United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Under the Spotlight Initiative join programmes for Mexico and Kyrgyzstan, UNODC promoted protection, support and services for victims and survivors of gender-based violence.
In Viet Nam, UNODC continued technical support to Domestic Violence Rapid Response Teams, composed of police officers, Women’s Union leaders and volunteers, providing immediate support and options to survivors, facilitating prosecution of perpetrators and supporting a zero tolerance culture towards gender-based violence in the community.
In Egypt, the UNODC established the first secure area for female victims of violence at the East Alexandria Court.
In the State of Palestine, UNODC supported the HAYA Joint Programme, providing comprehensive care for survivors, including psychological counselling and legal assistance.
In Kyrgyzstan, UNODC developed a one-stop service centre to improve victim assistance strategies and streamline support services.
View MoreIn Egypt, the UNODC established the first secure area for female victims of violence at the East Alexandria Court.
In the State of Palestine, UNODC supported the HAYA Joint Programme, providing comprehensive care for survivors, including psychological counselling and legal assistance.
In Kyrgyzstan, UNODC developed a one-stop service centre to improve victim assistance strategies and streamline support services.
Protection and assistance for victims of trafficking and victims of aggravated smuggling are issues addressed in all training and capacity building work concerning trafficking in persons that UNODC undertakes. All UNODC responses, activities and publications on trafficking in persons are gender- and age-responsive, human-rights-based and victim-centred.
UNODC manages the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking, which financially supports grass-roots NGOs who provide direct and immediate assistance to victims of trafficking. 90% of projects support victims who are women or girls. Donations are collected from 31 States and 32 private companies. So far, USD 3.5 million have been distributed to 60 NGOs world-wide. Currently, a fourth round of applications is being evaluated by the Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Section (HTMSS) with over 330 NGOs applying for grants between USD 5,000-60,000 each.
In Guatemala, as part of the Office’s support to National Civil Police under the Joint UN Global Programme on Essential Services for Women and Girls subject to Violence, UNODC supported the attribution of additional functions to citizen service offices to help better support victims of gender-based violence.
Protection and assistance for victims of trafficking in persons are cross-cutting issues addressed in all training and capacity building work concerning trafficking in persons that UNODC undertakes.
UNODC manages the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking, that financially supports grass-roots NGO who provide direct assistance to victims/survivors of human trafficking. During the reporting period the Trust Fund provided grants to 21 projects across the globe, mainly focusing on women and girls, particularly those trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Further, in 2017, the Trust Fund launched a call for proposals for its third grant cycle starting in 2018, prioritising projects assisting women and girl victims coming out of a context of armed conflict, as well as refugee and migration flows.
In the State of Palestine, UNODC supported six doctors in completing their four-year training programme in foresing medicine, which helped them to examine cases of sexual and gender based violence in West Bank forensic medicine clinics.
UNODC is working together with UN Women, UNFPA, UNDP and WHO to implement the UN Joint Global Programme on Essential Services for Women and Girls subject to Violence in pilot countries, including Egypt, Guatemala, Peru, Pakistan, Tunisia and Viet Nam.