The World Bank
Mar 2012 - Feb 2013
The World Bank has approved two initiatives in 2012 to address prevention in urban contexts: the “Honduras Safer Municipalities” initiative focused on citizen security through integrated approaches (including through school-based GBV prevention programmes) and the “Urban Infrastructure Project (II) – Barrios de Verdad (Bolivia) upgrading 22 neighborhoods, benefitting 15,280 people through infrastructural improvements and the provision of technical assistance to municipalities in the planning,...
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The World Bank has approved two initiatives in 2012 to address prevention in urban contexts: the “Honduras Safer Municipalities” initiative focused on citizen security through integrated approaches (including through school-based GBV prevention programmes) and the “Urban Infrastructure Project (II) – Barrios de Verdad (Bolivia) upgrading 22 neighborhoods, benefitting 15,280 people through infrastructural improvements and the provision of technical assistance to municipalities in the planning, expansion and sustainability of urban service delivery.
Mar 2011 - Feb 2012
A Gender and Development Community of Practice was launched in November 2011, bringing together practitioners across the World Bank working on gender issues for events and learning, including on gender-based violence prevention.
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A Gender and Development Community of Practice was launched in November 2011, bringing together practitioners across the World Bank working on gender issues for events and learning, including on gender-based violence prevention.
Oct 2008 - Feb 2009
In December 2008, a senior World Bank manager made a presentation at the “Cairo Declaration on FGM + 5 Meeting”. In November 2008, the World Bank contributed to the “Women and Security” conference in Abu Dhabi, organised by the Arab Women's Organizations.
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In December 2008, a senior World Bank manager made a presentation at the “Cairo Declaration on FGM + 5 Meeting”. In November 2008, the World Bank contributed to the “Women and Security” conference in Abu Dhabi, organised by the Arab Women's Organizations.
Jul 2007
In preparation for the 2004 workshop, the World Bank’s Gender and Development Group organized a film series on gender-based violence. The World Bank has also funded activities of the “16 day of activism against gender violence” campaign in Indonesia.
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In preparation for the 2004 workshop, the World Bank’s Gender and Development Group organized a film series on gender-based violence. The World Bank has also funded activities of the “16 day of activism against gender violence” campaign in Indonesia.