Apr 2016 - Jan 2017 | OHCHR

In Haiti, OHCHR implemented two CVR (Community Violence Reduction) projects to support women and girls victims of violence. The aim of these two projects is to construct two reception centers, in remote areas  where women and girls can seek temporary shelter in order to receive psycho social, medical and legal aid.

Item ID
Item Path
/UN-Inventory/Home/Measures/Protection Support and Services for VictimsSurvivors/Apr 2016 - Jan 2017/OHCHR
UN Agency
UN Inventory Period
In Haiti, OHCHR implemented two CVR (Community Violence Reduction) projects to support women and girls victims of violence. The aim of these two projects is to construct two reception centers, in remote areas  where women and girls can seek temporary shelter in order to receive psycho social, medical and legal aid.