WFP continues to integrate GBV prevention and mitigation within the context of a do no harm approach.
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In Bangladesh, specific focus on context and protection analysis conducted by WFP highlighted GBV risks of populations ability to make ends meet and earn a living – with impacts including trafficking and child marriage. In response to the context analysis, WFP has partnered with UN Women focusing on Self-Reliance projects aimed at supporting socio economic empowerment of women and adolescent girls.
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South Sudan Country Office Monitoring &Evaluation and Emergency team held a GBV workshop on how WFP can adapt its work to address issues raised by the 16-days campaign.
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WFP has developed comprehensive protection and gender policies which outline that WFP programmes and interventions must not create, exacerbate or contribute to gender inequalities or discrimination, and must mitigate risks of gender-based violence (GBV). In line with these policies, WFP has developed protection and GBV guidance manuals, which specifically look at concerns of GBV associated with implementing food assistance programmes, including in conflict settings. In 2018, WFP Ethics Office organised the roll-out of the “Guidance Note about the Prohibition on Engaging Prostitution Services”, aimed at helping employees understand WFP’s expectations of conduct as related to prostitution, considered a form of SEA.
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In its efforts to address the protection concerns of its beneficiaries, WFP has started a project which will enhance the prevention and response to sexual- and gender-based violence (SGBV) in displacement settings. The project period is from September 2010 to September 2011, and aims to:a. conduct a mapping exercise of the extent of SGBV in relation to food assistance in displacement settings;b. collect and compile good practices on prevention and response to SGBV in food assistance to guide...
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In Liberia, under the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for Liberia 2008-2012, the WFP Country Office is midway through the first stage of a UN Joint Programme to reduce SBGV.
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The project “Building capacity to enhance humanitarian protection in the context of food assistance in emergencies, 2005-2006” is part of WFP’s ongoing effort to address violence against women. The project aims to enhance WFP staff’s understanding of gender issues and how to address them adequately.
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WFP has developed a concept paper that examines protection and gender issues related to WFP’s operations in both conflict and post-conflict situations, with particular attention to gender-based violence.
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