Oct 2009 - Feb 2010 | IOM

IOM published a study on Gender and Labour Migration in Asia which addresses the impact of labour migration on gender roles and the gendered division of labour in the household in six countries, namely Bangladesh, China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The study covers different migration scenarios (women “independent” migration, men outmigration and parental couples’s migration) and highlights how violence, whether of a physical, psychological, sexual or economic nature, can mark women’s migratory experience. IOM also published a study on Working to Prevent and Address Violence against Migrant Women Workers which presents the approach IOM adopts towards the protection and empowerment of women migrant workers. The publication seeks to better inform policymakers, practitioners and the public of the vulnerability of women migrant workers and of good practices for the protection of their human rights throughout the labour migration cycle.
Item ID
Item Path
/UN-Inventory/Home/Measures/Data Collection Analysis and Research/Oct 2009 - Feb 2010/IOM
UN Agency
UN Inventory Period
IOM published a study on Gender and Labour Migration in Asia which addresses the impact of labour migration on gender roles and the gendered division of labour in the household in six countries, namely Bangladesh, China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The study covers different migration scenarios (women “independent” migration, men outmigration and parental couples’s migration) and highlights how violence, whether of a physical, psychological, sexual or economic nature, can...