International Organization for Migration
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society. While not part of the United Nations system, IOM maintains close working relations with United Nations bodies and operational agencies, as well as with a wide range of international and non-governmental organizations. In addition, IOM is the designated cluster leader for camp management in humanitarian settings for natural disasters. Through its gender equality policy adopted in 2015, IOM is committed to ensuring that a gender perspective is mainstreamed throughout all IOM policies, activities and programming.
Policy framework
IOM's approach to addressing GBV is guided by the principles set out in IOM’s Institutional Framework for Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Crises (2018, “GBV in crisis framework”). Furthermore, in 2024 IOM launched a new Gender Equality Policy (having been adopted in late 2023). The IOM Gender Equality Policy 2024 emphasizes a “whole of organisation” approach, highlighting the importance of integrating gender considerations into all areas of IOM's work. This policy builds on previous progress and embodies an evidence and results-based approach that contributes to achieving institutional commitments on gender equality. The policy includes a focus on programmatic results from gender mainstreaming and targeted interventions including to address GBV, as well as enabling factors such as funding allocation, capacity requirements and achieving gender parity.
Areas of Focus
IOM primarily focuses on the three pillars of the GBV in crisis framework: mitigating risks, supporting survivors and addressing the root causes. However, IOM also works on human trafficking, predominately affecting women survivors. Furthermore, IOM’s approach includes ensuring that actions are taken to mainstream GBV across all IOM programmes, promoting safe and ethical GBV-related data collection, and strengthening engagement with women-led and women’s rights organizations to address GBV and promote gender equality.
IOM (2020). Displacement Tracking Matrix for GBV.
IOM (2024). Intersectional Gender Analysis Toolkit.
IOM (2024). Gender Equality Policy.
IOM participates in the IASC Gender Reference Group (GRG), including providing contributions for the development of the new IASC policy on gender equality and empowerment of women, and associated accountability framework during 2023 and 2024.
View MoreIOM participates in the IASC Gender Reference Group (GRG), including providing contributions for the development of the new IASC policy on gender equality and empowerment of women, and associated accountability framework during 2023 and 2024.
IOM is a key and active Core member of the GBV AoR and an active member of the GBV Guidelines Reference Group, contributing to tool development, capacity building, and resource provision to strengthen collective efforts on GBV risk mitigation, prevention and response.
As the co-chair of the Call-to-Action International Organization Working Group (IOWG) alongside UNHCR, IOM continued to advocate for GBV financing and contributed to initiatives engaging over 100 entities committed to strengthening accountability for GBV in emergencies. As a key commitment under the networks workplan, IOM co led the development of a mapping of existing GBV coordination mechanisms across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace nexus. IOM also represents the network in the UN Trust Fund mechanism to ensure alinement between the complimentary work on mapping funding barriers for Women led organizations.
As a member of the UN Transitional Justice Task Force, chaired by the OHCHR, IOM is contributing to promotion and strengthening of tools for redressing victims of grave human rights violations, including survivors of CRSV.
As one of the 2023-2024 ICAT co-chairs, IOM has committed to leading the development of an Issue Brief on Trafficking in Persons and Gender-Based Violence. This effort will be carried out through 2025.
IOM continues to host a Training Specialist from the IASC GBV Guidelines Implementation Support Team. The Specialist has, among other things, co-facilitated GBV Guidelines Rollout Trainings in Guatemala and El Salvador, and helped develop guidance for non-GBV specialists on how to respond supportively to a GBV disclosure in field locations where no direct GBV services are available. In addition, IOM continues to strengthen its partnership with the GBV AoR, particularly in the areas of rapid response capacities and information management. IOM is supporting interagency NORCAP, Regional GBV in Emergency Advisors to enhance regional rapid response and capacity building capabilities of the GBV AoR.