Mar 2011 - Feb 2012

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Mar 2011 - Feb 2012 | DPI

DPI’s UN Radio produced a variety of programmes in the six UN official languages plus Kiswahili and Portuguese on the issue of violence against women (VAW), including features on gender selection of boys and a special programme on honour crimes in Jordan. UN Television covered the issue of violence against women in several of its features for the magazine programme 21st Century, including on a woman’s fight for justice in Bangladesh, and the fate of widows in India.

Mar 2011 - Feb 2012 | UNODC

In July 2011 in Paraguay, UNODC, in cooperation with UN Women, held the International Conference "Answers to Gender-Based Violence in the Southern Cone: Progresses, Challenges and Regional Experiences.” The Conference aimed at presenting and debating the above report and promoting the exchange of experiences, stimulating cooperation and facilitating the creation of an exchange network of good practices between community leaders, civil society and government institutions.

Mar 2011 - Feb 2012 | UN Women

UN Women carried out advocacy on the situation and conditions of Palestinian women in Israeli prisons internationally, through multi-media, itinerant, and photo exhibit.In Algeria, UN Women supported the advocacy efforts carried out by the AVIFE non-government organization, which is part of the Wassila network, on domestic violence and its impacts on women and children both at national and local level: The second edition of the “Black Book” on domestic violence was published and workshops for non-government organizations were conducted in 3 regions.

Mar 2011 - Feb 2012 | UNAIDS

At the country level, UNAIDS has provided catalytic funding through its Joint UN Teams to twenty-three (23) countries for actions to reduce gender‐based violence through HIV responses, in particular highlighting the critical contribution of violence to HIV transmission, as well as its consequences in terms of non-utilization of services. UNAIDS also supported advocacy and capacity development on addressing violence against women in eight countries, through the civil society coalition Women Won’t Wait and resulting advocacy messages used for the High-Level Meeting on AIDS.

Mar 2011 - Feb 2012 | OHCHR

OHCHR continued supporting the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, in its active engagement with civil society organizations, including through participation in regional consultations. In June 2011, the Special Rapporteur participated in consultations held in Brussels with European civil society organizations, including representatives of European observatories on violence against women.

Mar 2011 - Feb 2012 | ECA

The ECA organized a sub-regional workshop in Morocco in March 2011 on the CEDAW Convention which focused on the removal of reservations and the ratification of the CEDAW Optional Protocol in North Africa. Violence against women was one of the key issues deliberated upon.