Prevention, Including Awareness Raising and Advocacy
Mar 2011 - Feb 2012
In the Caribbean, the UN Women-spearheaded Partnership for Peace (PfP) Violence Intervention Programme, which was approved in 2010 in Barbados during the launch of the UNiTE campaign, is operating in Grenada, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Belize and British Virgin Islands, It has been designed to encourage men to take accountability for their actions and to support them in achieving a violence-free lifestyle. This program is aimed at men who perpetrated violence against women and have been taken to court...
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In the Caribbean, the UN Women-spearheaded Partnership for Peace (PfP) Violence Intervention Programme, which was approved in 2010 in Barbados during the launch of the UNiTE campaign, is operating in Grenada, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Belize and British Virgin Islands, It has been designed to encourage men to take accountability for their actions and to support them in achieving a violence-free lifestyle. This program is aimed at men who perpetrated violence against women and have been taken to court for this crime. To date 300 men have gone through this programme that uses a psycho-educational approach to show that violent habits can be replaced with respect, open communication and healthy relationships.
Mar 2011 - Feb 2012
UN Women in the Asia-Pacific region has partnered with UNDP, UNFPA and UNV for the Regional Joint Programme “Partners for Prevention: Working with Boys and Men to Prevent Gender-based Violence Regional Joint Programme, which takes a coordinated approach to support primary prevention of gender-based violence with the deeper involvement of boys and men.
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UN Women in the Asia-Pacific region has partnered with UNDP, UNFPA and UNV for the Regional Joint Programme “Partners for Prevention: Working with Boys and Men to Prevent Gender-based Violence Regional Joint Programme, which takes a coordinated approach to support primary prevention of gender-based violence with the deeper involvement of boys and men.
Mar 2011 - Feb 2012
UN Women leads the MDG-Fund Gender programme in Morocco, a substantial joint programme involving 13 ministries and 8 UN agencies which has supported a coordinated multi-agency response to prevent violence against women and girls.
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UN Women leads the MDG-Fund Gender programme in Morocco, a substantial joint programme involving 13 ministries and 8 UN agencies which has supported a coordinated multi-agency response to prevent violence against women and girls.
Mar 2011 - Feb 2012
Issue # 10 of Words to Action, UN Women’s quarterly newsletter on violence against women, was produced, with a feature article on reparations for women who have been subjected to violence.UN Women supported an International Conference of Islamic Scholars (Ulemas) of West Africa, Egypt and Sudan on the position of Islam regarding harmful practices perpetrated on women, at the issue of which a regional fatwa (sharia law ruling) banning female genital mutilation was adopted. This fatwa has become...
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Issue # 10 of Words to Action, UN Women’s quarterly newsletter on violence against women, was produced, with a feature article on reparations for women who have been subjected to violence.UN Women supported an International Conference of Islamic Scholars (Ulemas) of West Africa, Egypt and Sudan on the position of Islam regarding harmful practices perpetrated on women, at the issue of which a regional fatwa (sharia law ruling) banning female genital mutilation was adopted. This fatwa has become a key instrument to raise the awareness of the population on this issue.
Mar 2011 - Feb 2012
In India, UN Women is supporting a social media campaign to engage young men for the prevention of violence against women and girls (VAWG) through the ‘MUST BOL’ campaign, a call to young people to examine violence in their lives and speak out against it. Must BOL has reached over 10,000 people through social media platforms. The campaign is being expanded from Delhi to other parts of India (see UN Women also supported a One Million signature campaign in Pakistan...
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In India, UN Women is supporting a social media campaign to engage young men for the prevention of violence against women and girls (VAWG) through the ‘MUST BOL’ campaign, a call to young people to examine violence in their lives and speak out against it. Must BOL has reached over 10,000 people through social media platforms. The campaign is being expanded from Delhi to other parts of India (see UN Women also supported a One Million signature campaign in Pakistan focused on public awareness-raising on some of the pending legislations and for the effective advocacy and lobbying for pro-women legislations at the provincial level. The Elimination of VAWG Alliance provincial chapter was launched in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. See
Mar 2011 - Feb 2012
In Algeria, UN Women provided support to the national mechanism for women human rights to carry out the national campaign on violence against women, under the framework of the Africa UNiTE campaign to end violence. For the first time, the civil society working on violence against women has been clearly invited by the Ministry to present their work and achievements and to join their efforts to address this issue.
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In Algeria, UN Women provided support to the national mechanism for women human rights to carry out the national campaign on violence against women, under the framework of the Africa UNiTE campaign to end violence. For the first time, the civil society working on violence against women has been clearly invited by the Ministry to present their work and achievements and to join their efforts to address this issue.
Mar 2011 - Feb 2012
UN Women carried out advocacy on the situation and conditions of Palestinian women in Israeli prisons internationally, through multi-media, itinerant, and photo exhibit.In Algeria, UN Women supported the advocacy efforts carried out by the AVIFE non-government organization, which is part of the Wassila network, on domestic violence and its impacts on women and children both at national and local level: The second edition of the “Black Book” on domestic violence was published and workshops for...
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UN Women carried out advocacy on the situation and conditions of Palestinian women in Israeli prisons internationally, through multi-media, itinerant, and photo exhibit.In Algeria, UN Women supported the advocacy efforts carried out by the AVIFE non-government organization, which is part of the Wassila network, on domestic violence and its impacts on women and children both at national and local level: The second edition of the “Black Book” on domestic violence was published and workshops for non-government organizations were conducted in 3 regions. UN Women also supported the Ytto Foundation advocacy efforts to end forced marriage of minor girls and regularization of customary weddings in Morocco through caravans known as “Caravan of Peace, Equality and Citizenship.” In 2011, the caravan covered more than 20 villages in remote areas. A documentary film on this issue was also produced which had a powerful impact on decision-makers. As a result, the Minister of Justice has launched missions led by judges and court clerks to ensure registration of customary marriages and enrolment in vital statistics of children born out of such marriages.UN Women organized a regional seminar in Morocco with the participation of counseling centers from Morocco, Algeria, and Mauritania. Participating non-governmental organizations acquired a better understanding of the importance of working in networks and of the process of campaigning, and have exchanged best practices on ending gender-based violence.
Mar 2011 - Feb 2012
In the Dominican Republic, UN Women has printed and distributed 100 T- shirts with the UNITE logo. The Interagency Gender Group, to which UN Women is the leading agency in the Dominican Republic, organized a peer working breakfast on “role and responsibilities of the Media on ending violence against women” with Mass Media, led by the Argentinean journalist on gender Liliana Hendel.
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In the Dominican Republic, UN Women has printed and distributed 100 T- shirts with the UNITE logo. The Interagency Gender Group, to which UN Women is the leading agency in the Dominican Republic, organized a peer working breakfast on “role and responsibilities of the Media on ending violence against women” with Mass Media, led by the Argentinean journalist on gender Liliana Hendel.
Mar 2011 - Feb 2012
Gender-based violence prevention has been integrated into urban upgrading through the Barrios de Verdad (Real Neighborhoods) World Bank project in Bolivia. The project operates in collaboration with UNIFEM, now part of UN Women, and DFID in sixteen poor neighborhoods in La Paz. Along with other activities the project built indoor sanitation facilities and street lighting to improve pedestrian mobility and women’s security, which are said to have decreased outdoor violence against women. Several...
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Gender-based violence prevention has been integrated into urban upgrading through the Barrios de Verdad (Real Neighborhoods) World Bank project in Bolivia. The project operates in collaboration with UNIFEM, now part of UN Women, and DFID in sixteen poor neighborhoods in La Paz. Along with other activities the project built indoor sanitation facilities and street lighting to improve pedestrian mobility and women’s security, which are said to have decreased outdoor violence against women. Several urban transport projects financed by the World Bank now include in their design indoor sanitation facilities and street lighting to improve pedestrian mobility and women’s security.
Mar 2011 - Feb 2012
The UN Women Safe Cities Free of Violence against Women and Girls Global Programme has continued to support national partners in five countries (Ecuador, Egypt, India, Papua New Guinea and Rwanda) to produce, test and offer for wide application and upscaling by local governments, a set of model approaches for preventing and reducing sexual violence against women and girls in public spaces in cities, and to expand its full impact potential for strengthening women’s empowerment, and enhance the...
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The UN Women Safe Cities Free of Violence against Women and Girls Global Programme has continued to support national partners in five countries (Ecuador, Egypt, India, Papua New Guinea and Rwanda) to produce, test and offer for wide application and upscaling by local governments, a set of model approaches for preventing and reducing sexual violence against women and girls in public spaces in cities, and to expand its full impact potential for strengthening women’s empowerment, and enhance the quality of city life for all. Holistic programming includes building multisectoral partnerships in the areas of community mobilization, engagement of grassroots women, youth, men and boys, private sector, police, media; policy advocacy with local governments on practical urban safety measures, gender responsive budgeting, services provision for victims of violence. The focus of the country activities is on some of the most impoverished areas of the participating cities (Cairo, Kigali, New Delhi, Port Moresby and Quito). UN Women partners in this programme are UN Habitat, UNDP, UNFPA, UNESCO.