UNRWA has created a number of tools to support enhanced Agency capacity to address GBV in emergencies, including UNRWA Guidelines for GBV Risk Mitigation in Emergencies (2017) and a GBV Training Package (2018).
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In Lebanon, UNRWA participates in the inter-agency national Sexual Gender Based Violence Taskforce (SGBVTF) and Child Protection in Emergencies Working Group aimed at providing services to Palestine refugees fleeing Syria to Lebanon through coordinated camp-based mapping of GBV and child protection services, capacity building, and case management. In Syria, UNRWA is part of the UN protection working group and participated in the GBV national matrix in addition to mapping available services for...
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In the context of armed conflict and the ongoing crisis in the occupied Palestinian territory, UNRWA supports women with the provision of temporary employment, with psycho-social support to family members, provision of shelter and emergency food and cash support. This emergency support is critical considering the drastic economic and social decline being experienced by Palestinians in the occupied territory, which has contributed to increased levels of social violence, including gender-based...
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