Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
Mar 2013 - Feb 2014
The Gender Equality Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has designed an analysis matrix for identifying fair gender equality policies which proposes an assessment of the capacity of public policies to tackle: (a) socioeconomic injustice, (b) legal and cultural injustice, and (c) representation injustice. This initiative aims to highlight fair policies from a gender perspective as well as their assessment and implementation. During the reporting period, ECLAC has identified...
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The Gender Equality Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has designed an analysis matrix for identifying fair gender equality policies which proposes an assessment of the capacity of public policies to tackle: (a) socioeconomic injustice, (b) legal and cultural injustice, and (c) representation injustice. This initiative aims to highlight fair policies from a gender perspective as well as their assessment and implementation. During the reporting period, ECLAC has identified and included in the Gender Equality Observatory two fair equality policies related to gender-based violence: Maria da Penha Law 11,340 (2006) in Brazil, which recognises the right of every woman to live a life without violence and considers this type of aggression a threat to women’s rights; and the policy against gender violence in Uruguay.The National Advisory Council for Combating Domestic Violence in Uruguay drafted, in accordance with the law, the First National Plan to Combat Domestic Violence as well as a National Strategy to Eradicate Gender-Based Violence (