Oct 2010 - Feb 2011 | UNDP

The main objectives of the UNDP “Access to Justice Program” in the Democratic Republic of Congo are to promote legal awareness; strengthen judicial response; and increase access to justice. In 2010, 213 local and traditional leaders benefited from sensitization campaigns, and 20 military officers in charge of training and communication were trained to provide awareness-raising amongst military forces on sexual gender-based violence, command, leadership and disciplinary measures. These officers have further sensitized high-ranking officers and soldiers. Brochures and posters on “how to exercise your rights as a victim of sexual gender-based violence” were disseminated, primarily targeting victims. In Guinea Conakry, UNDP partnered with the Bar Association to organize sensitizations on sexual violence for judiciary personnel.
Item ID
Item Path
/UN-Inventory/Home/Measures/Measures to Address Sexual Violence in Conflict Situations/Oct 2010 - Feb 2011/UNDP
UN Agency
UN Inventory Period
The main objectives of the UNDP “Access to Justice Program” in the Democratic Republic of Congo are to promote legal awareness; strengthen judicial response; and increase access to justice. In 2010, 213 local and traditional leaders benefited from sensitization campaigns, and 20 military officers in charge of training and communication were trained to provide awareness-raising amongst military forces on sexual gender-based violence, command, leadership and disciplinary measures. These officers...