With the support of a psychologist, OHCHR prepared training material on trauma informed interviewing, with a specific focus on survivors of sexual violence, to respond to a growing demand from field colleagues.
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With the support of a psychologist, OHCHR prepared training material on trauma informed interviewing, with a specific focus on survivors of sexual violence, to respond to a growing demand from field colleagues.
The OHCHR supported the Working Group on the Issue of Discrimination Against Women in Law and in Practice (WGDAW) in sending communications on individual cases and legislation/policies which are not in compliance with international human rights law. The Working Group addressed communications to Governments, individually or jointly with other mandate holders which concern a wide range of subjects falling within its mandate, including discriminatory legislation and practices, allegations of abuse of women human rights defenders and violations of their rights, gender-based violence and violations of the right to sexual and reproductive health (available at ). The Working Group also issued press releases, individually or jointly with other mandate holders, treaty bodies and regional mechanisms raising these issues (available at
In 2017, the WG Discrimination against women and the Special Rapporteur on VAW sent out at least 71 communications on individual cases and legislation/policies not complying with international human rights law.
In Honduras, OHCHR has been monitoring cases of domestic violence, and the protection mechanisms for victims, including through protection shelters for women and girl’s victims or survivors of gender-based violence in several cities.
In CAR, OHCHR developed protection measures for victims of sexual violence and through engagement with key GBV actors.
In Haiti, OHCHR provided life skills trainings, psychosocial and rehabilitation activities for about 150 women in detention.
In Guatemala, 2017 OHCHR carried out monitoring on the human rights situation of women working in Guatemala’s two larges employment sectors - the textile industry (sweatshops) and agriculture – including with respect to situations of violence and a violation of labour rights. The Office also worked closely with the Ministry of Labour to address these issues, such as through joint labour inspections and the development of action protocols.
In Mali, OHCHR managed to fully establish the Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Arrangements (MARA) technical working group and strategic group that provides systematic, timely, reliable, and objective information on conflict-related sexual violence (which in Mali affects essentially women).
In Kosovo, OHCHR and technical partners provided key support services for survivors of gender based violence, including psychosocial counselling and psychotherapeutic services, legal aid and access to economic empowerment programs, benefitting more than 200 women in 2016. After a successful advocacy initiative involving OHCHR, North Mitrovica municipality allocated premises for a shelter for survivors of gender based violence. OHCHR further provided necessary equipment and furniture for the shelter and will organize capacity building of relevant staff who will work with survivors in the shelter. Moreover, OHCHR ensured sustainability of support services in 2017 and 2018 through technical support to a partner CSO in drafting a project proposal which was recently approved for funding by the EU.
In Haiti, OHCHR implemented two CVR (Community Violence Reduction) projects to support women and girls victims of violence. The aim of these two projects is to construct two reception centers, in remote areas where women and girls can seek temporary shelter in order to receive psycho social, medical and legal aid.
In DRC, the UNJHRO (United Nations Joint Human Rights Office) facilitated access to justice to victims, through free legal aid in judicial procedure and judgment execution process, referral to medical, psychosocial and economic services. 22 legal clinics were funded by UNJHRO in order to provide free legal information to population and legal aid to victims for regular and mobile trials supported by UNJHRO, and enhance referral mechanisms for services to victims and bridge with prosecution special cells.
OHCHR provided conceptual and policy support, legal advice, technical assistance and capacity building for the establishment of gender sensitive and participatory transitional justice processes. For instance, in 2014, OHCHR assisted in facilitating consultations with survivors of sexual and gender based violence in the DRC, Nepal, Uganda and Kosovo. In the DRC, OHCHR implemented projects to strengthen victims’ access to justice, including through mobile courts, legal clinics and pilot initiatives to inform broader reparations efforts. One such pilot initiative included providing support to survivors of sexual violence in the areas of Bukavu and Shabunda. In Uganda, OHCHR provided technical advice to the International Crimes Division of the High Court to facilitate compliance with good practices in handling cases of sexual and gender-based violence. OHCHR support focused on ensuring victims and witnesses’ access to justice and protection, especially for children and victims of sexual and gender-based violence. In 2015, OHCHR and the Human Rights Division of the United Nations Mission in Liberia assisted national counterparts established centres that provided comprehensive services to survivors of sexual gender-based violence. Additionally in 2015, OHCHR finalized a guidance tool on witness and victims protection, with specific focus on victims of sexual and gender-based violence.