Feb 2020 - Sep 2021 | UN Trust Fund

The UN Trust Fund took specific steps to ensure that organizations were strengthened and supported during the COVID-19 pandemic. Feedback from Civil Society and Women’s Rights Organizations (CSOs/WROs) in 2020 and 2021 showed that many were concerned about survival of the women and girls they serve, while ensuring their organizational existence. In response to needs voiced by CSO/WRO partners, the UN Trust Fund organized a series of webinars and training. Training covered areas such as project modification (96 per cent of attendees rated this as useful or very useful); cash-based interventions (80 per cent of attendees rated this as useful or very useful); and procurement and recommended procedures (94 per cent of attendees rated this as useful or very useful). In a post training survey, all respondents indicated that the knowledge and skills gained from the training will be useful for them even beyond the management and implementation of the current project. In general, organizational capacity development activities reached more than 1,100 grantee participants in 2020. Grantees were also provided with training on effective management of projects, preventing sexual exploitation and abuse, as well as ethics and safety. 
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/UN-Inventory/Home/Measures/Training and Capacity Building/Feb 2020 - Sep 2021/UNTF
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UN Inventory Period
The UN Trust Fund took specific steps to ensure that organizations were strengthened and supported during the COVID-19 pandemic. Feedback from Civil Society and Women’s Rights Organizations (CSOs/WROs) in 2020 and 2021 showed that many were concerned about survival of the women and girls they serve, while ensuring their organizational existence. In response to needs voiced by CSO/WRO partners, the UN Trust Fund organized a series of webinars and training. Training covered areas such as...