International Labour Organization
Activities on training and capacity building in 2019 include:
- Two-hour session in October 2019 on Convention No. 190 and Recommendation No. 206, held at ITC for the global technical team of the ILO Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Branch
- Learning- track workshop on Tackling Violence and Harassment in the World of Word: Developing a Policy, held on 18-20 November 2019 for participants -- including representatives of ILO member States, and workers’ and employers organizations – during the ITC Gender Academy. The ITC Gender Academy is a global international event on gender, work and employment, gathering experts and successful practitioners. Cutting-edge topics are presented and discussed in a series of master classes with simultaneous interpretation into English, French, Spanish and Arabic. A range of elective workshops, including the sessions on violence and harassment, offer additional insight into specific subjects, develop skills and provide room for application and knowledge-sharing.
- From February to April 2019, six one-day courses on preventing and addressing gender-based violence in garment supply chains held for Fair Wear Foundation member brands in Zurich, Stockholm, Mechelen, Amsterdam, The Hague and Cologne
- Two-hour master class on Convention No. 190 and Recommendation No. 206 during the ITC International Labour Standards Academy, held in May 2019.
- Sensitization session on Convention No. 190 and Recommendation No. 206, held in October 2019 during annual meeting of all gender focal points from Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development and European Union delegations
- Lunch-time session in May 2019 at ITC on Convention No. 190 and Recommendation No. 206, for all Campus participants and staff
- In the framework of the WeEmpower Project, ILO is developing different training modules for policy makers and the private sector on the topic of violence and harassment in the world of work
- ILO carried out capacity building activities for social partners in Argentina and Nepal, among others, on Convention No. 190 and on gender-based violence in particular
The framework for ILO action to implement the June 2019 International Labour Conference Resolution concerning the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work was approved in the latter part of 2019 by the ILO Governing Body. The framework, among other things, included elements of a strategy for wide ratification of Convention No. 190 such as – and based on constituents’ requests -- promoting national reviews that assess relevant laws, collective agreements, policies and practices, and helping member States to understand what is required for effective implementation and possible future ratification.
Besides legislative reviews undertaken with a view towards the ratification of the Violence and Harassment Convention, No. 190, technical support and assistance in terms of legislative development remains at the heart of ILO’s core role. Therefore, support for legislative development is also provided by the Office through the comments and observations adopted by the ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations, as well as through the technical assistance provided in the adoption of labour laws, particularly those tackling sexual harassment.
On 21 June 2019 in Geneva, the International Labour Conference adopted the Violence and Harassment in the World of Work Convention (No. 190) and its accompanying Recommendation (No. 206), which are the first-ever international standards on this topic. The Conference also adopted the ILO Centenary Declaration for the Future or Work, expressing a clear commitment to a world of work that is free from violence and harassment.
ILO was member of a panel, held 9 September 2019 in New York by UNFPA and UN Women, on “Where do we stand within the UN system on addressing sexual harassment?”, which was part of a special briefing for UN system gender focal points on progress against sexual harassment.
ILO held a webinar on Convention No. 190 for UNWOMEN ECA RO staff on September 18th, 2019.
ILO also held seminars, webinars and training sessions for ILO staff both at HQ and in the field on the new ILO Convention NO. 190.
Examples of advocacy-focused workshops in 2019 include:
• Design Thinking Lab on Violence at Work, held 14-15 February 2019 for ILO staff and academics, at the Turin-based ILO International Training Centre (ITC)
• ILO joined the 16 days against violence against women campaign 2019 by undertaking an awareness-raising social media campaign
Fact sheets and other policy briefs on relevant issues in 2019 include those published on:
• Sexual harassment and Gender Gaps at Work
• HIV-Related Violence and Harassment in the World of Work
• Domestic Violence and its Impact on the World of Work
• Violence and Harassment Against Persons with Disabilities in the World of Work
The ILO also developed different audiovisual items to promote Convention No. 190 as well as to raise awareness on the topic of violence against women.
In collaboration with UN Women, the ILO published the Handbook “Addressing violence and harassment against women in the world of work” on March 2019. This manual, launched on the occasion of the annual session of the UN Committee on the Status of Women, provides a glimpse into emerging good practices to address violence and harassment against women in the world of work, by governments, employers and workers and their organizations, and civil society.
During 2019, the ILO has been involved in the Spotlight Projects in Argentina, Zimbabwe and Timor Leste, as well as in the Safe and Fair Project in the ASEAN Region, therefore joining efforts with UN entities and other actors to end violence against women.
In the framework of the WeEmpower Project, the ILO is elaborating illustrative good practices for businesses and policy makers including covering the topic of violence and harassment (V&H) against women and a guidance note for business on this theme.
1) Conducted open residential courses, focused on practical strategies to prevent and address violence and harassment at workplace level: "Violence and Harassment in the World of Work: what to do?" 19-23 Nov 2018, Turin - Language: English, French.
2) (In collaboration with Fair Wear Foudation whithin project "Safe and Equal") tailor-made trainings on prevention of Workplace Violence and Harassment for managers and/or workers' reps of garment factories in Indonesia (sept 2018), Vietnam (Oct 2018) and Myanmar (Dec 2018).
The ILO-GIP Project aims to reduce poverty and contribute to the empowerment of Myanmar women working in the garment industry by improving labour relations, social dialogue and gender equality. A report containing a gender equality assessment in several garment factories is expected to be released in September 2018.
View MoreThe ILO-GIP Project aims to reduce poverty and contribute to the empowerment of Myanmar women working in the garment industry by improving labour relations, social dialogue and gender equality. A report containing a gender equality assessment in several garment factories is expected to be released in September 2018.
The ILO Office in Brazil has developed a project to empower transgender persons in violent situations, especially those who are homeless, living in public shelters and engaged in prostitution, by providing them professional training in kitchen assistant.
View MoreThe ILO Office in Brazil has developed a project to empower transgender persons in violent situations, especially those who are homeless, living in public shelters and engaged in prostitution, by providing them professional training in kitchen assistant.
The ILO has embarked on a process towards the possible adoption of international labour standards on violence and harassment in the world of work. This is pursued through the International Labour Conference Standard Setting Committee on violence and harassment in the world of work, which is scheduled to meet on June 2018 and June 2019.