Jul 2007 - Jan 2008 | DPI

In November 2007, to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, DPI’s Development Section worked in collaboration with UNIFEM to produce an e-mail campaign. The UN Information Centres mobilized civil society partners to focus on the issue, particularly around the International Day and the campaign ’16 days of activism against gender violence’. Several Information Centres, including those in Asunción, Bogotá, Baku, Cairo, Lima, and Lusaka, developed special campaigns and radio and television programmes, and held press conferences, seminars and educational forums. Africa Renewal magazine issued an article on the realities faced by millions of African women, also noting grassroots work to address violence against women;[ this article is also being offered for placement in regional newspapers].
Item ID
Item Path
/UN-Inventory/Home/Measures/Prevention Including AwarenessRaising and Advocacy/Jul 2007 - Jan 2008/DPI
UN Agency
UN Inventory Period
In November 2007, to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, DPI’s Development Section worked in collaboration with UNIFEM to produce an e-mail campaign. The UN Information Centres mobilized civil society partners to focus on the issue, particularly around the International Day and the campaign ’16 days of activism against gender violence’. Several Information Centres, including those in Asunción, Bogotá, Baku, Cairo, Lima, and Lusaka, developed special...