United Nations Children’s Fund
The Violence Against Children Survey part of the Together for Girls Initiative (including UNICEF, UN Women, UNFPA, UNAIDS and WHO as partners) has collected prevalence of and circumstances surrounding violence, targeting females and males aged 13-24, and has already been completed in Kenya, Haiti and Zimbambwe. Results were released in Zimbabwe and Kenya, in May and Novemer 2012, respectively. The results will be released in Haiti, in early 2013.
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The Violence Against Children Survey part of the Together for Girls Initiative (including UNICEF, UN Women, UNFPA, UNAIDS and WHO as partners) has collected prevalence of and circumstances surrounding violence, targeting females and males aged 13-24, and has already been completed in Kenya, Haiti and Zimbambwe. Results were released in Zimbabwe and Kenya, in May and Novemer 2012, respectively. The results will be released in Haiti, in early 2013.
Mar 2012 - Jan 2013
UNICEF is continuing work on secondary analyses of MICS and DHS data on FGM/C and child marriage to be published in separate publications in 2013. UNICEF is undertaking global evaluations of its work in emergency and development contexts to address violence, as well as providing technical and financial support to an interagency action research project on the functioning and effectiveness of community based child protection mechanisms. Under the Child Protection Monitoring and Evaluation...
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UNICEF is continuing work on secondary analyses of MICS and DHS data on FGM/C and child marriage to be published in separate publications in 2013. UNICEF is undertaking global evaluations of its work in emergency and development contexts to address violence, as well as providing technical and financial support to an interagency action research project on the functioning and effectiveness of community based child protection mechanisms. Under the Child Protection Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group, UNICEF leads a technical working group that is developing guidelines for data collection on violence against children. Focused support is also being provided to countries in East and Southern Africa to improve M&E systems related to violence prevention and response in collaboration with governments. At the global level, data analysis (drawing largely on MICS and DHS) is being undertaken with the Population Council to determine the markers of vulnerability that make children more susceptible to various forms of violence. UNICEF has also contributed to the following publications: Ethical principles, dilemmas and risks in collecting data on violence against children: a review of available literature (http://www.childinfo.org/files/Childprotection_EPDRCLitReview_final_lowres.pdf); Inter-Agency Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Response; (http://cpwg.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Minimum-standards-for-child-protection-in-humanitarian-action.pdf; Protection of children of children from violence: a synthesis of evaluation findings (http://www.unicef.org/evaldatabase/index_66192.html).