World Bank

The World Bank
Item ID
UNAgency ID
The World Bank concentrates on building a climate for investment, jobs and sustainable growth so that economies will grow. It invests in and empowers poor people to participate in development in order to alleviate poverty. The Bank’s gender and development policy is to assist Member Countries to reduce poverty and enhance economic growth, human well-being, and development effectiveness by addressing the gender issues that create barriers to development.
World Bank. 2005. Report on the Outcomes of the Workshop “The Development Implications of Gender-Based Violence”. Washington, D.C.

World Bank. 2007. Crime, violence, and development : trends, costs, and policy options in the Caribbean. Joint Report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the Latin America and the Caribbean Region of the World Bank, Report No. 37820, March 2007, Washington D.C.
Mail Address
1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433 USA
Areas of Work
The social and economic costs of violence against women; components in financed projects that address the immediate needs of battered women and their children, social and legal services to help women with issues such as domestic violence, sexual violence against children, and child support.
Agency Type
The World Bank

Jul 2007 - Jan 2008 | World Bank

The World Bank “The Measuring Empowerment in Four Countries” programme is piloting a mixed-method (qualitative and quantitative) approach to measuring empowerment in different contexts. The study is being implemented in Ghana, Ethiopia, Jamaica, and Bangladesh. The study focuses on the empowerment of women, and the questionnaire that is administered to women only includes questions on domestic violence and violence against women outside of the home. In Bangladesh, the partner for the implementation of the programme was the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.

Feb 2008 - Sept 2008 | World Bank

A World Bank report on Bangladesh dated March 2008 on gender and social transformation entitled “Whispers to Voices” (2008) examined among other aspects, attitudes towards and extent of gender based violence (GBV). As a follow up, the Nordic Trust Fund (NTF) is supporting work in Bangladesh that addresses GBV by exploring the social and economic impacts of women’s employment and its possible linkages to violence against women.

Oct 2008 - Feb 2009 | World Bank

The World Bank’s Post-Conflict Fund (FCF) provides umbrella funding for a range of activities in Africa, including work on gender-based violence. An example is a US$733,000 grant to administer a "Protection from Gender-Based Violence" programme in Côte d’Ivoire. The project aims to prevent sexual violence against women and provide assistance to victims, and it builds on initial work carried out by the International Rescue Committee.

Mar 2012 - Feb 2013 | World Bank

The World Bank through its Health Sector Support and Multi-Sectorial Aids Project in Burkina Faso has proposed additional financing to support the training of professionals from the mass media, such as journalists from the main daily and weekly journals, national and local radios and television on HIV infection and prevention, including on issues of gender violence.

Jul 2007 | World Bank

The World Bank is executing pilot projects in Bolivia, Honduras and Nicaragua to improve the health system’s ability to identify and appropriately refer cases of violence against women. These projects are designed to promote sustainable institutional change in the way that the health sector deals with violence against women.

Mar 2012 - Feb 2013 | World Bank

The World Bank has approved two initiatives in 2012 to address prevention in urban contexts: the “Honduras Safer Municipalities” initiative focused on citizen security through integrated approaches (including through school-based GBV prevention programmes) and the “Urban Infrastructure Project (II) – Barrios de Verdad (Bolivia) upgrading 22 neighborhoods, benefitting 15,280 people through infrastructural improvements and the provision of technical assistance to municipalities in the planning, expansion and sustainability of urban service delivery.

Jul 2007 | World Bank

In preparation for the 2004 workshop, the World Bank’s Gender and Development Group organized a film series on gender-based violence. The World Bank has also funded activities of the “16 day of activism against gender violence” campaign in Indonesia.

Mar 2011 - Jan 2012 | World Bank

In Honduras, the World Bank approved a Development Policy Credit in 2011 with a component on Citizen Security, including prevention of gender-based domestic and sexual violence. Proposed policies will strengthen the capacity of municipal Offices of Women’s Affairs to respond to victims and offer conflict mediation services.