United Nations Children’s Fund
Jul 2007
UNICEF’s current round of Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys provides data on child marriage, on attitudes towards domestic violence, and on FGM/C. The Secretary-General’s study on violence against children includes as one of its principal recommendations that States develop and implement systematic national data collection and research, calling for the disaggregating of data by sex and emphasising this as a factor in strengthening child protection.
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UNICEF’s current round of Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys provides data on child marriage, on attitudes towards domestic violence, and on FGM/C. The Secretary-General’s study on violence against children includes as one of its principal recommendations that States develop and implement systematic national data collection and research, calling for the disaggregating of data by sex and emphasising this as a factor in strengthening child protection.
Jul 2007
UNICEF’s Innocenti Research Centre conducts research on UNICEF’s priority areas, including on violence against women and girls. UNICEF recently published a report and strategy for the abandonment of FGM/C within one generation and together with the Body Shop, it published a report “Behind Closed Doors”, on the impact of domestic violence on children.
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UNICEF’s Innocenti Research Centre conducts research on UNICEF’s priority areas, including on violence against women and girls. UNICEF recently published a report and strategy for the abandonment of FGM/C within one generation and together with the Body Shop, it published a report “Behind Closed Doors”, on the impact of domestic violence on children.
Jul 2007
In 2007, UNICEF’s State of the World’s Children report was entitled “Women and Children: The Double Dividend of Gender Equality”, which also included an analysis on the impact of violence against women on children.
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In 2007, UNICEF’s State of the World’s Children report was entitled “Women and Children: The Double Dividend of Gender Equality”, which also included an analysis on the impact of violence against women on children.
Jul 2007
In October 2006, together with OHCHR and WHO, UNICEF launched the UN Secretary-General’s study on violence against children. The study examined violence against children in a range of settings including: home and family, schools, workplace, institutions, and in the community. The study identifies violence against girls as a priority issue and acknowledges that girls face greater risks of neglect and sexual violence than boys.
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In October 2006, together with OHCHR and WHO, UNICEF launched the UN Secretary-General’s study on violence against children. The study examined violence against children in a range of settings including: home and family, schools, workplace, institutions, and in the community. The study identifies violence against girls as a priority issue and acknowledges that girls face greater risks of neglect and sexual violence than boys.