International Labour Organization
Examples of advocacy-focused workshops in 2019 include:
• Design Thinking Lab on Violence at Work, held 14-15 February 2019 for ILO staff and academics, at the Turin-based ILO International Training Centre (ITC)
• ILO joined the 16 days against violence against women campaign 2019 by undertaking an awareness-raising social media campaign
Fact sheets and other policy briefs on relevant issues in 2019 include those published on:
• Sexual harassment and Gender Gaps at Work
• HIV-Related Violence and Harassment in the World of Work
• Domestic Violence and its Impact on the World of Work
• Violence and Harassment Against Persons with Disabilities in the World of Work
The ILO also developed different audiovisual items to promote Convention No. 190 as well as to raise awareness on the topic of violence against women.
The ILO has supported the Ministry of Labour of Brazil to produce and disseminate training and information materials about sexual harassment at work, including a guide on responses to sexual harassment and a video series of five episodes.