ESCAP conducted regional research on South Asia (2000), and national research on violence against women in Bangladesh (1999).
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The main focus of ECLAC’s activities in addressing violence against women is research. Efforts have included: development of a theoretical and methodological framework aimed at the construction of indicators; collection of available statistical data and information on existing legislation, programmes and public policies; analysis of good practices; and understanding the relationship between gender-based violence and poverty.
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ESCAP helps to catalyze gender analysis and policy-making among Member States at the governmental level through ESCAP subsidiary bodies. It serves as a coordinating body and forum of discussion and policy development on gender-based violence issues through the organization of expert group meetings, intergovernmental meetings, and thematic seminars. Recent examples include a sub-regional seminar on using legal instruments to combat trafficking in women and children (2001) and a series of expert...
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ECA supported 12 countries to undertake field studies using the African Gender and Development Index. The 12 pilot countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Egypt, Ghana, Madagascar, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia and Uganda) have collected qualitative data on domestic violence, harmful practices, rape, sexual harassment and trafficking in women. They assessed the extent to which governments have ratified international conventions, met all reporting requirements, passed...
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UNFPA supports and advocates for attention to the macro-economic impact of gender-based and the costs of interventions to prevent it; for the inclusion of the costs of gender-based violence in gender equality and health accounts, as well as the provision of more resources for such efforts; and for the mapping of existing programmes and projects and the sharing of good practices to address gender based violence across regions.
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UNDP supports research for policy development, the collection of data disaggregated by sex and the development of databases on gender issues.
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In the area of counter-trafficking, IOM undertakes research and publishes the findings about the situation of trafficking in specific countries and/or regions. A recent publication gave an assessment of changing patterns and trends of trafficking in persons in the Balkan region. IOM also maintains one of the largest international trafficking database which contains health related information to facilitate planning and programmatic actions.
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In the framework of its project to fight human trafficking in Africa, UNESCO carries out research on factors leading to human trafficking in 6 pilot countries (Benin, Nigeria, Togo, Lesotho, Mozambique and South Africa) and proposes concrete recommendations.
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UNICRI developed databases in Costa Rica and Thailand, in 2005-06, that collected and analyzed judicial cases of trafficked minors.
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UNICRI’s anti-trafficking projects include a specific assessment component aimed at the collection and analysis of information and data on trafficking patterns and modalities, routes and flows and existing counter-trafficking measures. UNICRI carried out research on trafficking in women for sexual exploitation in the Philippines (2002), Nigeria and Italy (2003), Czech Republic (2004), the Balkans (2004 and 2006), Poland (2005), Germany and Romania (2005). Under the programme of action against...
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