In Papua New Guinea, UNDP conducted numerous training sessions on awareness-raising and advocacy on violence against women; a Training of Trainers for staff of the Office for the Development of Women (ODW), National Council of Women (NCW), and the Gender and Development Branch of the Department of Community Development, to support strengthening coordination and communication between the three organizations to address and effectively respond to violence against women at the provincial and local levels.
Item ID
Item Path
/UN-Inventory/Home/Measures/Training and Capacity Building/Oct 2010 - Feb 2011/UNDP
UN Agency
UN Measure
UN Inventory Period
In Papua New Guinea, UNDP conducted numerous training sessions on awareness-raising and advocacy on violence against women; a Training of Trainers for staff of the Office for the Development of Women (ODW), National Council of Women (NCW), and the Gender and Development Branch of the Department of Community Development, to support strengthening coordination and communication between the three organizations to address and effectively respond to violence against women at the provincial and local...