World Health Organization
Feb 2017 - Apr 2018
Based on the UN framework for the prevention of violence against women, WHO, with UN Women, developed and is finalising an 8-page policy-maker friendly, infographic brochure to package the evidence about risk and protective factors , what works for prevention categorised into 7 prevention strategies., and how to scale up proven interventions This brochure packages simple key messages about the evidence on prevention in a user friendly way.
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Based on the UN framework for the prevention of violence against women, WHO, with UN Women, developed and is finalising an 8-page policy-maker friendly, infographic brochure to package the evidence about risk and protective factors , what works for prevention categorised into 7 prevention strategies., and how to scale up proven interventions This brochure packages simple key messages about the evidence on prevention in a user friendly way.
Mar 2013 - Feb 2014
The Parenting Project Group of the WHO Violence Prevention Alliance, co-led by UNICEF and the University of Cape Town, launched the ‘Parenting Programmes for Preventing Violence: A Toolkit for Understanding Outcome Evaluations’ report with the aim of providing technical support to those implementing parenting programmes at the country level.
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The Parenting Project Group of the WHO Violence Prevention Alliance, co-led by UNICEF and the University of Cape Town, launched the ‘Parenting Programmes for Preventing Violence: A Toolkit for Understanding Outcome Evaluations’ report with the aim of providing technical support to those implementing parenting programmes at the country level.
Mar 2011 - Feb 2012
WHO reported that the 5th Milestones of a Global Campaign for Violence Prevention Meeting was held in Cape Town, South Africa. Under the theme "Joining forces, empowering prevention" almost 300 experts from more than 60 countries discussed progress in WHO's Global Campaign for Violence Prevention and strategized the way ahead by developing a global plan of action for 2012-2020. A special session during the meeting was dedicated to new research and effective interventions to address intimate...
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WHO reported that the 5th Milestones of a Global Campaign for Violence Prevention Meeting was held in Cape Town, South Africa. Under the theme "Joining forces, empowering prevention" almost 300 experts from more than 60 countries discussed progress in WHO's Global Campaign for Violence Prevention and strategized the way ahead by developing a global plan of action for 2012-2020. A special session during the meeting was dedicated to new research and effective interventions to address intimate partner and sexual violence. Details on the session can be found at:
Mar 2011 - Feb 2012
WHO is developing an implementation research project to identify ways to scale up effective violence against women prevention interventions in the context of national AIDS plans and programmes.
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WHO is developing an implementation research project to identify ways to scale up effective violence against women prevention interventions in the context of national AIDS plans and programmes.
Mar 2011 - Feb 2012
In WHO, the 16-days of activism campaign was accompanied by joint efforts of several departments through a web feature with 16 facts on violence against women, a poster exhibition and facts on violence against women disseminated via facebook and twitter throughout the 16 days of the campaign. More information on the campaign is available at:
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In WHO, the 16-days of activism campaign was accompanied by joint efforts of several departments through a web feature with 16 facts on violence against women, a poster exhibition and facts on violence against women disseminated via facebook and twitter throughout the 16 days of the campaign. More information on the campaign is available at:
Mar 2011 - Feb 2012
WHO developed a capacity-building package on primary prevention of intimate partner and sexual violence accompanying the guidelines “Preventing intimate partner violence and sexual violence against women: taking action and generating evidence.” Three regional workshops on primary prevention of intimate partner and sexual violence were conducted for policy makers and implementers from several countries in the African Region, the Western-Pacific region and the Americas. On the basis of the...
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WHO developed a capacity-building package on primary prevention of intimate partner and sexual violence accompanying the guidelines “Preventing intimate partner violence and sexual violence against women: taking action and generating evidence.” Three regional workshops on primary prevention of intimate partner and sexual violence were conducted for policy makers and implementers from several countries in the African Region, the Western-Pacific region and the Americas. On the basis of the feedback of the workshops the training package was revised. The training package is currently being translated into Spanish. It can found in English at:
Mar 2010 - Sept 2010
WHO/PAHO organized a workshop on the prevention of intimate partner violence and sexual violence with participants from four Latin American countries, aimed at introducing concepts of primary prevention, reviewing the evidence and encouraging development of country prevention initiatives.
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WHO/PAHO organized a workshop on the prevention of intimate partner violence and sexual violence with participants from four Latin American countries, aimed at introducing concepts of primary prevention, reviewing the evidence and encouraging development of country prevention initiatives.
Oct 2009 - Feb 2010
WHO held the Fourth Milestones Meeting of the Global Campaign for Violence Prevention in September 2009, focusing on strengthening violence prevention.
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WHO held the Fourth Milestones Meeting of the Global Campaign for Violence Prevention in September 2009, focusing on strengthening violence prevention.
Oct 2008 - Feb 2009
The Violence Prevention Alliance and the Global Campaign for Violence Prevention supported by WHO aimed to strengthen the role of public health in the prevention and response to violence, including against women. As part of the Global Campaign for Violence Prevention, WHO is giving increased attention to the primary prevention of intimate partner violence and sexual violence. WHO also worked with the International Federation of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to advocate against the...
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The Violence Prevention Alliance and the Global Campaign for Violence Prevention supported by WHO aimed to strengthen the role of public health in the prevention and response to violence, including against women. As part of the Global Campaign for Violence Prevention, WHO is giving increased attention to the primary prevention of intimate partner violence and sexual violence. WHO also worked with the International Federation of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to advocate against the medicalization of FGM.
Jul 2007 - Jan 2008
WHO has continued to provide technical support to Member States on request, including on health sector response, and primary prevention. Within the framework of violence prevention, WHO emphasizes the role of public health in the prevention and response to violence against women. WHO is actively advocating against the medicalization of female genital mutilation.
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WHO has continued to provide technical support to Member States on request, including on health sector response, and primary prevention. Within the framework of violence prevention, WHO emphasizes the role of public health in the prevention and response to violence against women. WHO is actively advocating against the medicalization of female genital mutilation.