Enhanced Capacity of UN Entity in Relation to Violence Against Women
UNODC established a new professional network on violence against women, composed of staff working on gender-based violence across UNODC, in order to more effectively assist countries in preventing and responding to violence against women.
UNODC conducted an internal survey on efforts and potential progress regarding gender equality and the empowerment of women in accordance with Sustainable Development Goal 5 of the 2030 Agenda. The results indicated increased internal knowledge and understanding due to the provision of accessible and regular information, as well as gender being included more clearly in the 2030 Agenda and given greater priority. Respondents indicated that further training was needed, especially regarding project development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Furthermore, the appointment of a dedicated gender focal point and the adoption of a clear gender strategy were mentioned as helpful to facilitating greater progress.
Protection Policy is being updated in November 2020. A cross cutting theme identified is Gender Based Violence, which will set the direction for broader Mainstreaming across programmes. This will be of closer focus over the coming years to build on existing initiatives and create opportunities for new programmes.
In 2019 UNRWA dedicated crucial efforts to standardizing and institutionalizing GBV related interventions in interplay with evidence from recently developed monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. Combining different tools and methodologies developed between 2017 and 2019, UNRWA developed a capacity building approach, finalized in 2019, that worked on changing knowledge, practice, and attitudes of staff in a large organisation (with over 30,000 staff) that provide direct services to over 5 million Palestine refugees. The 2018 field-specific capacity-building plans continued to be implemented in 2019 and integrated the latest tools: the on-the-job-coaching and the UNRWA GBV competency framework.
UNHCR has improved data management and analysis on SGBV, which strengthened programming and enhanced services for survivors and those at risk. Moreover, UNHCR has deployed senior-level protection staff to ten emergency operations in 2019, covering all L3 emergencies, where they strengthened coordination among partners, ensured access to quality of SGBV services, trained staff, and worked with diverse communities to address SGBV. An evaluative review found that this technical support increased the efficiency of SGBV programming from 35% to 82%, and increased coverage of SGBV programming from 25% to 59%. Moreover, SGBV mainstreaming projects have been implemented in areas such as livelihoods, energy and cash-based interventions.
The United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women is the only global grant-making mechanism exclusively dedicated to eradicating all forms of violence against women and girls. The UN Trust Fund is managed by UN Women on behalf of the UN system and involves 24 UN organs and bodies in its decision-making processes through Regional and Global Programme Advisory Committees (PACs). With the strong institutional support of UN-Women and its regional, multi-country and country offices and working closely with the rest of the United Nations system through its inter-agency Programme Advisory Committee, the UN Trust Fund plays a vital role in driving forward collective efforts to prevent and eliminate violence against women and girls.
ILO was member of a panel, held 9 September 2019 in New York by UNFPA and UN Women, on “Where do we stand within the UN system on addressing sexual harassment?”, which was part of a special briefing for UN system gender focal points on progress against sexual harassment.
ILO held a webinar on Convention No. 190 for UNWOMEN ECA RO staff on September 18th, 2019.
ILO also held seminars, webinars and training sessions for ILO staff both at HQ and in the field on the new ILO Convention NO. 190.
In 2019, DPPA prepared a “Standard Operating Procedure Guidance Development” (effective 1 January 2020), which includes gender as a cross-cutting issue to be mainstreamed into draft guidance, in consultation with relevant UN entities/offices. The DPO-DPPA Policy and Best Practice Database (PPDB) includes a dedicated section on WPS, that contains policies, guidelines, Standard Operating Procedures and best practices in related to gender and WPS. DPPA has also developed a gender page on the UN Peacemaker website, which will be launched in early 2020, and which includes a dedicated section on sexual violence in conflict.
In November 2018, the SRVAW and the CEDAW Committee agreed on a Framework of Cooperation as a means of strengthening already established cooperation on combating violence against women in line with their respective mandates, and to advance the rights of women and girls by preventing and combating gender based violence, and supporting the implementation of the Convention and its General Recommendation 35.
Cairo Regional Bureau (RBC) RBC gender hosted a session in collaboration with UN Women on The Costs of GBV in November 2018. The session discussed: Costs of GBV; Gender Status Update from the Arab States (Gaps and Opportunities); Gender and SDGs (Zero Hunger); HerStory Zero Hunger: WFP and UN Women collaboration
Dakar Regional Bureau (RBD)
Ecuador Country Office
El Salvador Country Office |
WFP actively participates in the interagency group, with contributions in the revision of the Spotlight strategy
During the reporting period UNRWA developed capacity building plans to extend and improve its capacity to respond, mitigate and prevent GBV in emergencies. The capacity building plans include tools to improve staff knowledge, attitude, and practice when addressing GBV. Further a monitoring and evaluation framework is in place to measure the change generated by the capacity building efforts.