In September 2011 ECLAC, together with UNFPA, organized a regional dialogue on violence and safety of women in conflict and post-conflict environment in efforts to promote the implementation of UN Security Council resolution 1325. This dialogue was launched with a three-day workshop entitled “Experts Workshop for the discussion of a Regional Training Program on Women, Peace and Security in Latin American and the Caribbean”, to provide a space for debate and exchange of experiences on the link between gender violence and physical autonomy on the one side, and situations of insecurity, conflict and post-conflict on the other, including the needs for training in this area in the region.
Item ID
Item Path
/UN-Inventory/Home/Measures/Measures to Address Sexual Violence in Conflict Situations/Mar 2011 - Jan 2012/ECLAC
UN Agency
UN Measure
UN Inventory Period
In September 2011 ECLAC, together with UNFPA, organized a regional dialogue on violence and safety of women in conflict and post-conflict environment in efforts to promote the implementation of UN Security Council resolution 1325. This dialogue was launched with a three-day workshop entitled “Experts Workshop for the discussion of a Regional Training Program on Women, Peace and Security in Latin American and the Caribbean”, to provide a space for debate and exchange of experiences on the link...