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Launched in 2017 with an initial investment of over 500 million USD from the European Union, Spotlight Initiative is the United Nations Secretary-General’s High Impact Initiative to end violence against women and girls (EVAWG). Recognized as one of the 12 High-Impact Initiatives – driving progress across the sustainable development goals – Spotlight Initiative represents an unprecedented global effort to address violence against women and girls at scale.
During its first phase (2017- 2023), Spotlight Initiative helped cohere the UN system to implement 34 programmes across five regions. This included two civil society grant-making programmes – established in collaboration with the UN Trust to End Violence against Women and the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund – which helped channel additional resources directly to civil society. By fostering a “One UN” approach under the leadership of the Resident Coordinators at the country level, Spotlight Initiative has leveraged various UN agencies’ complementary expertise, deepened collaboration, and streamlined operational processes, allowing for stronger programme delivery and better results for women and girls.
Through its deep partnerships at country and regional level – including with governments, civil society, faith-based and traditional leaders, academic institutions, media, the private sector, and others – Spotlight Initiative drove significant progress across response and prevention efforts. A strong commitment to meaningful engagement with civil society in particular, including local and grassroots organisations and feminist and women’s rights groups, has been central to the Initiative’s approach, as well. Under its first phase, nearly half of the Initiative’s activity funds were channeled directly to civil society, ensuring local ownership, buy-in, and sustainability of the Initiative's investments. At the global level, the Initiative forged a range of strategic partnerships, including with the Group of Friends, a coalition of 93 UN Member States advocating to end violence against women and girls, and the UN Foundation, which helped launch the WithHer Fund to channel more funding directly to local organizations.
Through its comprehensive approach – working to pass progressive laws and policies, strengthen institutions, deepen prevention programming, improve access to services, and generate data, and by centering partnerships – particularly with civil society – the Initiative has been shown to be 70% to 90% more effective at reducing the prevalence of violence against women and girls than siloed, single-pillar approaches. By aligning its interventions with national and local priorities, Spotlight Initiative works to deepen capacity, political will, and long-term commitment to ending violence against women and girls and advancing gender equality and women’s rights.
Areas of Focus
Unique to the Initiative is a whole-of-society approach that places ending violence against women and girls at the heart of national development priorities and gives local communities the tools they need to address violence in their specific context. The model works to support the development and revision of gender responsive laws and policies; strengthen institutions and data collection on VAWG; promote gender-equitable attitudes and positive social norms, and provide quality services for survivors of violence and their families. It does this work in partnerships with government and, critically, with civil society and women’s movements at every level, enhancing civic space and driving sustainable, transformative change.
DPO collect data through qualitative and quantitative reporting to monitor progress, trends, and challenges including on protection and prevention to ending violence against women. Through WPS quarterly reporting, the peacekeeping operations report on gender-based violence incidents and survivors, gender responsive patrols by the military and police and local early warning mechanisms for prevention.
During the reporting period, Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Arrangements (MARA) on Conflict-Related Sexual Violence (CRSV) were operational in MINUSMA, MINUSCA, MONUSCO, UNMISS, UNAMID and were central to peacekeeping efforts to address CRSV including through enhanced information sharing across civilian, police, and military mission components and the broader UN family and NGOs. The MARA supported the development of comprehensive analysis on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic; supported the facilitation of the timely referral of survivors to essential services; supported to the development of action plans for implementation of national CRSV commitments; and informed targeted advocacy and sensitization efforts. Analysis from the MARA Working Groups also provided substantive content for the Secretary General’s Annual Report on Conflict-Related Sexual Violence with respect to the DRC, CAR, Mali, Sudan and South Sudan, including the “listing” of parties credibly suspected of committing or being responsible for CRSV.
UN Women integrated the key performance indicators for the prevention of sexual misconduct from the 2020 QCPR monitoring framework into the Integrated Results and Resources Framework (IRRF) of its Strategic Plan 2022-2025. Using those indicators, UN Women will provide regular updates on its continued efforts on preventing SEA and SH within the Strategic Plan reporting framework.
Following the recommendations of the EGM on Data and VAWP held in December 2019, UN-Women has embarked on developing harmonized survey-based data collection tools that can be used across countries to generate comparable data. As a first step, in 2020, country projects on measuring violence against women office holders (members in parliament and local government) and election candidates were developed in Georgia and Nepal. The fieldwork, data sets, and methodological lessons learned in the two countries, as well as surveys in the Arab Region are expected by the end of 2021.
In Chile, within the framework of the constitutional reform process, and to support mitigation of negative perceptions of women’s political leaders, UN-Women has embarked on a systematic analysis and monitoring of hate speech and online violence against women in politics within the framework of the constitutional process. Initial efforts included real-time monitoring and analysis of 100 million websites and more than 1 billion public data publications through Big Data (Brandwatch Consumer Research). Additionally, UN-Women focused on identifying negative social media content and raise awareness on its negative impact not only on women with an active role in politics but also on the advancement of a public agenda with a gender perspective. The data generated will continue informing policy-oriented advocacy strategies to position gender equality issues in the new constitution (report available here: Link).
In Ecuador, UN Women in partnership with Fundación ESQUEL published a qualitative study on cyber violence experience by women in politics during the 2019 elections ( Available here). This study complements study on Study Violence Against Women in Politics Ecuador conducted with Fundación ESQUEL and published in 2019 (available here).
UN Women ESARO in partnership with UNW HQ organized a training on “VAW Prevalence Data” was organized for UN Women, Government Ministries of Gender and Statistics, UNFPA and WHO participants in Mombasa, Kenya. A total of 38 participants attended from 11 countries in the region. Following the training at least 4 country offices initiated the “VAW Prevalence Data” program in Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania. Having focused data on VAW will help the policy makers and development partners in having targeted interventions in creating a safe VAW free environment for women and girls.
In Tanzania, UN Women played a key role in conducting the Social Institution and Gender Index (SIGI) Tanzania survey by providing technical support on sampling, budgeting, conducting the main survey and reporting writing. The survey will produce the gender data related to discriminatory laws through the collection of consistent, high quality data. One such study is a gender analysis of customary justice systems to ensure that evidence is generated for advocacy at national level to support advocacy calling for the review of customary laws. The findings of the survey will be available in 2020.
In Kenya, UN Women supported in the establishment of the county-based network of S/GBV survivors and through the launch of the S/GBV case data collection mobile application. KCO piloted the use of the mobile application to test its efficacy as a response to the challenges of S/GBV data collection at community level.
2018 Public Perceptions of Gender Equality and Violence Against Women in the Western Balkans and Turkey
The infosheets present the key findings of a baseline survey conducted in selected communities of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo (Under UNSCR 1244), North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey. The infosheets provide insight of current and dominant attitudes and perceptions (and the factors that influence them) toward gender equality and violence against women at community level.
Sexual Harassment and other Forms of Gender based Violence in Urban Spaces in Albania
This study looks at the different dimensions of sexual harassment and other forms of gender based violence against Albanian women and girls in urban public spaces particularly in the cities of Shkodra and Korça. It focuses primarily on women and girls’ perceptions of safety and the impact this issue has on their lives, as well as the forms of violence they experience and what strategies they have at their disposal to cope with the violence. The report also contains general and specific recommendations for each of the municipalities involved in the study in order to improve the conditions and take the necessary measures and actions to turn the studied areas into safe areas for women, girls, boys and men. All findings presented in this report are a result of: 500 survey interviews in the two municipalities (Shkodra and Korça), two Focus Group Discussions with 16 participants and two Structured Observations.
Analysis of the Cost of Domestic Violence: Estimating the Cost of Multi-sectoral Response at the Local Level in Bosnia and Herzegovina
With the ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention), Bosnia and Herzegovina committed to establishing, developing or enhancing a wide range of general and specialist services for survivors of domestic violence. While the country has a satisfactory legislative framework, which prescribes the obligation to prevent and protect women from different forms of violence, survivors are still faced with various obstacles to accessing a number of services including health, social, and legal support. With this analysis, UN Women seeks to support national efforts in informed planning and decision-making by providing an estimate of current allocations of existing services that are rendered in response to domestic violence at the local level. Furthermore, the analysis defines recommendations for enhanced financing of basic and specialized services and multi-sectoral approach in line with the requirements of the Istanbul Convention. The significance of the first such analysis in the country is the estimated value of survivors' direct and opportunity costs of domestic violence. The study employed qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis, and included data collected from questionnaires targeting relevant institutions and beneficiaries.
Review of the Multi-sector Approach to Domestic Violence at the Local Level in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Coordination is a central element of the response to domestic violence and violence against women and is crucial both to the victims or survivors and the institutions that respond. This report reviews the viability of applying this approach to the establishment and functioning of multi-sector referral mechanisms at the local level in Bosnia and Herzegovina as the central element of the multi-sector response. The review includes the analysis of the most relevant international and domestic legislation, guidelines and standards on applying a multi-sector response to domestic violence and violence against women in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Furthermore, in-depth information on the multi-sector referral mechanisms was collected in six selected locations through semi-structured interviews conducted with the relevant representatives of the multi-sector teams, gender mechanisms and non-governmental organizations. The gathered information highlighted the three main aspects of an effective and coordinated multi-sector response:
1) The capacities of the multi-sector referral mechanisms,
2) The quality of the service provided by the multi-sector referral mechanisms and
3) Their sustainability beyond the duration of the projects through which they were established.
Data collection ‘by and for’ minoritized women
Collecting data and conducting research on all forms of violence against women and girls (VAWG) is critical in order to design relevant policies and measures needed to protect and support women and to eliminate VAWG. This policy brief examines the lack of data on violence against minoritized women and highlights the importance of utilizing an intersectional approach to data collection and engaging ‘by and for’ in the data collection process.
Regional report on discrimination of Roma women in the area of healthcare, child marriages and support and protection in cases of domestic violence
The Regional Report examines the violence and discrimination faced by Roma women in the areas of health care, child marriage, and institutional protection and support in cases of domestic violence. Based on survey findings in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. The report reveals shocking levels of violence against Roma women, as well as the prevalence of discrimination that prevents Roma women from accessing services and institutional protection in cases of violence. These patterns of violence and discrimination are examined vis-à-vis states' obligations to comply with anti-discrimination and anti-violence frameworks, such as national legislation, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), and the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (the Istanbul Convention). This report was developed under the EU-UN Women regional programme 'Ending violence against women in the Western Balkans and Turkey: Implementing Norms, Changing Minds'.
Making Progress in Prevention Possible
Developed by UN Women and the Equality Institute, this regional framework to monitor progress on VAW prevention responds to the increasing recognition of the importance of gender sensitive data to guide and monitor evidence-based policies and to the need for a prevention monitoring framework contextualized to the Asia-Pacific region. The purpose of this framework is to guide policymakers and practitioners through the key components for building a prevention framework, and to illustrate how to measure change in the short, medium and long term, using an intersectional and whole-of-population approach.
Big Data Study
In COVID-19 and Violence Against Women: The evidence behind the talk, UN Women, in partnership with UNFPA and Quilt AI, conducted analysis of social media big data in eight countries: Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Thailand, the Philippines and Singapore. The analysis explored COVID-19 and online perceptions and concerns on violence against women across Asia and the Pacific. It identified trends from discourse data generated across social media platforms and search engines to inform programming and campaigns on EVAW.
ICT-related VAWG
With the growing reach of the Internet, the rapid spread of information and communications technologies (ICTs) and the wide diffusion of social media, new forms of violence against women and girls have emerged online. UN Women’s multi-country study on Online violence against women in Asia focused on five Asian countries – India, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines and the Republic of Korea – and investigated forms of online violence, legislation and policies governing digital spaces, and how to prevent and respond to this type of violence. The study found that ICT-related violence is common in all five countries and that women and girls are at higher risks of violence in digital spaces: offline violence against women and girls is replicated online.
UN Women, in partnership with UNFPA and UNICEF, undertook a study on the intersections of Violence against Women and Violence against Children in Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, and Viet Nam. Based on the country studies, the regional report explores opportunities and challenges for collaborative and integrative approaches that meet the specific needs and rights of both women and children.
Decision tree: Data collection on Violence Against Women Migrant Workers
This decision tree helps organizations working on violence against women migrant workers decide when and how to best collect data on women migrant worker’s experiences of violence and their access and use of relevant services. These organizations include service providers, policymakers, national statistical offices, and development partner agencies. This decision tree guides data collectors through the various considerations, viable options, and alternative data sources for obtaining information without jeopardizing participants’ safety or the data’s integrity. The decision tree explores three types of data: prevalence data, administrative data and qualitative data. It was adapted from the Decision Tree: Data collection on violence against women and COVID-19, by UN Women, UNFPA/kNOwVAWdata and WHO.
UN Women Albania supported an analysis of the Albanian legislation in the area of violence against women and girls in politics and a media monitoring of the 2021 parliamentary elections, which identifies possible areas/provisions that could be amended to address VAWE.
UN Women Bosnia and Herzegovina supported development of a first ever Baseline Study on Criminal Justice Protection, Legal and Social Position of Victims of Sexual Violence in BiH. Findings and policy recommendations from the Study provides clear directions for further engagement in improving social and institutional response to sexual violence. The scoping study on sexual harassment in public spaces in Banja Luka was conducted. The findings on the gaps and challenges in legal and institutional frameworks as well the attitudes around SH against women and girls were used for development of a 5-year strategy for addressing SH in public space in Banja Luka.
To generate data on the sexual harassment (SH) and other forms of sexual violence against women and girls (SVAWG) in public spaces UN Women conducted a comprehensive assessment of the risks and experiences of sexual violence encountered by women in conflict-affected Novoaydar and Zolote, Luhansk oblast and Soledar and Toretsk, Donetsk oblasts. This UN Women Multi-site Scoping Study on sexual harassment and other forms of sexual violence against women and girls in public spaces in Eastern Ukraine includes the findings of the Safety Audits of public spaces, as well as the results of online surveys and focus group discussions conducted with women from these communities.
With the expert support provided by UN Women Ukraine 11 Safety Audits of public spaces were conducted by grass root women’s groups in Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts, generating data for the ongoing policymaking aimed at strengthening the investment in gender-responsive urban planning and public infrastructure.
To assess the access of victims/survivors of domestic violence to civil court protection measures and generate evidence for the need to build the capacity of local authorities, law enforcement and judiciary on enhancing the access to justice of victims/survivors of domestic violence through survivor-centred planning, budgeting and coordination UN Women Ukraine conducted an “Assessment of civil court decisions on the issuance of protection orders against domestic violence perpetrators.”
To measure progress on transforming the beliefs and attitudes of women and men on gender norms, power relations and gender-based discrimination and violence in three Ukrainian conflict-affected regions UN Women conducted the “Interim survey of public perceptions and attitudes towards gender-based violence against women in Donetsk, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts..”
UN Women Ukraine in partnership with Internews Ukraine has conducted a content analysis of the regional and local media in 7 target regions based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of gender-sensitive stories produced by local and regional media.
In Moldova, UN Women CO supported capacity building activities so that over 73 specialists, including two men and 70 women from 35 social assistance territorial units have enhanced skills and are fully equipped on collecting administrative data on EVAW, by applying improved Annual Statistical Survey n.9 “Domestic Violence”.
An integrated and unified database for cases of domestic violence was developed with UN Women, Kosovo office support. The database in hosted and managed by the Office of the National Coordinator against Domestic Violence/Deputy Minister of Justice and enable the monitoring and prosecution of domestic violence cases in Kosovo, and ensure accountability, by obliging relevant institutions to feed the database with the necessary information from central and local levels.
In Tajikistan: The publication Men and Women in Tajikistan has most up-to-date, sex-disaggregated and comparable data (over time and across the major regions of the country), particularly important for measuring differences in the situation of women and men (i.e. gender gaps), in line with Beijing PoA priority areas and 14 SDGs identified as relevant to Tajikistan. As stated in the National Statistics Development Strategy (2019), “CEDAW convention, Beijing Platform for Action, and SDGs are major catalysts for the collection, analysis and use of sex-disaggregated data and gender statistics”; gender and other variables become a priority in order to fully measure and address gender inequalities, and ensure gender equality by 2030.
UN Women contributed to this provision technical assistance and support in data collection, analysis, and presentation in the publication.
The major partner was the State Statistical Agency under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, who lead the process from the GoT side.
UNDP has been striving to collect and analyse evidence that will be a baseline for all activities to achieve gender equality and end GBV.
In 2020, UNDP Timor-Leste under the Spotlight Initiative conducted a baseline study on Gender-Based Violence and an assessment of laws, policies, and practices affecting gender equality and gender justice in the country. The baseline is being used to provide tailored support to the National Parliament and others, on legislative amendments to align Timorese legislation with international standards.
UNDP India undertook a study to understand the social and the economic impact on women migrant workers. This report, published in July 2020, collected evidence from 12 states (both interstate and intrastate).
In the Dominican Republic, UNDP presented infographic based on an analysis of violence against women differentiated across the life cycle. It includes advances in the legal framework, challenges, and data on intrafamily and domestic violence, sexual violence and femicide.
In Honduras, UNDP and USAID conducted analysis and presented infographic to make visible and recognize the situation of violence against women, based on the evidence. It contains the main needs and demands of women as rights holders, to reinforce achievements and make sustained progress towards equality.
UNFPA supports the global geospatial knowledge platform to assist in knowledge sharing related to the prevalence of intimate partner violence for 119 countries and their subregions. A geospatial dashboard on IPV was launched in December 2020, and an accompanying report on IPV data was published in May 2021.
During emergencies, UNFPA is a lead agency in enabling safe and ethical service data collection and management, including coordinating the GBV Information Management System (GBVIMS) Steering Committee (UNFPA, UNICEF, UNHCR, IRC and IMC). Online (Primero/GBVIMS+) and offline (GBVIMS) GBV case management and incident monitoring systems facilitate safe and ethical GBV data collection and sharing in order to support a continuous process of evaluation in the improvement and coordination of services to ensure that survivor-centered care is supported, and support quality service provision by providing a set of tools which help service providers to support survivors in an integrated manner. GBVIMS and GBVIMS+ are currently used by 159 non-governmental organisations (139 national and 20 international) and engage 12 UN entities in 25 countries.
At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, UNFPA was at the forefront in projecting the impact of women and girls. In April 2020, UNFPA, Avenir Health and Johns Hopkins University published modelled data on the impact of the pandemic on gender-based violence, female genital mutilation and child marriage. This model has been highly cited to exemplify the devastating effects of the pandemic on efforts to end VAW. UNFPA estimated that if the lockdown continued for 6 months, 31 million additional gender-based violence cases could be expected, and for every 3 months of continued lockdown, an additional 15 million additional cases of gender-based violence were to be expected. It was also estimated that 2 million cases of FGM and 13 million cases of child marriage that could have been otherwise prevented, would occur as a consequence of the pandemic.
UNFPA is undergoing a costing exercise for GBV programs at country level. By August 2021, the cost of UNFPA’s GBV prevention and response programmes had been estimated for 9 countries.
As of 2021, 15 GBV prevalence surveys and 24 countries have benefited from the kNOwVAW data capacity building initiative. This initiative also supported 9 countries in the Asia Pacific to publish reports with findings of a VAW prevalence survey.
In November 2020, the East Asia and Pacific Regional Offices of UNFPA, UN Women and UNICEF launched a joint study exploring and illustrating the interlinkages between violence against women and violence against children in four countries, namely Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and Viet Nam.
During the last quarter of 2020, UNCHR's registration and case management system, ProGres v4, was upgraded. The operationalization of the CP and GBV modules was supported through a series of trainings and tailored technical support provided to country operation to increase their awareness and understanding of the new enhancements. The continued deployment of the ProGres v4 CP and GBV modules has increased the ability of operations to standardize and disaggregate the GBV and CP Case Management data for program quality and trend analysis.
The collection of survivors' personal data concerning GBV incidents is carried out only if the survivor has consented and wishes to be referred for protection or assistance in accordance with the GBV Guiding Principle and data protection principles, as outlined in UNHCR's GBV Policy. In the case of children, specific procedures for obtaining consent/assent from parents/caregivers and/or children are required, in adherence with the best interests of the child.A standardized GBV Safety Audit tool has been developed to assess and monitor overall safety and GBV risk mitigation and response measures in operations, and to collect site-level information. Operations are utilizing the tool to inform programming.
UNODC, through its Center of Excellence in Statistical Information on Government, Crime, Victimization and Justice in Mexico, continued to develop a statistical framework for the measurement of gender-related killing of women and girls. Together with UN Women, UNODC launched a Global Consultation on a Common Statistical Framework on Gender-Related Killings of Women and Girls (Femicide/Feminicide). This initiative responds to the 2019 request by the UN Statistical Commission to develop such a framework, based on the International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes. National institutions, civil society organizations and academics all over the word were invited to participate in the consultation and submit their responses.
In Kyrgyzstan, UNODC supported the use of gender-disaggregated statistical forms of gender-related crimes to be included in the electronic crime registry.UNODC published the study "Abused and Neglected - A Gender Perspective on Aggravated Migrant Smuggling Offences and Response", which found that despite recurring cases where smuggled persons' life and safety is put at risk or where they are subjected to inhuman or degrading treatment there is little to no evidence of judicial responses to put an end to their impunity.
WFP updated its corporate results framework in 2019. Through 2020 WFP worked with a variety of actors to document the ways in which WFP activities and operations can contribute to GBV mitigation and strengthen its evidence base on the relationship between GBV, nutrition and food security. These initiatives will inform the corporate result framework update in 2021.
Working with FAO and the GBV Accountability Framework to develop a proposal with a global focus. The proposal provides a working framework for regional bureaux and country office on how to engage with GBV actors and seeks to document good practices that contribute to GBV risk mitigation.
Collaboration between WFP and SIPRI with a focus on GBV and conflict. The objective of this research is to understand to what extent WFP has taken steps to integrate the WPS agenda through its programming and the effects thereof, in order to enhance WFP’s design and delivery of programming that are gender equitable. The research will inform WFP’s understanding of conflict- and gender-related analysis and resulting specific country needs, and how to address these through WFP’s Country Strategic Plans. Further, it will provide ground for building WFP’s ability to define its role in inter-agency commitments to conflict-, security- and gender-related issues, in line with a particular support to the women, peace and security agenda.
WFP also launched the “Gender Equality for Food Security” (GE4FS) measure. The GE4FS measure is a globally applicable instrument that looks at the interconnectedness of dis/empowerment and food in/security. The GE4FS measure combines the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) and a gender equality component. The gender equality component is a set of 18 questions exploring five dimensions of personal empowerment. It is important to have this data because gender and food – and the associated inequalities and insecurities – are two elements of the daily lives of all persons. 17 countries participated in this exercise.
ESCWA participated in several side events at the 65th session of the Commission on the Status of Women in 2021. This included:
ESCWA, in partnership with the Arab Institute for Women at the Lebanese American University, the Georgetown Institute for Women and Peace and Security (GIWPS), and the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), held a regional Capacity Development Workshop on the Women, Peace, and Security Index on 19-26 January 2021.