Oct 2010 - Feb 2011 | UNDP

UNDP, through Capacity Assessement Framework for Gender Mainstreaming, has engaged gender focal points in Indonesia to strengthen their knowledge and skills to raise awareness on violence against women. In Papua New Guinea, UNDP has worked with the National Council of Women, an umbrella non-governmental organisation, to strengthen their awareness-raising and advocacy capacities on violence against women at the provincial and local levels.
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/UN-Inventory/Home/Measures/Training and Capacity Building/Oct 2010 - Feb 2011/UNDP
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UN Measure
UN Inventory Period
UNDP, through Capacity Assessement Framework for Gender Mainstreaming, has engaged gender focal points in Indonesia to strengthen their knowledge and skills to raise awareness on violence against women. In Papua New Guinea, UNDP has worked with the National Council of Women, an umbrella non-governmental organisation, to strengthen their awareness-raising and advocacy capacities on violence against women at the provincial and local levels.