United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) is an autonomous research institute within the UN system that undertakes interdisciplinary research and policy analysis on the social dimensions of contemporary development issues. Through our work we aim to ensure that social equity, inclusion and justice are central to development thinking, policy and practice.
Areas of Focus
In the 2016-2020 Institutional Strategy, conflict and associated violence as well as gender inequality are identified among the three overarching challenges (inequalities, conflict, unsustainable practices) the UNRISD agenda and strategy must directly respond to. The gendered implications of violent urban settings for women and girls is mentioned as a potential research topic. Violence against girls is covered in a joint research activity (2017-2018) with the Unicef Office of Research Innocenti on Transformative Change for Children and the SDGs. A joint publication with Unicef is forthcoming. Violence against women featured prominently in the UNRISD project When and Why Do States Respond to Women's Claims? Understanding Gender-Egalitarian Policy Change in Asia (2013-2016; final publications 2018). Relevant publications are listed below.
Jacqui True, Ending Violence Against Women in Asia: International Norm Diffusion and Global Opportunity Structures for Policy Change. Working Paper 2016-5, Geneva: UNRISD.
Paola Cagna and Nitya Rao, Feminist Mobilisation for Policy Change on Violence Against Women: Insights from Asia (Gender & Development, 24:2, July 2016, pp. 277-290)
UNRISD. 2016. Confronting Violence Against Women: The Power of Women's Movements (Research and Policy Brief 21), Geneva: UNRISD.
Chigateri, Shraddha; Mubashira Zaidi and Anweshaa Ghosh. 2016. Locating the Processes of Policy Change in the Context of Anti-Rape and Domestic Worker Mobilisations in India. Research Report. Geneva: UNRISD.
Policy Innovations in Response to Gender-Based Violence Are Pushing the International Agenda, UNRISD interview with Jane Hodges: http://www.unrisd.org/80256B3C005BE6B5/(httpNews)/5A4EB81F8691F343C12581CC00557AAC?OpenDocument