In the wake of the 2015 earthquake in Nepal, UNICEF mobilized more than 20,670 women by establishing 3,445 Women’s Groups in 14 earthquake-affected districts, with police checkpoints established to intercept traffickers. Over half a million people reached with information about prevention and social services for GBV victims.
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In the wake of the 2015 earthquake in Nepal, UNICEF mobilized more than 20,670 women by establishing 3,445 Women’s Groups in 14 earthquake-affected districts, with police checkpoints established to intercept traffickers. Over half a million people reached with information about prevention and social services for GBV victims.
In Mexico, UNODC supported a referral network to coordinate institutional actions addressing violence against women. UNODC launched the Assessment Guide to the Criminal Justice Response to the Smuggling of Migrants, focusing on the special needs and areas of particular vulnerability of women. UNODC is implementing a project on gender-based violence and empowerment of victims in South Africa. In Central Asia, UNODC produced a training film on interviewing vulnerable victims and witnesses for...
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In Mexico, UNODC supported a referral network to coordinate institutional actions addressing violence against women. UNODC launched the Assessment Guide to the Criminal Justice Response to the Smuggling of Migrants, focusing on the special needs and areas of particular vulnerability of women. UNODC is implementing a project on gender-based violence and empowerment of victims in South Africa. In Central Asia, UNODC produced a training film on interviewing vulnerable victims and witnesses for prosecutors and law enforcement agencies. UNODC and UNFPA jointly trained law enforcement officers and shelter personnel who work with victims of human trafficking through a series of national and regional workshops.
UNRWA’s GBV referral system underwent significant expansion by building/consolidating new partnerships and by introducing the referral systems to new regions and areas. This resulted in 1,217 new survivors being detected by frontline staff working in UNRWA’s main programmes (ie. Education, Health, and Relief and Social Services) and 2,0858 survivors accessing services. The services comprised psychological and social support, legal aid, and medical care, and were provided both internally, through...
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UNRWA’s GBV referral system underwent significant expansion by building/consolidating new partnerships and by introducing the referral systems to new regions and areas. This resulted in 1,217 new survivors being detected by frontline staff working in UNRWA’s main programmes (ie. Education, Health, and Relief and Social Services) and 2,0858 survivors accessing services. The services comprised psychological and social support, legal aid, and medical care, and were provided both internally, through UNRWA’s programmes, and externally, via external partners.
UNHCR continued its work, in partnership with with civil society, to ensure a holistic response for survivors of SGBV, including through establishment of safe spaces in centres in Lebanon, which are not specifically created for services provision to SGBV survivors, in order to avoid stigmatization of SGBV survivors seeking support; establishment of “centres d’écoute” for counselling services to SGBV survivors in Mali; establishment of family counselling mechanisms and community protection...
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UNHCR continued its work, in partnership with with civil society, to ensure a holistic response for survivors of SGBV, including through establishment of safe spaces in centres in Lebanon, which are not specifically created for services provision to SGBV survivors, in order to avoid stigmatization of SGBV survivors seeking support; establishment of “centres d’écoute” for counselling services to SGBV survivors in Mali; establishment of family counselling mechanisms and community protection committees in Yemen to address domestic violence among Somali refugees; training in Burkina Faso for its staff and partners working with camp-based and urban refugees resulting in revisions to the SOP on SGBV in light of the changing situation in the Malian crisis.
In April and June 2013, UNODC organized expert group meetings, held in Bangkok, to respectively develop the Handbook for Prosecutors dealing with cases of violence against women and girls and the Implementation action plan for criminal justice systems to prevent and respond to violence against women.
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In April and June 2013, UNODC organized expert group meetings, held in Bangkok, to respectively develop the Handbook for Prosecutors dealing with cases of violence against women and girls and the Implementation action plan for criminal justice systems to prevent and respond to violence against women.
The ESCWA Centre for Women (ECW) completed a regional study and policy brief on “Multi-sectoral efforts and partnerships to address violence against women in the ESCWA Region”, in partnership with ABAAD, to examine services provided by the State and civil society institutions and enhance their role in protecting and rehabilitating survivors of VAW. Another study in 2013 focused on “Trafficking of women and children in the Arab Region: A regional perspective” to analyze State responses to...
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The ESCWA Centre for Women (ECW) completed a regional study and policy brief on “Multi-sectoral efforts and partnerships to address violence against women in the ESCWA Region”, in partnership with ABAAD, to examine services provided by the State and civil society institutions and enhance their role in protecting and rehabilitating survivors of VAW. Another study in 2013 focused on “Trafficking of women and children in the Arab Region: A regional perspective” to analyze State responses to trafficking in persons as manifested in national laws, action plans and strategies.
UNDP supported the provision and improvement of multi-sectoral services through the establishment of referral systems in Somalia; a UN Trust Fund to End VAW project as well as development of guidelines and training in Serbia; increased access to justice for survivors in Sierra-Leone as well as in Somalia with the expansion of mobile courts to remote areas; enhanced legal aid in LAC, Montenegro, Pakistan, Somalia, and Sri Lanka; capacity development of shelters in Albania; development of minimum...
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UNDP supported the provision and improvement of multi-sectoral services through the establishment of referral systems in Somalia; a UN Trust Fund to End VAW project as well as development of guidelines and training in Serbia; increased access to justice for survivors in Sierra-Leone as well as in Somalia with the expansion of mobile courts to remote areas; enhanced legal aid in LAC, Montenegro, Pakistan, Somalia, and Sri Lanka; capacity development of shelters in Albania; development of minimum standards for SOS hotline services provision and capacity development of service providers in Serbia, as well as support to perpetrators programmes; support to networks of women living with HIV in Cambodia to highlight issues such as forced abortions and sterilizations; a Rapid Assessment of Institutional Readiness to Deliver GBV/HIV Services; and counselling in Madagascar. In India, following the gang rape case in December 2012, UNDP provided technical assistance to the Government to set up a model One Stop Crisis Centre in Delhi and provided global best practices to the Justice Mehra Committee on the issue.
WHO launched a programming tool: “16 ideas for addressing violence against women in the context of the HIV epidemic” during the16 days of activism campaign against gender-based violence which provides programme managers with effective interventions to prevent and respond to violence against women.
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WHO launched a programming tool: “16 ideas for addressing violence against women in the context of the HIV epidemic” during the16 days of activism campaign against gender-based violence which provides programme managers with effective interventions to prevent and respond to violence against women.
The ILO Better Work programme has continued developing tools to prevent and address sexual harassment in garment factories following surveys with workers which revealed this issue being of significant concern. A factory kit with different awareness raising material directed to management, supervisors and garment workers has been developed and disseminated and piloting of factory-level training in has been conducted in Jordan. More information is available at:...
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The ILO Better Work programme has continued developing tools to prevent and address sexual harassment in garment factories following surveys with workers which revealed this issue being of significant concern. A factory kit with different awareness raising material directed to management, supervisors and garment workers has been developed and disseminated and piloting of factory-level training in has been conducted in Jordan. More information is available at:
OHCHR in collaboration with WHO, UNICEF, and UNFPA has developed a Technical Guidance on the application of a human rights-based approach to implementation of policies and programmes for the reduction of preventable maternal mortality and morbidity in a variety of contexts and intends to pilot it also in partnership with the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health.
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OHCHR in collaboration with WHO, UNICEF, and UNFPA has developed a Technical Guidance on the application of a human rights-based approach to implementation of policies and programmes for the reduction of preventable maternal mortality and morbidity in a variety of contexts and intends to pilot it also in partnership with the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health.