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Feb 2020 - Sep 2021 | DPKO

DPO continued to strengthen coordination and coherence on the prevention and response to conflict-related sexual violence across the UN system through active participation in the UN Action Against Sexual Violence in Conflict network and its activities. Most specifically, since November 2020, DPO has notably been leading on an activity to assess the operationalization of the Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Arrangements on CRSV (MARA) in coordination with OHCHR, OSRSG-SVC, DPPA, UNFPA and UNICEF.

Feb 2020 - Sep 2021 | UN Women

UN Women continued to actively participate in the UN system-wide SEA Working Group PSEA WG, which is being coordinated by the Office of the Special Coordinator on improving the UN response to SEA. Using its technical expertise and experience, UN Women provided input to all WG deliverables, which inter-alia include the Fact sheet on the Secretary-General's initiatives to prevent and respond to SEA, the Secretary-General's Report on Special measures for PSEA, the annual PSEA action plan, and the annual PSEA survey.

Feb 2017 - Apr 2018 | OCHA

2. OCHA participate in the Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality: Task Force on Violence against Women. 
3. OCHA is an active member of the United Nations Actions against Sexual Violence in Conflict network. 
5. OCHA actively supports the roll-out of the IASC Gender Handbook in Humanitarian Action, and supports the development and roll-out of inter-agency tools, such as the IASC Gender Handbook. OCHA initiated and continues to guide the IASC Gender Standby Capacity Project (GenCap). 

Feb 2017 - Apr 2018 | FAO

1) FAO, together with UN Country Teams, UN Women, UNFPA and other national and international partners, led the “16 Days of Activism to end Violence against Women” campaign in 5 regions of Niger (Maradi, Tillaberi, Dosso, Tahoua and Zinder). In 120 villages where there are Dimitra Clubs, the campaign raised awareness on gender-based violence. 

Mar 2014 - Mar 2016 | UNHCR

UNHCR was actively engaged in the revision of the IASC Guidelines for integrating Gender Based Violence interventions in humanitarian settings published in 2015 and supports the roll-out of the guidelines in the field. In 2016, 11 pilot countries receive training and technical support.

Mar 2014 - Mar 2016 | WFP

WFP has contributed to the development of the 2015 IASC "Guidelines for Integrating Gender Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action" and is currently a member of  the IASC GBV Guidelines  Global Reference Group, which is responsbile of the global  roll out of the guidelines.

Mar 2014 - Mar 2016 | WFP

WFP attended 9 IASC meetings in 2015, in which WFP was playing a pivotal role as a member of the standing committee of the GenCap project & the co-chair of the IASC Gender Reference Group. Gender based violence is a key consideration in WFP's Policy on Humanitarian Protection (2012) that outlines the organisation's position on protection and provides a framework for implementation of its responsibilities in this regard. As part of its modus operandi, WFP seeks to implement food assistance programmes that take the interlinkages between hunger and gender-based violence into account.

Mar 2014 - Mar 2016 | UNFPA;

UNFPA is a member of IASC and in contexts where the IASC Cluster Approach has been activated, UNFPA and UNICEF are mandated to co-lead the GBV Area of Responsibility. As co-lead, UNFPA is accountable for working closely with national authorities, partners and communities, to ensure that minimum standards are in place to prevent and respond to gender-based violence in emergencies.

Oct 2010 - Feb 2011 | UNICEF

In January 2011, UNICEF started to co-lead the Sub-Working Group on Gender and Humanitarian Action. UNICEF is the co-lead agency of the Gender-Based Violence Area of Responsibility (GBV AoR) under the Global Protection Cluster. In January 2011, the Gender-Based Violence Area of Responsibility Retreat brought together several stakeholders to develop a 2-year workplan including a new focus on Disaster Risk Reduction and Gender-based Violence.