Jul 2007 | IFAD

IFAD’s Transitional Programme of Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Burundi aims to combat sexual violence, a primary threat to the physical security of Burundi’s rural women and girls, and end impunity of perpetrators. The programme, which started in 2004, includes a legal component to make justice available to the rural poor, particularly women, and vulnerable people.
Item ID
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/UN-Inventory/Home/Measures/Measures to Address Sexual Violence in Conflict Situations/Jul 2007/IFAD
UN Agency
UN Inventory Period
IFAD’s Transitional Programme of Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Burundi aims to combat sexual violence, a primary threat to the physical security of Burundi’s rural women and girls, and end impunity of perpetrators. The programme, which started in 2004, includes a legal component to make justice available to the rural poor, particularly women, and vulnerable people.