Jul 2007

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Jul 2007 | UNAIDS

As follow-up to Security Council resolutions 1308 and 1325 (2000), the UNAIDS Office of Security and Humanitarian Response is providing support to strengthen HIV/AIDS education within international peacekeeping operations. It also assists countries to strengthen their HIV/AIDS responses for national uniformed services, including through the development of a training manual, which includes a section on coercion and sexual violence.

Jul 2007 | UNESCO

In implementation of Security Council Resolution 1325, UNESCO, in collaboration with partners from the University of Hull (UK) and the Center for Human Rights, University of Pretoria (South Africa), launched a research programme on women's rights for peace and security in post conflict democracies in Africa. The aim of this program is to develop policy recommendations that address obstacles, such as violence against women, to women’s full participation in and contribution to peace and security in post conflict countries in Africa.

Jul 2007 | UNRISD

UNRISD undertook research on violence against women in conflict and post-conflict situations, as part of its report on the occasion of the ten-year review and appraisal of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action.

Jul 2007 | WFP

WFP has developed a concept paper that examines protection and gender issues related to WFP’s operations in both conflict and post-conflict situations, with particular attention to gender-based violence.

Jul 2007 | UNITAR

Within the framework of its training initiative, UNITAR conducts courses for peacekeeping operations on the special needs of women and children in conflict situations; enhances the capacity of peacekeepers to deal with societies in and after armed conflict; and promotes the incorporation of gender perspectives into multilateral peacekeeping operations. From 2001 until 2005 25 seminars had taken place. UNITAR’s training programme also supports the United Nations’ efforts to raise awareness for the rights and needs of children in situations of armed conflict.

Jul 2007 | UNAIDS

Regional teams of UNAIDS in Southern and Eastern Africa have explored how health services can be improved for women who experience sexual and physical violence during crisis and conflict situations (supported by the Global Coalition, WHO, UNDP and UNAIDS).

Jul 2007 | IFAD

IFAD’s Transitional Programme of Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Burundi aims to combat sexual violence, a primary threat to the physical security of Burundi’s rural women and girls, and end impunity of perpetrators. The programme, which started in 2004, includes a legal component to make justice available to the rural poor, particularly women, and vulnerable people.

Jul 2007 | UNDP

UNDP has developed gender equality and crisis prevention and recovery training materials for technical staff of its Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery. UNDP has trained 13 UNDP offices in conflict and post-conflict situations on gender mainstreaming for country programming.