Enhanced Capacity of UN Entity in Relation to Violence Against Women
Jul 2007
DPKO gender units/advisers collaborate and partner with different units within a peacekeeping mission to combat violence against women, in particular those dealing with human rights, conduct and discipline, children, or HIV/AIDS, as is the case in Burundi.DPKO gender units in peacekeeping missions increasingly participate in country-based United Nations inter-agency initiatives and mechanisms to address gender-based violence against women, for example in Haiti, Democratic Republic of the Congo...
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DPKO gender units/advisers collaborate and partner with different units within a peacekeeping mission to combat violence against women, in particular those dealing with human rights, conduct and discipline, children, or HIV/AIDS, as is the case in Burundi.DPKO gender units in peacekeeping missions increasingly participate in country-based United Nations inter-agency initiatives and mechanisms to address gender-based violence against women, for example in Haiti, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia, Sudan and Burundi.
Jul 2007
In September 2005, a United Nations inter-agency working group on violence against women in all its manifestations, was established, coordinated by ECLAC, in order to strengthen, coordinate and integrate current activities carried out by the organizations of the United Nations in Latin America and the Caribbean in the area of violence against women. The working group prepared a regional contribution to the Secretary-General’s in-depth study on violence against women and an integral regional...
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In September 2005, a United Nations inter-agency working group on violence against women in all its manifestations, was established, coordinated by ECLAC, in order to strengthen, coordinate and integrate current activities carried out by the organizations of the United Nations in Latin America and the Caribbean in the area of violence against women. The working group prepared a regional contribution to the Secretary-General’s in-depth study on violence against women and an integral regional report that will be distributed to the Tenth Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean (Quito, Ecuador, August 2007).
Jul 2007
OCHA staff is sensitized on the prevention of gender-based violence, and all partners and staff are informed about applicable codes of conduct. The Office implements confidential complaints mechanisms on gender-based violence, including sexual violence against women and is responsible for managing the sexual exploitation and abuse focal point network.
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OCHA staff is sensitized on the prevention of gender-based violence, and all partners and staff are informed about applicable codes of conduct. The Office implements confidential complaints mechanisms on gender-based violence, including sexual violence against women and is responsible for managing the sexual exploitation and abuse focal point network.
Jul 2007
UNV carried out a corporate review of gender mainstreaming (Norrish, 2006) which made recommendations for strengthening performance in this area. As a result, UNV set up a Gender Action Team.
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UNV carried out a corporate review of gender mainstreaming (Norrish, 2006) which made recommendations for strengthening performance in this area. As a result, UNV set up a Gender Action Team.
Jul 2007
In November 2004, the World Bank held a workshop on “The Development Implications of Gender-Based Violence” to inform staff about the causes and development impacts of gender-based violence; and identify actions that the World Bank can take to address gender-based violence in its work. The workshop recommended that the Bank include gender-based violence in its core work and that further evidence of the costs of gender-based violence be gathered in order to convince client governments to take...
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In November 2004, the World Bank held a workshop on “The Development Implications of Gender-Based Violence” to inform staff about the causes and development impacts of gender-based violence; and identify actions that the World Bank can take to address gender-based violence in its work. The workshop recommended that the Bank include gender-based violence in its core work and that further evidence of the costs of gender-based violence be gathered in order to convince client governments to take action.