UNiTE Campaign

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Mar 2014 - Mar 2016 | IANWGE

In 2014, Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality provided briefings and updates on the Secretary General's UNiTE Campaign during the 13th and 14th annual sessions of the IANWGE as well as inputs from participating agencies for the final report to the Campaign’s High Level Steering Committee.

Mar 2014 - Mar 2016 | DPI;
UN Women

UN Women with UNIC (United Nations Information Centres) on behalf of the UN System in Cameroon in partnership with the Ministry of Women Empowerment and the Family (MINPROFF) organized the official launching ceremony of 16 days activism within UNSG’s Orange Campaign “UNiTE to End Violence against Women”, on 25 November 2015, on the theme “from peace in the Home to peace in the world, make education safe for all”. The ceremony was presided by the Minister.

Mar 2014 - Mar 2016 | DPI

Within the framework of UN Secretary-General’s campaign “UNiTE to End Violence against Women”, UNIC (United Nations Information Centres) Beirut, Lebanon in partnership with the Theatre Club at the Balamand University in Lebanon produced a theatre play on the issue of violence against women targeting school students - a work that was fully supported and sponsored by the Lebanese Minister of Education and Higher Education.

Oct 2010 - Feb 2011 | ECLAC

ECLAC continued participation to the regional inter-agency working group responsible for the regional implementation of the Secretary General’s campaign to eliminate all forms of violence against women, through:a) Contribution to the preparations of the Caribbean campaign,launched in Barbados on 11-12 October 2010.b) Contribution to the Inter-agency work programme 2011-2015 in LAC.c) Participation in the annual Inter-agency meeting to be held in Panama on 7-8 February 2011.

Oct 2010 - Feb 2011 | UNiTE Campaign

The campaign was successfully rolled out in the Caribbean in October 2010 and in Asia in November 2010, with a launch in the Pacific expected in early 2011. In the Middle East a number of activities are being implemented under the leadership of ESCWA. Regional Secretariats for UNiTE Latin America and Caribbean, UNiTE Africa and UNiTE Asia are implementing regional and national interagency work plans.

Oct 2009 - Feb 2010 | UNiTE Campaign

The Secretary-General’s campaign “UNiTE to End Violence against Women” has increased UN system-wide efforts to develop regional and country-level activities in support to Member States and civil society. The campaign’s Latin American component was launched in Guatemala City on 25 November 2009, while the African component was launched in Addis Ababa on 30 January 2010. In November 2009, the Secretary-General announced his Network of Men Leaders which will contribute to social mobilization and transformational change to promote a society that is free of violence against women.

Mar 2013 - Feb 2014 | UN Women

For the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence, UN Women led the UNiTE campaign’s global call for action to “Orange the World in 16 Days” and at least 49 countries reported “Orange the World” events and activities. The hashtag #orangeurworld was used by 13,360 users in 24,516 tweets, which reached 37.1 million followers and created 175.8 million impressions. The hashtag #16days was used by 36,422 users in 78,476 tweets, which reached 76.64 million followers and created 519.6 million impressions. This is a new record and exceeds by far last year’s numbers.

Mar 2010 - Sept 2010 | UN Women

UNIFEM, now part of UN Women, continued to support the Secretary-General’s UNiTE Campaign, as a member of its High-Level Steering Committee and global working group; as coordinator with UN sister agencies for rolling-out regional campaigns; and through UNIFEM’s Say NO—UniTE Initiative, which recorded over 400,000 actions to end violence against women and supported awareness-raising initiatives in various countries, ranging from the Caribbean, to Tajikistan, and to northern Uganda.