United Nations Human Settlements Programme
Oct 2010 - Feb 2011
As part of the Strengthening Community Safety through Local Government Capacity-Building project being implemented in Kingston, Jamaica in partnership with UN HABITAT-UNDP, a two-day women’s safety audit training for local government community workers and other key stakeholders was organised in October 2010. The trained community workers are conducting safety audits with women in the communities in partnership with Huairou Commission and the University of Technology, Jamaica. With the aim to...
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As part of the Strengthening Community Safety through Local Government Capacity-Building project being implemented in Kingston, Jamaica in partnership with UN HABITAT-UNDP, a two-day women’s safety audit training for local government community workers and other key stakeholders was organised in October 2010. The trained community workers are conducting safety audits with women in the communities in partnership with Huairou Commission and the University of Technology, Jamaica. With the aim to support and strengthen the capacity of the Nigerian National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) in countering organized crime groups involved in trafficking of minors and young women for sexual exploitation from Nigeria, UNICRI submitted a project proposal based on current assessment of NAPTIP’s requests and operational needs.
Oct 2010 - Feb 2011
Within the joint MDG funded project on “building social cohesion” UN-HABITAT has conducted a training needs assessment, also on women’s safety UN-HABITAT is just embarking on the safety assessment of 13 municipalities, results to be presented during a restitution workshop in mid-October. In conjunction with the restitution workshop, a training will also be conducted on safety tools and women’s safety audits. Training of trainers on conducting women’s safety audits was conducted in October 2010.
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Within the joint MDG funded project on “building social cohesion” UN-HABITAT has conducted a training needs assessment, also on women’s safety UN-HABITAT is just embarking on the safety assessment of 13 municipalities, results to be presented during a restitution workshop in mid-October. In conjunction with the restitution workshop, a training will also be conducted on safety tools and women’s safety audits. Training of trainers on conducting women’s safety audits was conducted in October 2010.
Oct 2010 - Feb 2011
UN HABITAT continues to support the NGO Jagori in the implementation of the project called “Youth and Girls Safety”.UN-HABITAT and WICI developed the background document on girls and urbanization for the Plan International Publication “Because I am a Girl”. UN-Habitat attended the launch of the PLAN report “ Because I am a Girl” in Nairobi and Kampala. An expert working group on “girls’ safety in cities” will be based on the recommendations of the publication.The Third International...
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UN HABITAT continues to support the NGO Jagori in the implementation of the project called “Youth and Girls Safety”.UN-HABITAT and WICI developed the background document on girls and urbanization for the Plan International Publication “Because I am a Girl”. UN-Habitat attended the launch of the PLAN report “ Because I am a Girl” in Nairobi and Kampala. An expert working group on “girls’ safety in cities” will be based on the recommendations of the publication.The Third International Conference on Women’s Safety: Building Inclusive Cities was held in New Delhi, India in November 22nd to 24th 2010, with the participation of stakeholders from 41 countries and 60 cities. The conference was co-organised by Women in Cities International and Jagori, in collaboration with UN-HABTIAT, UNIFEM, and the Huairou Commission with the support from the Department for International Development of the United Kingdom, the Canadian Government, the Interchurch organisation for development co-operation (ICCO), the Evangelischer Entwicklingsdienst (EED), UNICEF, the German NGO Freidrich Ebert Stuftung, CITYNET, the Australian Government, Red Mujer y Habitat America Latina, and Plan International. The conference resulted in the Delhi Declaration.