Responces and Services

Protection, Support and Services for Victims/Survivors
Item ID

Feb 2020 - Sep 2021 | DPKO

With the support and advice from Senior/Women’s Protection Advisers, personnel in peacekeeping operations facilitate victims/survivors’ access to protection and support services notably through information-sharing about services, referrals and special assistance projects.

Feb 2020 - Sep 2021 | UNDP

UNDP has implemented various actions to improve access to justice for women who suffered violence especially during the COVID-19 lockdowns.

The Tunisian office supported coordination between the designated emergency “hotline” and specialized police units responding to alerts of domestic violence and provided the specialized units with adequate protection gear and training.

Feb 2020 - Sep 2021 | UNODC

Under the Spotlight Initiative join programmes for Mexico and Kyrgyzstan, UNODC promoted protection, support and services for victims and survivors of gender-based violence.

In Viet Nam, UNODC continued technical support to Domestic Violence Rapid Response Teams, composed of police officers, Women’s Union leaders and volunteers, providing immediate support and options to survivors, facilitating prosecution of perpetrators and supporting a zero tolerance culture towards gender-based violence in the community.

Feb 2020 - Sep 2021 | UNHCR

In 2020, 64,796 GBV survivors received psychosocial counselling, 3,297 received legal assistance and 5,736 medical assistance through services provided by UNHCR and partners.

Through the Global Humanitarian Response Plan to COVID-19 (GHRP), over 2 million women and girls reached UNHCR via hotlines and other mechanisms to support GBV, while some 1.18 million women and girls were provided with sexual and reproductive health services.

Feb 2020 - Sep 2021 | UNFPA

UNFPA provides support, in terms of funding, knowledge management and capacity development to 98 countries, as they implement the Essential Services Package for women and girls subject to violence. In 2021, UNFPA in partnership with other UN agencies published a seventh module of ESP which provides guidance on estimating resource requirements for a minimum package of services. 

Feb 2019 - Feb 2020 | UNICEF

Protection, Support and Services for Victims/Survivors Under the Spotlight Initiative, UNICEF worked on Outcome 4 (Services) in 8 African countries and 3 Latin American countries. The capacity development of service providers such as multisectoral service organisations, police, judiciary, social workers, schools and health was the major feature of UNICEF’s engagement.

Feb 2019 - Feb 2020 | WFP

In Myanmar, WFP engages closely with the Protection Cluster and the Humanitarian Country Team to understand and respond to emerging protection concerns. Considering the protection context and to support a principled and coordinated approach to assistance and do-no-harm, WFP has developed a scenario-based intervention whereby indicators relating to the protection of the affected population and humanitarian access determine the scale and scope of WFP assistance.


Feb 2019 - Feb 2020 | UN Trust Fund

Stars of Hope Society, the only association in Palestine that is managed by women with disabilities for women with disabilities, is using a grant from the UN Trust Fund to improve access to essential, safe and adequate multisectoral services. In the first six months of 2019, the grantee built out its infrastructure of the project and, in particular, on carrying out a context analysis and building capacity.