Prevention, Including Awareness Raising and Advocacy
Mar 2010 - Sept 2010
UNIFEM’s (now part of UN Women) Safe Cities Global Programme, implemented in partnership with UN-HABITAT, among other partners, completed impact evaluation validation missions with International Center for Research on Women in Cairo, Kigali, New Delhi, Quito and Port Moresby, to inform the selection of programme sites.UNIFEM is involved in various global initiatives on primary prevention, including Clinton Global Initiative Commitments, focused on young people as a strategic group, by serving...
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UNIFEM’s (now part of UN Women) Safe Cities Global Programme, implemented in partnership with UN-HABITAT, among other partners, completed impact evaluation validation missions with International Center for Research on Women in Cairo, Kigali, New Delhi, Quito and Port Moresby, to inform the selection of programme sites.UNIFEM is involved in various global initiatives on primary prevention, including Clinton Global Initiative Commitments, focused on young people as a strategic group, by serving in the Steering Committee of one of the initiatives which addresses sexual abuse of girls; partnering with the Man Up Campaign, including around the 2010 World Cup on its Young Leaders Summit; and as a lead on violence against women within the UN Adolescent Girls Task Force. UNIFEM organized a soccer tournament for the Africa Red Light 2010 campaign against trafficking of women and girls. In Colombia and Nepal, UNIFEM provided support for the establishment of male anti-violence advocacy networks, and their participation at the Men Engage African Symposium.
Mar 2010 - Sept 2010
Issues # 7 and 8 of Words to Action, DAW’s (now part of UN Women) quarterly newsletter on violence against women, were issued, with feature articles on the United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women, and the 15 year review of the implementation of the Platform for Action.
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Issues # 7 and 8 of Words to Action, DAW’s (now part of UN Women) quarterly newsletter on violence against women, were issued, with feature articles on the United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women, and the 15 year review of the implementation of the Platform for Action.
In Asia Pacific, the Partners for Prevention (P4P) - an inter-agency initiative of UNDP, UNFPA, UNIFEM, now part of UN Women, and UNVs- which works with men and boys to prevent gender-based violence– has developed a comprehensive set of research tools on gender-based violence, including questionnaires, research protocols, and training manuals for the “Gender-based Violence Prevention and Masculinities” Collaborative Research Project for Asia and the Pacific. These tools have been shared with...
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In Asia Pacific, the Partners for Prevention (P4P) - an inter-agency initiative of UNDP, UNFPA, UNIFEM, now part of UN Women, and UNVs- which works with men and boys to prevent gender-based violence– has developed a comprehensive set of research tools on gender-based violence, including questionnaires, research protocols, and training manuals for the “Gender-based Violence Prevention and Masculinities” Collaborative Research Project for Asia and the Pacific. These tools have been shared with partners in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. In Cambodia, the research findings on GBV and masculinities are informing a public awareness campaign. P4P is also developing the capacity of national partners in China, Indonesia, Cambodia, Bangladesh, and Papua New Guinea to conduct research in this area, in order to develop evidence-based programs and policy initiatives to address GBV across the region. Networks of practitioners have been established in South Asia and Southeast & East Asia to support the civil society and UN advocates to implement initiatives on GBV prevention through work with men and boys.
Mar 2010 - Sept 2010
During the World Soccer Cup in South Africa, UNFPA released globally the video-game that uses football as the medium to address violence against women, to be found at Country-level efforts, under the umbrella of the Secretary General’s campaign, are being initiated by UNFPA country offices in Africa and Latin America, being related to the five key outcomes of the campaign’s Framework for Action.
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During the World Soccer Cup in South Africa, UNFPA released globally the video-game that uses football as the medium to address violence against women, to be found at Country-level efforts, under the umbrella of the Secretary General’s campaign, are being initiated by UNFPA country offices in Africa and Latin America, being related to the five key outcomes of the campaign’s Framework for Action.
Mar 2010 - Sept 2010
OHCHR supported the on violence against women, its causes and consequences in advocating for the elimination of violence against women, such as in the conference on femicide in Latin America, organized with the European Parliament, and in a colloquium on domestic migrant workers in the EU, organized by OHCHR Regional office in Brussels.
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OHCHR supported the on violence against women, its causes and consequences in advocating for the elimination of violence against women, such as in the conference on femicide in Latin America, organized with the European Parliament, and in a colloquium on domestic migrant workers in the EU, organized by OHCHR Regional office in Brussels.
Mar 2010 - Sept 2010
The OHCHR/Human Rights and Transitional Justice Section in the UN Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste has continued to conduct activities on the prevention and elimination of violence against women.
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The OHCHR/Human Rights and Transitional Justice Section in the UN Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste has continued to conduct activities on the prevention and elimination of violence against women.
Mar 2010 - Sept 2010
WHO/PAHO organized a workshop on the prevention of intimate partner violence and sexual violence with participants from four Latin American countries, aimed at introducing concepts of primary prevention, reviewing the evidence and encouraging development of country prevention initiatives.
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WHO/PAHO organized a workshop on the prevention of intimate partner violence and sexual violence with participants from four Latin American countries, aimed at introducing concepts of primary prevention, reviewing the evidence and encouraging development of country prevention initiatives.
Mar 2010 - Sept 2010
In Gaza, the Equality in Action programme, supported by UNRWA, continues the discussions that target men and women in the community, as well as religious leaders and UNRWA health staff, to raise awareness of the impact of violence against women.
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In Gaza, the Equality in Action programme, supported by UNRWA, continues the discussions that target men and women in the community, as well as religious leaders and UNRWA health staff, to raise awareness of the impact of violence against women.
Mar 2010 - Sept 2010
In Sri Lanka, UNDP is preparing to use street dramas to present issues related to VAW. In Sierra Leone, UNDP supported 8 civil society organizations to be engaged in awareness-raising on gender laws, sexual gender-based violence, and harmful traditional practices. In addition, 24 radio programmes were organized by UNDP implementing partners for sensitization messages. UNDP also supported civil society organizations to raise awareness on issues of violence against women and human trafficking and...
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In Sri Lanka, UNDP is preparing to use street dramas to present issues related to VAW. In Sierra Leone, UNDP supported 8 civil society organizations to be engaged in awareness-raising on gender laws, sexual gender-based violence, and harmful traditional practices. In addition, 24 radio programmes were organized by UNDP implementing partners for sensitization messages. UNDP also supported civil society organizations to raise awareness on issues of violence against women and human trafficking and act as monitors/watchdogs; and supported production of documentaries to increase awareness of the broader public on violence against women, including the legal and institutional frameworks in place to provide justice.In the Arab region, a series of Human Development Reports were produced by UNDP, highlighting violence against women, as an issue of concern that affects progress in Arab societies. The most recent report analyzed and researched issues of human insecurities in the region, including gender-based violence. In Iraq, UNDP is working closely with UNIFEM on enhancing women’s security. In Haiti, UNDP works with women and women's organizations in IDPs camps to identify and implement preventive measures against gender-based violence.
Mar 2010 - Sept 2010
UN-HABITAT is implementing, in partnership with the NGO “Jagori”, a project on Youth and Girls Safety, in one of the settlement communities in New Delhi. Project activities include: the sensitisation of young girls and boys to prevent and end violence against women and girls; and the re-examination of masculinities and gender identities by young men. The Core Strategies deployed are:- mapping and training of a team on Safety Audit methodology;- critical sensitization of a broad range of key...
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UN-HABITAT is implementing, in partnership with the NGO “Jagori”, a project on Youth and Girls Safety, in one of the settlement communities in New Delhi. Project activities include: the sensitisation of young girls and boys to prevent and end violence against women and girls; and the re-examination of masculinities and gender identities by young men. The Core Strategies deployed are:- mapping and training of a team on Safety Audit methodology;- critical sensitization of a broad range of key stakeholders, to ensure their collaboration with the youth in the development and creation of a gender-equitable safe environment;- developing competencies of the youth to demonstrate leadership and ownership in the community.UN- HABITAT and UNESCAP have been jointly implementing the project “promoting urban safety for the poor in the Asia Pacific” and the final workshop ' Putting Safety First for the Urban Poor on the Local Agenda" was held in the Philippines, in June 2010. One of the concerns raised was women’s safety in the region and in the on-line Safer Cities toolkit for Asia and the Pacific women’s safety features prominently.UN-HABITAT is conducting safety assessments of 13 municipalities in Southern Serbia.