Parliament on 18th July 2019 and with its approval early unions in Mozambique are considered a crime. The law condemns until 8 years of imprisonment to adults who consent or obliged a child to accept a union and 12years for an adult who live in a forced union with a child girl); approval of the revised “Lei fa Familia (Family Law) e “Lei das Sucessões” (Inheritance Law). Additionally, 4 other Laws were reviewed to better respond to the issues included in the approved laws, namely: “Lei da Familia”- Family Law (Lei 22. 2019); “Lei da Revisão do codigo Penal”- Law of criminal code (Lei 24 de 2019); “Lei da revisão do Código do Processo Penal”- Law of review of the Criminal process code (Lei 25 de 2019) and the “Lei da revisao do Codigo de execução das Penas” –Law of review of the criminal process code- (Lei 26 de 2019).
In Rwanda, Under the equality in law by 2030 initiative, UN Women provided technical and financial support to the Legal Aid Forum, a network of 38 national and international NGOs, universities, lawyers’ associations, faith-based organizations and trade unions to conduct an assessment aimed at determining whether there are any discriminatory provisions in Rwandan laws. The implementation of this initiative involves different actors from government and civil society organizations through a steering committee put in place for quality assurance. The Legal Aid Forum has submitted a draft report waiting for final validation by stakeholders. The report recognizes tremendous achievements for gender mainstreaming in Rwanda’s legal framework. However, there are still few provisions that need to be worked out through legislative reforms.
In South Sudan, the Reconstituted National Constitution Amendment Committee (R-NCAC) has been working on reviewing the various laws including the security sector laws. UN Women provided technical support in review of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army Act 2009, the National Security Services Act 2014, the Police Service Act 2009 and the Prisons Service Act 2011.
In Sudan, UN Women has supported the women’s movement to voice their concerns and claim the repeal and reform of laws violating women’s human rights such as the public Order Law which was then repealed in December 2019.
In Somalia, UN Women in close collaboration with UNFPA, UNDP and UNSOM is actively engaged in passage of the Sexual Offence Bill and FGM Bill. The Sexual Offence Bill has already been approved by the cabinet of ministers and awaits endorsement at the parliament. The FGM bill is in the final stages of drafting and soon will be presented to the cabinet of ministers. The Sexual Offences Bill (SOB) seeks to serve the purpose of combating sexual violence and consolidating laws of sexual offences, providing for punishment of perpetrators of sexual offenses, providing for procedural and evidential requirements during trial of sexual offenses and other related matters.
In Tanzania, UN Women provided technical and financial support to the Ministry of Constitutional and Legal affairs (MoCLA), Tanzania Women Parliamentary Group (TWPG), Women Fund Tanzania and the Women's Coalition on the Constitution Review and Leadership for advocacy to repeal the following laws that discriminate against women and girls: The Law of Marriage Act (LMA) of 1971 sanctions the marriage of girls as young as 14 years, while requiring boys to be adults. During 2019, the Tanzania Court of Appeal upheld a previous High Court judgment declaring the minimum age of marriage for girls, as set out in the Law of Marriage Act, unconstitutional. As a result, the National Assembly of the United Republic of Tanzania will need to pass legislation bringing this law in line with international standards. UN Women is currently strategizing with and supporting the Tanzania Women Parliamentary Group (TWPG) and the Ministry of Constitutional and Legal affairs (MoCLA) for advocacy to pass the required legislation.
In Uganda, UN Women provided technical support to the government in the legislative developments. Some of these include:
- The Sexual Offences Bill that seeks to consolidate all laws relating to sexual offences and provide procedural and evidential requirements during trial of sexual offences in addition to measures to check sexual harassment in public places.
- Employment Bill 2019 that seeks to amend the Employment Act 2006 to operationalize the provisions of Art.40 of the Uganda Constitution and align it to the ILO convention No.190.
- The Marriage and Divorce bill which brings together all laws governing a Marriage and its dissolution;
- The legal aid bill that seeks to ensure indignant citizens access free legal aid services; and
- The Domestic Violence Act (DVA) which provides protection of women from violence committed to them in a domestic setting
- In Zimbabwe, UN Women supported work on the Marriages Bill by conducting a gender analysis of the bill and supported development of an alternative marriages bill as a reference document to inform parliamentary debates. The Bill seeks to consolidate the laws relating to marriages in Zimbabwe into one Act of Parliament and as such repeal the Marriages Act [Chapter 5:11] and the Customary Marriages Act [Chapter 5:07]. The Bill also criminalizes child marriage and decriminalizes HIV transmission (repealing Section 79 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act), both of which were key advocacy issues for UN Women in the reporting year.
Supported the Ministry of Health and Social Protection in preparing the new National Strategy on Gender Equality 2021-2030, which was approved in June 2021.
Supported the Ministry of Health and Social Protection to revise the Council of Ministers Decision (CoMD) No. 334, 2011 on functioning of coordinated referral mechanisms against gender-based violence. The new CoMD 327/2021 was approved on 2 June 2021
Supported the Ministry of Health and Social Protection to revise the Law on Measures Against Violence in Family Relations in 2020 which brings the law closer to Istanbul Convention principles and standards.
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, UN Women supported the Safe network (network of CSOs running shelters and other specialist services) to advocate for changing the Law on protection from domestic violence in one part of the country (Federation BiH) and harmonize it with the Istanbul Convention. In July 2021, the law was adopted in one house of the Parliament and placed in procedure for full adoption. The new law will render wider protection to survivors and be a step towards sustainability of specialist services.
In North Macedonia, UN Women supported the Centre for Research and Policy Making to advocate for the adoption of a new Law on Prevention and Protection from VAW and DV and the amendment of the Criminal Code in compliance with the Istanbul Convention. The EVAW Law was adopted by Parliament in January 2021, while the CC amendment was adopted by Government in July 2021 and is currently pending Parliamentary approval.
In Moldova, UN Women CO supported the development and advocacy efforts for the approval of Law no. 113, which defines for the first time violence against women, so that it covers all forms of violence, it introduces the obligation to specialists of assessing the risks of committing/repeating acts of violence, it provides state-guaranteed legal assistance from the moment the complaint is filled by the survivor, it introduces better monitoring tools of the temporary restraining orders and deliberates on the creation of specialized EVAW units at local level in line with Istanbul Convention and international standards.
In Kosovo, UN Women supported advocacy efforts of the Kosovo Women Parliamentarian Caucus initiative to amend the Constitution by aligning local legislation with international standards. As a result, on 25 September 2020, the Kosovo Assembly voted in favour of amendment of the Constitution to include the Istanbul Convention in the list of its directly applicable international documents. This, combined with the comprehensive inclusion of DV in the Criminal Code as a separate criminal offense, and a specific Law on Domestic Violence, regulating the civil aspects, makes the legal framework in Kosovo on VAW aligned with international and regional standards enshrined in CEDAW, the Istanbul Convention and the European Union (EU) "Acquis".
UN Women, Kosovo is part of the working group on drafting of the Law against Domestic Violence, which is currently in drafting process under the auspices of Kosovo Parliamentary Commission for Committee on Human Rights, Gender Equality, Victims of Sexual Violence During the Conflict, Missing Persons and Petitions.
State bodies in Kazakhstan have enhanced capacity to revise legal and policy framework to strengthen response and prevention of VAW through active participation in working and expert groups in cooperation with the Parliament of Kazakhstan. UN Women provided technical support for expert community and Civil Society organizations. In 2020 UN Women continued supporting the development and adoption of the new draft harmonized national legislation in the field of prevention and combating domestic violence through the review of international best practices and legislation in the field of prevention of domestic violence and on issues of family and gender equality. A member of UN Women Kazakhstan Civil Society Advisory Group, national experts, as well as representatives of the National Women's Machinery worked closely with the Parliamentarians and CSOs to synthesize the best practices and integrate international standards.
In Tajikistan UN Women was instrumental in developing the National Strategy of Activitization of Role of Women in the Society (March, 2021) developed; UN Women substantially contributed to the draft Anti-Discrimination Law, which is being developed.
UN-Women has continued bringing the critical issue to the center of the normative agenda. This has been reflected in Agreed Conclusions of the 65th Session of the CSW. Available here
UN Women promulgated an update of its policy on the prevention of Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, and Abuse of Authority in May 2020. The policy has been revised to notably: (i) clarify the purpose of the policy (ii) incorporate elements of the CEB Task Force on Harassment Model Policy, including strengthened language on zero tolerance, victim-centred approach and updated definitions (iii) update roles & responsibilities Three specific role-based guidance in relation to sexual harassment for supervisors, affected persons and alleged perpetrators were developed in conjunction, providing clear and concise information.
The Procedure for Selecting Programme Partners was revised by UN Women to include a SEA assessment of partners in accordance with the UN Protocol on Allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse involving Implementing Partners, and the corresponding ST/SGB/2003/13 provisions. As part of the implementation of the revised procedure, a new Partner Agreement template for contracting programme partners was developed. The Partner Agreement includes, inter alia, an outline of the standard of care expected of programme partners relating to SEA; an undertaking by the programme partner that they accept the standards of conduct set out in ST/SGB/2003/13; an acknowledgement that SEA are strictly prohibited and that UN Women will apply a policy of zero tolerance with regard to SEA; and the requirement that the programme partner investigate and report any allegations of SEA to UN Women and that personnel whom they engaged have undertaken training on prevention and response to SEA (including access via a link to the United Nations SEA online training for all implementing partners).
The study on “Prospects for Ending Child Marriage in Africa: Implications on Legislation, Policy, Culture & Interventions” undertook mapping of the legislative frameworks in 10 countries in Africa, which is also guiding the countries in strengthening the EVAW and Child Marriage legislations. The ESARO is supporting in the framing of bye-laws to harmonize the national laws with the customary laws in line with the international conventions. At least in 5 countries such initiatives are ongoing, these include, Malawi, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Liberia.
A study on “Mapping of Discrimination Faced by Women with Disabilities in ESAR” also highlighted the various forms of discrimination and violence faced by women with disabilities and will help advocacy with member states on enactment of legislation and policy in the 6 study countries of Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Tanzania and Zimbabwe.
Report: Regional Forum Promoting the Implementation of the Istanbul Convention in the Western Balkans and Turkey
This report presents a summary of the discussions held during the first Regional Forum on Promoting the Implementation of the Istanbul Convention in the Western Balkans and Turkey. Convened by the Government of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, UN Women, the European Union, and the Council of Europe (CoE), in partnership with European Women’s Lobby, the regional forum reviewed progress in fulfillment of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, known as the Istanbul Convention. The forum took place within the framework of the EU-UN Women regional programme “Implementing Norms, Changing Minds".
Report: Second Regional Forum Promoting the Implementation of the Istanbul Convention in the Western Balkans and Turkey
The report presents a summary of discussions and conclusions from the Second Regional Forum Promoting the Implementation of the Istanbul Convention in the Western Balkans and Turkey. Convened by the Government of Albania, UN Women, the European Union, and the Council of Europe, the Second Regional Forum reviewed progress in ending violence against women and girls and implementing the Istanbul Convention in the region. The forum took place on 9-10 October 2019 under the framework of the EU-UN Women regional programme "Implementing Norms, Changing Minds."
Mid-term review of the ASEAN Regional Plan for Action on EVAW
UN Women supported the mid-term review of the implementation of the ASEAN Regional Plan of Action for Ending Violence against Women. UN Women provided financial and technical support to facilitate the review, to draw lessons learned and recommendations from the review, which will be reflected in the next workplan of the ASEAN Regional Plan of Action.
UN Women promulgated an update of its policy on the prevention of Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, and Abuse of Authority in May 2020. The policy has been revised to notably:
(i) clarify the purpose of the policy
(ii) incorporate elements of the CEB Task Force on Harassment Model Policy, including strengthened language on zero tolerance, victim-centred approach and updated definitions
(iii) update roles & responsibilities Three specific role-based guidance in relation to sexual harassment for supervisors, affected persons and alleged perpetrators were developed in conjunction, providing clear and concise information.
UN Women revised its Procedure for Selecting Programme Partners to include a SEA assessment of partners in accordance with the UN Protocol on Allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse involving Implementing Partners, and the corresponding ST/SGB/2003/13 provisions. As part of the implementation of the revised procedure, a new Partner Agreement template for contracting programme partners was developed. The Partner Agreement includes, inter alia, an outline of the standard of care expected of programme partners relating to SEA; an undertaking by the programme partner that they accept the standards of conduct set out in ST/SGB/2003/13; an acknowledgement that SEA are strictly prohibited and that UN Women will apply a policy of zero tolerance with regard to SEA; and the requirement that the programme partner investigate and report any allegations of SEA to UN Women and that personnel whom they engaged have undertaken training on prevention and response to SEA (including access via a link to the United Nations SEA online training for all implementing partners).
On 21 December 2020, in Kazakhstan UN Women conveyed the consultations to validate the findings of the analysis of a compliance of Kazakhstan national legislation with CoE/Istanbul Convention and discuss perspectives of Kazakhstan to join the Convention. This is now being followed-up within the Spotlight Regional Programme for Central Asia.
Sensitization of local stakeholders to the Istanbul Convention is one of the objectives of the Spotlight Programme in Tajikistan. It's also a regular topic at various relevant occasions.
UN-Women completed the implementation of the recommendations of the independent, victim-centered review of its policies and procedures on tackling SEA and SH in June 2021. Through targeted actions, UN Women was able to maximize the clarity and cohesion of its policy and governance framework, strengthen its prevention and communication efforts, establish sufficient field capacity and proper operationalization, and ensure accountable and transparent investigations.
In coordination with the UN Electoral Assistance Division (EAD/DPPA) UN Women contributed to enhanced UN staff capacities on addressing violence against women in elections (VAWE) through a dedicated sessions delivered during the EAD-UN Staff College course on: A Political Approach to Preventing and Responding to Electoral Violence (7-16 June 2021), with 39 participants from around the world from UNDP, DPPA, OHCHR, UNMISS and UN Women).
UN Women capacities at the regional and national level have enhanced through its triple mandate and technical leadership on EVAW in Africa region. This is evidenced through the leadership on Africa Spotlight Initiative at both regional and country levels, steep increase in the mobilization of resources, strengthening of partnerships with AUC, regional and national CSOs, government and other partners. UN Women in Africa also by leveraging on the Africa Strategy and harnessing the technical capacities of the team through establishment of a regional EVAW Community of Practice (COP) and sharing of innovation and technical knowledge through South-South learning. This helped immensely in initiating, strengthening and upscaling programs on ‘safe markets and safe public spaces’ in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zimbabwe; addressing tech violence against girls in education institutions through a research and advocacy document; partnerships with regional traditional leaders in establishing a movement of “Council of Traditional Leaders in Africa (COTLA)” and its launch in the sidelines of the African Union Summit in February 2019 through the President of Zambia in grassroot advocacy and prevention of child marriage, FGM and other harmful practices. Strengthened partnerships with the government and CSOs also helped in technical support in legislative reform, strengthening institutions, establishment of referral pathways and multi-sectoral responses in EVAW in the region.
Technical Support to Country Offices and Partners
ROAP has supported country offices to strengthen capacities on EVAW through dedicated technical support on VAW prevention and Essential Services, webinars, introduction of knowledge products and guidance developed, efforts to establish anti-sexual harassment policies at universities, and providing technical inputs in national EVAWG strategies.
As a response to a social (media) movement against sexual harassment in public space, especially in relation to young actresses and women in the entertainment business, which was started by several actresses in the region of Western Balkans, UN Women Bosnia and Herzegovina mobilized UN agencies to create a joint response to the movement. This initiative gathered relevant portfolios from different UN agencies (UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA) putting forward a mapping of actions against domestic violence, violence against women and children, gender-based violence and a plan for joint action together with the government for a large-scale systemic response to sexual violence.
UN Women Kosovo, jointly with UNFPA initiated a multi-sectoral dialogue involving actors such as the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Agency for Gender Equality/Prime Minister's Office. Through this dialogue, the establishment of provisional quarantine facilities was made possible. UN Women and UNFPA delivered hygiene packages, clothes, PPE and other items to provisional quarantine facilities for gender-based violence and domestic violence survivor cases prior to admission in the shelters.- UN Women Kosovo jointly with UNFPA assisted the Ministry of Justice in developing an emergency protocol for handling cases of domestic violence during the pandemic.
- UN Women Kosovo liaised with donors to respond to the needs of survivors from non-majority communities: liaised with Embassy of UK to support the shelter in North Mitrovica; with Swiss Embassy to support a women's organization providing essential services in North Mitrovica.
In Tajikistan, UN Women led the process of institutionalizing PSEA and development the UNCT PSEA plan. Currently PSEA Country Risk Assessment is being developed.
Number of activities to enhance Capacity of UN Entities in Relation to Violence Against Women, including recent GALS training for several UN agencies have been implemented to date.
UN-Women designed and facilitated a 3 half-day, scenario-based capacity building workshop specifically for its PSEA focal points from all regions. To additionally ensure alignment with the UN system wide PSEA strategy and its UNCT operationalization, UN-Women invited speakers from the Victims’ Rights Advocate, the UN Development Coordination Office, and the Office of the Special Coordinator for improving the UN response to SEA.
Scenario-based trainings for addressing SEA and SH were developed by UN Women to complement and contextualize the existing mandatory online training for both topics. The case scenarios used were specifically created for the UN-Women contexts to maximize relevance and relatability of the training. UN Women piloted the tow trainings in 4 country offices and is in the process of coordinating their rollout across the organization.
UN Women East and Southern Regional Office has organized a 4-day training for electoral management bodies, political parties, security institutions, and relevant women’s organizations who are major stakeholders in the conduct of elections, on Preventing Violence Against Women in Elections using the UN WOMEN Preventing VAWE in Elections Guide. The training aims to provide election stakeholders and relevant civil society organizations with in-depth knowledge on the nature and consequences of VAWE, and tools and good practices to prevent it and/or mitigate its consequences.
In Zimbabwe UN Women provided technical support and capacity building to key electoral stakeholders, including the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission and the Zimbabwe National Police, to enhance institutional capacities to monitor VAWP. These initiatives include development of knowledge, capacity building efforts, development of partnerships with political parties and key state actors, creating avenues for the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) to work with institutions such as the Zimbabwe Republic Police and civil society to address the problem. UN Women trained 80 (45 women and 35 men) members of the police service and supported the development of the police strategic document for police 2021 to 2025. The initiative equipped the police with skills to monitor VAWP.
At the East & Southern African regional level, to bring the global commitments to the field and to create an enabling safe, secure and equitable environment in line with the UN Secretary-Generals guidance, a Training of Trainers program on “Gender Parity” and “Prevention of Sexual Harassment, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse” was organized in partnership with UN Women HQ with participation by 42 participants from 12 countries in the region representing UN Women, UNPFA, UNHCR, IOM, ICAO and UNDSS in Mombasa, Kenya. Following the training at least 5 countries have replicated the training in their countries and also took initiatives to establish and strengthen the PSEA task forces.
In Kenya, UN Women continued to play a key role in convening and leading stakeholders to demand accountability for ending violence against women and girls, while at the same time ensuring access to quality and essential services for survivors. As one of the key highlights, UN Women together with its’ partners convened a National GBV Conference in 2019 bringing together over 450 participants from across the country with the aim to harness accountability for GBV prevention and response. As a result of the Conference a communique with 27 recommendations articulating roles for each duty bearer was finalized.
Standardization of GBV training was improved through UN Women support in the development of the Safe Spaces and Applicability Manual[1], the GBV Service Providers Data Bank tools, and the Model Gender-Based Violence Recovery Centers Guidance Note. These tools are expected to provide a harmonized training curriculum for use by duty bearers while the guidance note will provide a framework for provision of GBV services within a multi-sectoral framework. The Harmonized GBV Training Manual[2] was also finalized. Further KCO led in the development of the “Implementation Guide for the Global Women’s Safety Framework”[3]. The guide to implementation provides a “how to” and a “step by step” guidance for tea chain producers who are keen to address sexual harassment. Prevention and response to GBV by the National Police Service was strengthened through KCO’s support in the development of a National Action Plan (NAP). The NAP provides for the creation of a special gender crimes unit within the policy system and provides opportunities for all actors to strengthen their partnership with the Police, by seeking to support different aspects of the action plan.
A number of capacity building and trainings were undertaken targeting law enforcement and other officials in the ESAR countries. Most significantly, Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda and Zimbabwe also benefited from the Spotlight funding and undertook a number of initiatives aimed at training and capacity building of relevant actors in addressing VAW, HP and promotion of SRHR.
Roll-out of RESPECT
Together with the Prevention Collaborative and WHO, UN Women rolled out the RESPECT framework and Implementation Package in Bangladesh, India and Nepal in early 2021. The workshop series was attended by representatives from UN entities, civil society, academic and governments and resulted in national workplace to take forward initiatives to prevent VAW.
Webinar series on the use of technology for remote service provision to support survivors of violence
Frontline service providers who have been utilizing technology to deliver services to women migrant workers shared their lessons learned and tips to use technology safely especially in the context of COVID-19. The three sessions facilitated linkages between violence against women services and technologies by adapting remote methods used in service delivery to meet the survivor-centered principles of privacy, confidentiality and security. Two technical briefs were launched during the webinar: “Safe Technology for the Provision of Services to Women Migrant Workers at Risk of or Subject to Violence” and “Remote Service Provision for Women Migrant Workers at Risk or Subject to Violence” with the Action Cards: 10 Things to Know About Violence against Women Migrant Workers.
Responsible Representation and Reporting of VAW/VAC
The new Guidelines on Responsible representation and reporting of violence against women and violence against children, developed by UN Women, UNFPA and UNICEF, provide recommendations to media professionals to ensure that media coverage does not contribute to harm. This document offers guidance on interviewing survivors of violence, applying an intersectional and survivor-centered approach to reporting, avoiding victim-blaming or stereotyping, and using gender-responsive language. This guideline emerged from conversations within the regional UNITE Working Group during COVID-19.
Webinar Series on Violence against Women and Girls Data Collection and Use
The webinar series was organized to engage VAWG professionals, national statistics offices and service providers to deepen and exchange practices regarding the collection, analysis and use of data on violence against women with a specific focus on administrative data. The webinar series explored the main types of VAWG data – prevalence, costing data – and strengthen reporting on VAWG-related indicators. The webinar was based on the ASEAN Regional Guidelines on Violence against Women and Girls Data Collection and Use.
Addressing Violence and Harassment in the World of Work: Women migrant workers in ASEAN
A training tool to complement the ILO-UN Women “Handbook: Addressing violence and harassment against women in the world of work” was developed to be used in trainings on the continuum of violence faced by women and women migrant workers. The tool specifically targets CSOs and key government stakeholders. This tool focuses on addressing violence and harassment against women in the world of work, featuring examples from ASEAN and highlighting specific risks related to women migrant workers.
With UN Women Albania Support:
- Capacities of 231 service providers increased in ensuring familiarity and use of changes to legal framework on GBV.
- Capacities of 71 service providers from 4 municipalities of the country were increased to address cases of VAWG from vulnerable communities such as Roma women, women with disabilities, women from LGBTQI+ community.
- There is better coordination among actors of the referral mechanisms which address cases of violence against women was ensured through workshops in the municipalities of Prrenjas, Peqin, Cerrik, Belsh, Gramsh and Elbasan with a total of 69 CCR members.
- Staff of 27 administrative units of Tirana increased capacities to respond to violence against women and girls through 11 capacity building sessions.
With UN Women Bosnia and Herzegovina support extensive number of trainings was conducted resulting in: more than 190 individuals have better knowledge on gender equality and GBV including sexual harassment in public space; 21 teacher and 35 high school students have capacities to conduct advanced prevention activities in high schools; and 15 religious' leaders across BiH have in depth knowledge on violence against women and how this can be prevented; and finally, more than 20 media professionals have increased knowledge on responsible reporting on GBV.
As a result of UN Women Ukraine support: 36 (12 men and 24 women) representatives of local authorities and local legal aid providers from Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts increase their knowledge on applying a survivor-centred approach when developing policies and implementing services for gender-based violence victims/survivors; 37 persons (35 women and 2 men), Deputy Heads of communities and Heads of Social Protection Departments from target communities of Donetsk oblast and Luhansk oblast increased their knowledge on the international and national legal frameworks on the prevention and counteraction of domestic and gender-based violence, on effective coordination and referral aimed at ensuring quality protection and a coordinated response, through a two-day training; UN Women jointly with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and National Police of Ukraine developed the “Guidelines for police on prevention and response to domestic violence in Ukraine”; 60 (51 women, 9 men) of media representatives from Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts increased their knowledge on gender-sensitive and human rights-based reporting.
Pursuing the goal to increase police capacity to hold domestic violence offenders accountable and better protect the safety of victims and their children, UN Women Moldova CO supported various capacity building and as a result:
- 16 police officers, including 6 women and 10 men, representing different regions from Moldova are certified trainers and have knowledge and skills to deliver EVAW trainings for law enforcement officials, as part of the team of national trainers within Center for Integrated Application of Legislation (CIPAL) (2020).
- In 2021, UN Women CO is supporting a comprehensive capacity building in partnership with the General Inspectorate of Police, the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation, and the National Inspectorate of Public Security for the up 400 police officers. As result of the first phase - 8 two-day training activities 182 police officers, 93 from criminal investigative and 89 public security division, 75 women and 107 men from 36 different regions of the country acquired relevant knowledge and skills to respond promptly and in accordance with the provision of national law to cases of domestic violence.
In addition to that, to support the establishment of a specialist service for victims of sexual violence in Cahul and Ungheni, over 41 law enforcement representatives and medical staff, psychologists, and social assistants have acquired new knowledge and skills for a better response to cases of sexual violence to trauma-oriented approach and coordination of efforts of all specialists involved in response to cases of sexual violence.
In Tajikistan – series of training for WLWH have been conducted to build their leadership skills and adopt transformational leadership approach in advocating for the life free of violence and discrimination. Service providers in SPT pilot districts have been trained in localized case-management system.
25 participants, most of whom are lawyers of human rights organizations or individual practicing lawyers with more than 10 years of experience (68% of participants), have been trained and increased their knowledge and skills on International standards and procedures for the protection of women and girls from gender-based violence and procedures for filing complaints with CEDAW and other UN convention bodies on an online training which was held for lawyers and advocates in Dushanbe and Khujand.
Over 80 of experts, general public, community and beneficiaries in Tajikistan have strengthened their knowledge and understanding on mechanisms of legal protection and assessment of physical and psychological injuries resulting from violence and mechanisms of legal protection and medical documentation from impunity.
In the frames of the 16 Days campaign, the local UN Women partner, NGO Human Right Center, received technical and logistical support from UN Women to conduct two webinars "Mechanisms of Legal Protection and Assessment of Physical and Psychological Injuries Resulting from Violence" (November 25th) and "Mechanisms of Legal Protection and Medical Documentation from Impunity" (December 1st).
According to the report, in total, 84 women, girls, lawyers, health specialists, psychologists, etc. participated in the webinars and increased their knowledge and understanding on the topics and the ways to address violence and related issues. Notably, representatives of WLWH, one of the most marginalized and discriminated group of the Tajik society, have also participated in the webinars. UN Women contributed to this by supporting local NGO Human Rights Center in preparation of those webinars by provision relevant information and data. Several local gender activists and advocates contributed to the webinars by leading thematic sessions and answering questions from participants.
After launching the COVID-19 and EVAWG outreach campaign, the Red Crescent Society in Tajikistan encountered several challenges in capacity building and training of volunteers in EVAWG realm due to social distancing modalities and health-related issues which caused constant turnover of NGO staff and volunteers. The duration of the project was only 5 months and UN Women tried to come up with innovative, promising, and effective service delivery modalities, especially in conveying outreach and VAWG essentials to the volunteers, who have been mainly trained in disaster response and emergency. As a solution to face-to-face training, UN Women developed a digital tutorial for community volunteers and NGOs on outreach essentials, communication skills with the victims of violence and further referral of these victims to the local VAWG service providers. The digital tutorial was adapted to the mobile version and disseminated among volunteers. Volunteers had hands-on guidelines on communication modalities, identification of VAWG cases and referral mechanism in their mobile phones, which they used in a daily work in remote districts. According to the Red Crescent Society and NGOs, work efficiency and coverage have increased as newcomers among volunteers used the tutorial instead of face-to-face induction training.
15 professional lawyers, members of the Tajik Bar Associations enhanced their knowledge in mainstreaming gender in justice sector, criminal, and civil cases, considering a human rights-based approach and consequences of HIV/AIDS.
UN Women Tajikistan strengthened the capacity of NGO staff and volunteers through trainings on VAWG case management and referral mechanism, supporting 12-hour operation of 12 NGO staff for remote consultations and developed information materials on VAWG support services in 6 target districts (Isfara, B. Gafurov, Vose, Rudaki, Gissar and Yavan).
In Bolivia with UN-Women’s technical assistance, the Office of the Ombudsman commissioned an analysis of the level of compliance with the legislation on VAWP at sub-national levels. The research findings concluded that only 19% of Municipal Autonomous Governments and 5 out of 9 Departmental Autonomous Governments have internal regulations in line with Law 243. The publication titled "Regulatory Package, for the Prevention and Sanctioning of Harassment and Political Violence against Women, in Departmental Autonomous Governments and Municipal Autonomous Governments",[1] aims to assist Municipal and Departmental Autonomous Governments to tackle key barriers to address VAWP providing tools to develop and implement regulations and procedures in line with the national law including: i) a model proposal for General Rules of Procedures of the Departmental Assembly or the Municipal Council; ii) draft Rules of Procedure of Ethics Commissions; iii) internal staff regulations and iv) a model proposal for the disciplinary regime
An institutional protocol to monitor and address Violence Against Women in Elections was developed by the National Electoral Commission in Liberia. UN Women provided technical support .
UN Women ESARO supported the development of a model law for establishment of special mechanisms to fast track SGBV cases by International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) with UN Women support. This had been one of the articles of the Kampala Declaration (2011) and provides a comprehensive framework to facilitate development of national instruments to fast track prosecution of SGBV cases.
In Kenya, UN Women provided both financial and technical support in the development of the GBV policy for Migori County. This was done through a participatory, multi-sectoral workshop attended by state and non-state GBV actors in the county.
In South Africa, UN Women as the lead UN agency has significantly made financial and technical contributions to the Coordination stream of the work of the Interim Steering Committee to ensure that the structure and legislation are drafted and the drafting of the Nation Strategic Plan. Other UN agencies have contributed in other streams of work.
Funding intersectional violence against women and girls (VAWG) services
This policy brief highlights the value that ‘by and for’ organizations bring to the fight to end violence against women and girls (VAWG) and examines how the current funding landscape jeopardizes the existence and autonomy of these organizations. It provides key recommendations on improving the nature of funding frameworks to support organizations that address the specific needs of minoritized women and girls.
Good Practices in Responding to Domestic Violence : A Comparative Study
With the aim of assisting the Agency for Gender Equality of Bosnia and Herzegovina in supporting responsible government bodies to advance minimum standards in ensuring response and assistance to victims of gender-based violence, good practices were analyzed across four countries, two EU Member States (Austria and Spain), and two non-EU States within the Western Balkan region (Albania and Serbia). This document provides a detailed, technical description of national programmes and initiatives that have been recognized internationally as good practice. It provides comparative information from the four selected countries in order to demonstrate distinct approaches and models. The aim is to provide diverse options to assist relevant actors in Bosnia and Herzegovina in selecting the best approach tailored to their current needs and circumstances in line with international standards. For each practice, after setting forth the relevant international standards based on the Istanbul Convention, the UN Guidelines on Essential Services Package, jurisprudence from the European Court of Human Rights and Council of Europe Guidelines, the flagship best-practice initiatives are described, comparing like models, where good practice exists in more than one country. Challenges to implementing each good practice model are also noted, including deviations from international standards as well as practical barriers to implementation.
UN Women Analysis of the Capacities for the Implementation of Council of Europe Convention of Preventing and Combating Domestic Violence and Violence against Women in Police and Free Legal Aid Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina
With this analysis, UN Women seeks to support the Agency for Gender Equality of the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees Bosnia and Herzegovina to establish minimum standards for service provision to survivors of gender-based violence in several sectors in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The analysis examines the two sectors' capacity to implement the standards derived from the Istanbul Convention including state obligations and due diligence, integrated policies and data collection, prevention, protection and support, substantive law, investigation, prosecution, and procedural law. In addition to the detailed assessment of legal, operational and institutional framework, the analysis further examines the capacities of responsible sectoral governmental institutions and service providers at the local level, including relevant NGOs. Detailed information from institutions and service providers were collected from interviews, representing the opportunity for identifying a new way of understanding the topic at hand. The analysis will add to the evidence-based support to the activities of institutions in the country with a view of meeting the obligations that stem from the Istanbul Convention, and ultimately providing adequate support to victims of gender-based violence and domestic violence, as well as processing of perpetrators.
National Action Plan on Anti-Trafficking in Persons (2021-2025) in Malaysia
The National Action Plan on Anti-Trafficking in Persons (2021-2025) or “NAPTIP 3.0” was successfully launched by the Ministry of Home Affairs on 31 March. The new NAPTIP provides the policy and implementation directions for Malaysia’s anti-trafficking efforts in the next five years. The NAPTIP 3.0 was developed through a collaborative process among the Malaysian Council for Anti-Trafficking in Persons, UN Women, ILO, UNODC (as the implementing agencies of the Safe and Fair Programme) and civil society organizations. The inputs from UN Women and ILO mainly focused on enhancing the prevention of trafficking in persons by addressing risk factors, protection through legal remedies and provision of services to survivors, including increased prosecution of TIP.
A Guidance Note to Develop Migrant-Sensitive National Action Plans on Violence against Women
This guidance on inclusion of women migrant workers’ rights and realities related to VAW builds on the UN Women resource, “Handbook for National Action Plans on Violence Against Women”. The Guidance note provides specific recommendations to ensure the concerns and interests of women migrant workers are incorporated into National Action Plans on Ending Violence Against Women.
UN Women Albania:
1- Supported the Albanian State Police to develop policy and procedures against harassment and sexual harassment to protect women and men among the police forces.
2- Supported the Albanian State Police (ASP) to develop an E-Learning Course on the Policy against Harassment, including Sexual Harassment in the Workplace.
3- Supported five municipalities (Durres, Korce, Tirane, Elbasan, Lezhe) to effectively apply gender responsive planning and budgeting in the local MTBP, with a focus on budgeting in VAWG
With UN Women support, Ministry of Interior of Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina has improved standardization of police response to violence against women and domestic violence in Federation of BiH (FBiH). A Framework policy and 10 proposals for improved cantonal policies for internal division of tasks in response to cases of domestic violence was developed to standardize roles within the police force. In place are also a Manual for in-service training of police officers on the response to cases of domestic violence and recommendations for changes in the FBiH Police Academy curriculum for improved knowledge of police cadets on legal and institutional response to DV and VAW.
In Ukraine, with the aim of strengthening the local gender machinery and enabling local governments to develop, implement, monitor and coordinate gender-responsive policies, UN Women successfully advocated with local public authorities the establishment of 13 Local Gender Coordination Councils[ with an extended mandate focusing on Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), Women, Peace and Security (WPS) and Safe Cities for Women and Girls. Furthermore, because of UN Women advocacy efforts 5 Deputy Heads of communities were appointed as Commissioners on Gender Equality and Prevention and Combating of Domestic and Gender-based Violence delegated with the promotion of equal rights and equal opportunities for women and men at the community level. In Ukraine, women, and girls from 12 communities in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts benefit now from socio-economic development programs and target programs inclusive of measures on preventing and combating violence against women and girls. UN Women provided expert support to local authorities and tailored capacity development for Self-Help Groups on preventing gender-based violence and participation in decision-making processes.
In Ukraine, 3 conflict-affected communities adopted Safe Cities for Women and Girls Programs using evidence generated by the UN Women Multi-site Scoping Study on the risks and experiences of sexual violence encountered by women in public spaces in conflict-affected East of Ukraine.
In Moldova, with UN Women CO support, The Ministry of Health Labor and Social Protection co-created/developed with all relevant institutions (Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Justice, NGOs, Probation, and women's survivors of violence) the Intersectoral protocols and referral mechanisms on EVAW, which are awaiting approval by the Government in 2021. As well, UN Women CO supported the development of intermediary analysis of EVAW Strategy and as a result a new Plan for 1,5 year was developed and awaiting approval by the Government.
UN Women Kosovo, supported development of the Kosovo Programme for Gender Equality (2020-2024) and the Action Plan (2020-2022), which was approved by the Kosovo government on 23 May 2020. The decision obliges the institutions of Kosovo to implement this Programme according to the activities foreseen in the Action Plan, while the Agency for Gender Equality within the Office of the Prime Minister is obliged to monitor the implementation and to annually report on the implementation of the program. Provisions from the UNSCR 1325, gender sensitive transitional justice activities and support for mainstreaming gender into the security sector were also included in the Kosovo Gender Programme 2020-2024, with direct support of UN Women.
With UN Women Kosovo support, in November 2020, Policy against Sexual Harassment in Public Administration in Kosovo, was adopted by the government. The aim of the policy is to serve as an instrument and in creating a workplace environment free from of any form of sexual harassment and sanction such action. A new Kosovo Strategy and Action Plan on Protection from Domestic Violence (2022-2026) is currently in drafting process, with the support of UN Women.
In Tajikistan, UN Women assisted the GoT in developing localized integrated referral system for survivors of violence.
UN-Women highlighted the importance of preventing SH during COVID-19 in multiple settings, including on health, care and domestic work as well as on public spaces and cyber harassment, through webinars with a total of 1820 participants from within and outside of the UN system.
#HeForShe at home campaign
To creatively address concerns about rising violence at home during COVID-19, and the increased burden of unpaid care work, UN Women in Asia and the Pacific joined forces with a community of influencers, activists and celebrities in Thailand to involve the public in the #HeForSheAtHome campaign. The campaign was designed to ease tensions at home using humor, and advocated for shared caring responsibilities to prevent family violence. The campaign reached approximately 46 million viewers and engaged more than 140 content producers across various social media platforms, with the core message that men can be more involved in caring roles at home.
Political Engagement Strategy in Asia and the Pacific
UN Women’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific has been instrumental in implementing the Secretary General's Political Engagement Strategy on Gender Based Violence (GBV), helping to highlight EVAW as a significant political issue on government agendas in the region. Along with country offices in Asia and the Pacific, the Regional Office supported states in the region include EVAW within their essential services. With leadership from the UN Resident Coordinators (RCs) and support from other UN agencies, ROAP has supported efforts in Afghanistan, Bangladesh and other countries in the region to adopt short- and long-term action areas identified within the Political Engagement Strategy.
Safety planning for violence against women during the COVID-19 pandemic
The Safety Plan was developed under the COVID-19 pandemic context when the ‘isolation measures’ could put women at further risk of violence. The Safety Plan provides a way to think about how to stay safe at home, in community and in workplace regardless of the migratory status of women. This is designed in a way to help women, especially women migrant workers, prepare for dangers if they are in an abusive situation of fear of violence or harassment. The Safety Plan is available in 9 languages.
Action Brief: A Guide for Action to Stem Increasing Violence Against Women amid the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacific
This is a guide for governments, aid agencies, service providers, businesses and other groups on what to do to protect women from violence during the pandemic and its associated array of lockdowns, movement restrictions, services closures, and other disease control measures.
In response to COVID-19, UN Women Albania:
- Supported the Ministry of Health and Social Protection in the adoption of Protocol “On the operation of public and non-public residential centres, providing shelter services to victims of domestic violence and human trafficking during the COVID-19 pandemic”, followed by a video broadcast on public TV and on social media to encourage reporting VAWG during the lockdown period, which reached 400,000 views.
- Supported the Sub-Parliamentary Committee on Gender Equality to identify interventions in the area of gender equality during COVID-19 pandemic and maintained ongoing communications with local and national institutions for managing the situation of violence against women and other groups, who were at higher risk of facing domestic violence due to the lockdown.
- Supported women’s rights CSOs to conduct monitoring of referral mechanisms in 11 municipalities, including a special reporting during COVID-19 health crisis.
- Trained 37 public and non-public service providers on provision of sheltering services during COVID-19 based on the approved protocol.
- Conducted 2 Rapid Gender Assessments to (i) measure the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on women and men, including in the area of GBV; (ii) assess challenges and gaps of 6 women’s CSOs in offering services to survivors during COVID-19, resulting in adaptation of support to CSOs based on the situation.
- Supported 12 CSOs with 1,100 protective equipment units to continue service provision including accommodation in shelters during COVID-19
- Supported CSO service providers to offer direct services to approximately 400 women survivors of VAWG.
In response to the COVID 19, UN Women Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) provided immediate support to 8 Safe Houses in BiH covering their running costs, basic needs of survivors and children placed in the safe houses, and basic personal protection equipment. As a result, immediate support in the first months of the COVID 19 outbreak was provided to survivors of different forms of violence through more than 1500 SOS calls and 1300 persons through phone and online counselling. Comprehensive specialized support services within Safe Houses were provided to 176 women and children. In the months after initial response UN Women BiH has provided more structural support for improved accessibility and availability of specialized services to survivors of violence in all 8 Safe Houses in BiH. Safe Houses were able to provide additional 950 SOS calls, admit 380 women and children and provide 155 different services survivors of domestic.
Ukraine: Aimed at preventing gender-based violence against women and girls 1,200 brochures for perpetrators of domestic violence comprising information on criminalization of domestic violence, as well as educational information on increased domestic work imposed on women, especially during the Covid 19 pandemic lockdowns, promoting respectful relationships between intimate partners and household members were disseminated to men from 13 target communities in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
53 staff (22 women, 31 men) of the National Police of Ukraine Departments in eastern oblasts of Ukraine, increased their knowledge on gender mainstreaming as a tool for effective integration of gender equality priorities into their work and on prevention and respond to GBV during COVID-19 pandemic.
In the response to the COVID-19, UN Women Moldova CO has conducted a rapid assessment of women’s needs, affected by gender-based violence and of the systemic response to cases of violence in the context of the Covid-19 crisis through a national NGO. Based on the needs highlighted by partner organizations, UN Women Moldova has provided essential online services through several national NGOs, to around 353 women and girls affected by violence, women's survivors of violence, 156 women migrants (including those affected by violence, or in substantial risk) for a 4-month period. In addition to this, essential products have been provided to 250 women survivors of violence beneficiaries of 15 institutions (shelters, organizations, etc.) and to 3,279 social assistants and social workers, from 36 Territorial structures of social assistance across the country, including the Transnistrian region. They have been assisted during emergency lockdown conditions and equipped with necessary items (food and hygiene products) and personal protection equipment (PPE) during COVID-19 outbreak.
In the context of Joint UN Programme „Strengthening the Republic of Moldova’s National Response to the COVID-19 Crisis”, funded by UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund (UN COVID-19 MPTF), under UN Women CO component, 295 women survivors of violence, 41 indirect beneficiaries’ members of their families and 500 members of multidisciplinary teams in different regions of the country have been provided with essential products.
As part of COVID-19 Response and Recovery Window of the Moldova 2030 SDGs Partnership Fund (SDGPF) in 2021, over 3,000 women in vulnerable situations or part of vulnerable groups (unemployed due to COVID-19 pandemic, living with HIV, from vulnerable families, with disabilities, with more than 4 children, older people within extreme poverty, etc) from both banks of the Nistru river have been supported with essential products (food, hygienic products, PPEs).
PPE items were offered to multidisciplinary teams from Cahul and Ungheni districts to maintain their work/interventions to respond to violence against women and children in times of crisis. Around 1,200 social workers from 70 localities were enabled to provide continuous social assistance to the local population. More than 3,400 vulnerable women and children from Cahul and Ungheni were better able to maintain their well-being and increase their personal protection from COVID-19 by receiving direct support (food, hygiene packages, and PPE items).
Supported by UN Women Kosovo, around 550 women/DV survivors in the shelters were provided with supplies such as food and hygienic kits, bed linen and clothes to shelters. Technical equipment to shelters around Kosovo was also delivered ensuring that the attendance of online learning classes by children in the shelters is not disrupted. Women sheltered in quarantine facility were also provided hygiene packages, clothes, PPE prior to admission. UN Women directly contributed to these results through procuring and delivering these items jointly with UNFPA. Women business owners will be able to benefit from a 2 million Euro worth of grants for allocated by the government as part of its economic recovery package. UN Women contributed to these results by collecting operative data and evidence on the gendered impact of the pandemic in the Rapid Gender Assessment of the Situation and Needs of Women in the Context of COVID-19(RGA), conducted in March-April 2020 and Rapid assessment of the socio-economic impact of the crisis on Kosovan households conducted in April-June 2020. Needs of survivors from non-majority communities were addressed through support to the shelter in North Mitrovica in receiving essential services in North Mitrovica. All DV shelters in Kosovo received working tools including beehives, tailoring and hairdressing tools, baking ovens for the large-scale production of bread and other food items as well as technical equipment. The main aim of this undertaking was to enable income generation for the shelters, in order to foster their economic empowerment and independence in a sustainable fashion. At the same time, provision of these tools offers the opportunity for capacity building for survivors residing in these shelters, who by utilizing these tools gain the ability to use those skills for possible employment opportunities or business start-ups once they leave the shelter. With the average annual turn-over of women in shelters being approximately 600, it can be estimated that up to 600 women will directly and sustainably benefit from the provided equipment Kosovo public at large was informed about:
- The pandemic and key prevention measures;
- The impact of the pandemic on women and women economies;
- DV and GBV through the 16 days of activism campaign; and
- Promotion of Kosovo Police app which can be used to report cases of DV and GBV as well as other incidents and crimes (and which now allows the easy reporting of domestic violence through an updated direct button).
The total reach of the cumulative campaigns was over 300 000 people through UN Women Kosovo social media alone. UN Women contribution to all these results was provided through technical and advocacy support.
In Tajikistan, Under UN Women technical guidance, the UNCT members jointly with the Governmental structures (health/ women empowerment/ social protection/ emergency) created joint plans, including on awareness raising and prevention. The final SPT COVID-19 Action Plan’s measures and activities were presented and well aligned with the Government’s position and the COVID-19 request issued by state authorities (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RT, CoWFA, MoH, CoES, CYA). The activities were incorporated, along with monitoring indicators ad targets, in the Integrated Socio-Economic Response Framework. The plan also covered awareness raising elements: Dissemination of information about COVID-19, VAWG, VAC, supporting awareness raising campaigns on TV, social media networks, radio broadcasting on COVID-19 and including on the impact on women and girls, general and user-friendly information (videos, leaflets) developed for dissemination among the population. Within the Spotlight Initiative UN Women developed gender-sensitive recommendations for preparedness to and during quarantine period. Recommendations included specific measures to address GBV, protect women health workers, etc. Recommendation were handed over to MFA and other GoT bodies. In this process, the Spotlight Initiative team participated in several meetings with Government officials and various coordination platforms to advocate for the rights of women and girls in the context of COVID-19.
Rapid Gender Assessment
The report on “What Rapid Gender Assessment data says about the impact of COVID-19 on women’s and men’s lives and livelihood in Tajikistan” was prepared and published in three languages by UN Women in cooperation with Z-Analytics. The overall objective of the assessment was to assess COVID-19 impact on women, girls, men, and boys, and to compare gender issues and social norms during the outbreak period. Furthermore, the assessment aimed to increase preparedness and response efforts to the emergency created by COVID-19 and to provide a gendered insight on how the situation has affected women and men differently. The RGA assessment captured 1,500 respondents in total, both women and men above the age of 18 years. The assessment covered all regions of Tajikistan with total population 9,126.6 people. RGA data shows that, overall, 61 percent respondents received information through traditional media sources, such as television, radio, and newspapers. Furthermore, RGA data disaggregated by target regions demonstrate that in Dushanbe, a considerable number of respondents also received information through internet and social media (22 per cent) and from public announcements (3 percent). In GBAO, 19 percent of respondents received information from health workers which is high by 5–7 percentage points then DRS, Sogd and Khatlon and 11 percentage points higher than Dushanbe. Compared to other regions, more users in DRS, Sogd and Khatlon found mobile phones to be an efficient tool in getting information on COVID-19. In Sogd – where people were dependent on traditional media sources was still utilized by a considerable number of people compared to Dushanbe and DRS. Finally, in Khatlon, most respondents (62 per cent) received information on COVID-19 through traditional media sources, followed equally by internet and social media and health centers and family doctors. As indicated by RGA data in this report, the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected both women and men from urban and rural areas and among all age groups. Based on RGA results, several conclusions are drawn that summarize the results of the COVID-19 outbreak. Based on these conclusions, several recommendations for various stakeholders, including national authorities and international organizations, as well as the local civil society organizations (CSO) are forwarded.
Video messages
UN Women, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNDP jointly with the Committee on women and family affairs and the EU delegation developed positive transformative messages to the population: The messages in informational videos on promoting positive masculinity and challenging traditional norms among young people, men and women, which were part of the programmatic activities, were adopted to be more focused on men's involvement with care work at home in order to reduce the domestic burden on women, taking into account the increase in self-isolation during COVID-19 and its negative impact of GBV. The COVID-19 response video was also produced by UN Women in cooperation with CoWFA and spread among partners and Gender Thematic Group for further dissemination. The UN Women video on the social media page of the Gender Thematic Group (Facebook) had been viewed more than 18,000.
Informational leaflets
UN Women in consultation with STP RUNOS and Committee of Women and Family Affairs developed the content for the leaflet on COVID19 impact on women and girls. Family resilience during the pandemic (81,400 copies), which has been disseminated among 596,000 people to promote harmonious and non-violent environment in the families. In addition, UN Women produced COVID-19 related leaflets (COVID-19 and women's vulnerability). These leaflets were aimed to women from vulnerable groups and contained information on help centers and hotlines as well as statistics. Teenage volunteers shared brochures and DVDs (developed by UNICEF and the Ministry of Health and Human Services) on COVID-19 prevention in their communities.
Outreach campaigns
According to the report from the Red Crescent Society, a 5-month COVID-19 and EVAWG outreach campaign challenged gender stereotypes and the notion of equality and fair distribution of the housework during the pandemic through the leaflet on Impact of COVID19 on Women and Girls. How to sustain family Resilience During the Pandemic. A progress has been made in the framework of SPT COVID-19 Response Plan and 5-month outreach campaign, which increased awareness of 596,000 in 6 SPT target districts (Isfara, B. Gafurov, Rudaki, Vose, Hissar and Yovon) on COVID-19 safety measures, prevention on violence against women and girls, available VAWG service for SGBV survivors and promoting gender equality relations. Project staff of the Red Crescent Society held several meetings with the local authorities in 6 target districts to inform about the project initiatives and obtain their support in organizing outreach campaigns to remote communities and disseminated the information materials via 120 community volunteers.
Youth Involvement
UNICEF, UNDP and UN Women jointly with Youth Committee invested in awareness among youth and children, parenting and prevention of violence against a girl-child through the Peer Education Center of the Committee. WHO and UNCT cooperated with the state ministries on development and publishing the infographics and information for the population in multi-media (WHO website). 130,000 young people benefitted from online gender-sensitive awareness-raising and community mobilisation activities led by the newly established Communication Centre at the Committee on Youth and Sport Affairs. The Communication Centre engaged young volunteers in prevention and awareness-raising activities as part of its COVID-19 response measure. UN Women provided logistical support and several informational and educational materials for dissemination. Other partners included UNDP and UNICEF, who equipped the Center with furniture and other items.
Rendering psychological and legal consultations from PSS hub and national hotline was done through the investment on ensuring a 24/7 support, so that women and girls across Tajikistan, both those at risk and those experiencing violence, could have wider access to this service. UN Women provided the hotline with the relevant information on location and availability of services.
COVID 19 and Women living with HIV
People with HIV were also central in planning the activities. 241,058 people reached by non-stigma and discrimination messages towards women living with HIV through a social media campaign designed with the support of 12 women living with HIV.
According to the monitoring report from the official campaign website, accounts on Instagram, Facebook and Odnoklassniki the campaign created a great interest from general population. Messages of the campaign urge peoples to commit to helping create and sustain communities that promote awareness, understanding, and acceptance of people with HIV and generated over 100840 people in Instagram, 111789 people on Facebook and 28429 people on Odnoklassniki.
Women living with HIV got aware on consequences of COVID-19 impact on women living with HIV and supported by UN Women by distributing 7000 items of the leaflets on “What people living with HIV should know about COVID-19” that provided information to women on how to protect themselves, and how to respond to stigma and discrimination during the COVID-19 pandemic. 300 women living with HIV from Dushanbe, Sughd and Districts under Central Government Jurisdiction were equipped with key protective gear and sanitizers.
The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Development partners, Donors, International organizations, UN Agencies, and civil society organizations have been better informed and make evidence-based decisions to address the needs of women living with HIV on COVID-19 context.
According to the multi-stakeholder group consist of active NGOs working in the field of HIV and AIDS, representatives of National Aids Center, representatives of the development agencies, international organizations, HIV networks, including women leaders, gender experts and Tajikistan Network of women living with HIV members, developed recommendations which have been incorporated in National Response plan and addressed immediate needs of WLWH.
UN Women made a significant contribution through identifying the key actors, members of the group and coordination of the multi stakeholder group further activities. UN Women contributed to this through hiring a National Consultant to serve as Senior peer counsellor and monitor and advise other peer counsellors. The consultant engaged with the government and other key stakeholders and monitored the progress of COVID-19 prevention and response actions, especially for women living with HIV. This virtual network of peer counsellors, consisted of 10 members, eight of them have been trained in psychosocial support and peer-counselling in individual and group consultations.
A new Viber group of peer counselors has been created that enables members to pose questions and receive immediate support from others. According to the final report of the local consultant, over 486 consultations on various issues in the context of COVID-19 and DV have been provided by the peer counsellors to WLWH from different regions. Voice notes and videos are regularly shared on sanitation techniques, social distancing, health care facilities contact details such as doctors, hotlines, and more.
This group of peer counsellors revealed that the number of cases of domestic violence has significantly increased among women living with HIV in Tajikistan during the pandemic. Women received online information on HIV treatment or how to access VAW services and support centers they received a comprehensive advice and guidance on services, made available by SPT in Tajikistan.
Due to the significant increase in the number of cases of domestic violence among women living with HIV, as revealed by the group of peer counselors, a mobile application has been developed for people living with HIV to simplify medical information and treatment, to address the urgent needs and connect women to VAW services.
According to the feedback of women engaged in the testing, the application allows people living with HIV to access timely and necessary medical services. The interactive map shows location of medical centers and nongovernmental organizations supporting people living with HIV.
UN Women provided technical guidance and IT support through the local company. The application design is based on the experiences of its developers and HIV activists. For people living with HIV, the app will act as a personal electronic patient card. It will allow the users to stay in touch with doctors online, setting up reminders about when to take medication and schedule appointments. A help button contains links to hotlines on HIV treatment and prevention and psychological and legal support for women.